Help ...I need motivation !

kpinky Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ,

Once again I am on a diet .....
I had read a lot of good things about this site and decided that this time I would lose "my excess baby weight " ...Can I just add that "my baby " is in fact 15 now !

The eating healthy side of things is going well and I normally have no problems consuming less than my 1200 calories BUT ...I just cant get my *kitten* in to gear !!!!

Has anyone got some good ideas ?

Thanks , K x


  • start slow. take walks to rev up your energy. the start walking with hand weights. pretty soon you'll have enough energy and motivation to do more vigorous activities!
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    The eating healthy side of things is going well and I normally have no problems consuming less than my 1200 calories BUT ...I just cant get my *kitten* in to gear !!!!

    That is going to be your first problem. 1200 is the MINIMUM your body needs to function. If you are repeatedly going under that all you will achieve is putting your body into starvation mode. Once there your metabolism will slow down and the weight loss will pretty much come to a grinding halt because your body starts storing everything going in to keep you going.

    You shouldn't be going under 1200 and if you're exercising as well you need to make sure you eat at least some those back as well as your other calories.

    In your case it is eat more to lose more (and yes it does work much better than starving yourself)
  • beMyself
    beMyself Posts: 29
    Figure out what kind of person you are.

    Water or Land, pick one.

    Are you competitive?

    Are you solitary?

    Would you pay for a class?

    Are you a VHS person?

    Are you a DVD person?

    Unsure? Then stay on MFP and ask more questions

    Are you an Outdoors type loner?

    Are you an Outdoors type with others?

    Are you a group person, do you need classes?

    Do like classes with strangers that you get to know?

    Do you mind classes with strangers - and then convince friends to join with you?

    Do you enjoy team sports like soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee, basketball, etc?

    So, believe it or not, I have asked myself all of these questions, and the answer to most of these questions for me is right now is Land, solitary, DVD, outdoors, and with others.
  • hellglory
    hellglory Posts: 2

    I am absolutly understand your problem, and i suggest you not to hate the sport, i mean if you tried to see the sport as a great thing, what can help you to be healthier and to feel happier, why wouldn't you do that?

    ( sorry about the grammar mistakes):laugh:
  • miverge
    miverge Posts: 1
    I had the same problem. Until my daughter suggested that I try this video: "Walk off Even More Weight" part of the "Walk your Way Thin" series by Leslie Sansone... It's only 30 minutes a workout and it's fun, brisk walking at home. 2 miles per workout. I have been doing it for a couple months now and it has been easier for me to go to the gym! I do it everyday, sometimes twice a day. Morning works best (before breakfast) because it gives me energy the whole day!

    I purchasedt it at walmart. What I like best about it is that it comes with a weight belt! Believe me it's a good workout to start with... fun too! Try it and let me know! Good luck :)
  • kpinky
    kpinky Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone ,

    Thanks for your advice ....
    I am making sure that I reach my 1200 calories and have finally got off the couch and making excuses !

    Karen x
  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Kpinky,

    Do not think of it as a diet; but as a lifestyle change. I do Walk at Home (Leslie Sansone) as well. I also do Turbo Jam and Hip Hop much fun! Good luck and stay motivated.
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