MFP Recommended Daily Goals HELP!!

My recommended seem low to me. I mean I am always over on my protein by lunch and 12 g fiber per day is crazy. Recommended is at least 25g. Is there a way to change these??

Totals 519 24 15 46 12 1,319
Your Daily Goal 1,200 165 40 45 14 2,500
Remaining 681 141 25 -1 2 1,181
CaloriesCarbs Fat Protein Fiber Sodium


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Click on goals and than change goals... click on custom.

    You can change your calories, fat amounts, fiber, protein etc etc there.

    MFP sets protein really low as it does for fiber as well.
  • krazykalltheway
    krazykalltheway Posts: 3 Member
  • rayyesnk
    rayyesnk Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I just joined MFP 3 days ago. The recommendations set for me seem low, too. The calories seem fine (1200) but the fiber and protein levels seem really low (14 and 45). I'm only trying to lose 10 lb. and I eat pretty healthy. But I realized I've been alot of fats (nuts, avocados,) and I normally eat WAY more fiber than 14g/day. I also eat more protein than 45g, and I'm a vegetarian.

    Is it ok to change the goals, and if so, what should I change them to? Will this affect my weight loss plan? Is it ok for those nutrient levels to go up as long as I'm not increasing my overall calorie intake?

    I wonder how they establish these daily goals because they do seem off!

  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi, I just joined MFP 3 days ago. The recommendations set for me seem low, too. The calories seem fine (1200) but the fiber and protein levels seem really low (14 and 45). I'm only trying to lose 10 lb. and I eat pretty healthy. But I realized I've been alot of fats (nuts, avocados,) and I normally eat WAY more fiber than 14g/day. I also eat more protein than 45g, and I'm a vegetarian.

    Is it ok to change the goals, and if so, what should I change them to? Will this affect my weight loss plan? Is it ok for those nutrient levels to go up as long as I'm not increasing my overall calorie intake?

    I wonder how they establish these daily goals because they do seem off!


    If you only have 10lbs to lose your weekly weight loss goal should be set at 0.5lbs per week which, if your settings are correct should bring you well above 1200 calories a day.

    You can manually change your goals. A lot of people recommend a carb/fat/protein ratio of 40/30/30 .. than set your fiber at whatever you prefer... I believe the norm is 25g plus a day.

    Changing your macros will not change your weight loss as weight loss is calories in vs calories out.

    MFP sets your calorie goal based on your activity setting and how many lbs you select to lose/gain per week. A lot of people go for far too high of a goal than they should.