In need of help!

I have been working out for the past month now and have not lost a pound! I was losing and then I went off my diet plan and now that I have been back on I haven't even took off a pound. I need help at figuring this out if anyone can. I stopped my diary but now that I have noticed I am not losing I picked it back up to see where I am going wrong.


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    We can't give much help without seeing your diary. Food is the main part of weight loss.
  • I opened it but just started back logging.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I opened it but just started back logging.

    ^That's your problem.

    Keep logging everything. Most people really underestimate what they are actually eating if they aren't logging.
  • What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!
  • Although I just started back logging on here I have been following a lean diet plan off of with a few healthier snacking when I can't deni myself. The plan that I followed be for helped me lose 20lbs but now that I am back on it I see no result. If you have any helpful tips please let me know! I really want to finish what I have started.:smile:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!

    Exactly how was her post rude??? You asked for an explanation of why you might not be losing weight. She gave it to you - politely, I might add.

    Tracking consistently can be a HUGE factor in losing weight. You said yourself that you were losing weight when you were logging, ergo, log and you might have some more luck.
  • What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!

    Exactly how was her post rude??? You asked for an explanation of why you might not be losing weight. She gave it to you - politely, I might add.

    Tracking consistently can be a HUGE factor in losing weight. You said yourself that you were losing weight when you were logging, ergo, log and you might have some more luck.

    I second this (or is it third now lol). I've seen lots of articles that say that in studies for diet drugs, even the placebo group lose weight because everyone has to track every single thing they put in their mouth.

    Be diligent with logging what you eat! It will pay off!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I opened it but just started back logging.

    ^That's your problem.

    Keep logging everything. Most people really underestimate what they are actually eating if they aren't logging.


    The poster wasn't being rude by what they posted... they were giving proper advice.

    If you aren't actually tracking, measuring, etc that you really don't know how much you are eating. It's nearly impossible to know.

    Also, what worked in the past may not help you now. You need to track to know what you are eating, how much you are eating. Both for weight loss as well as something to look back on if you think you are suffering from any food related medical issues (sensitivities for example).

    When you have logged (I'm going based on the past two days) you haven't eaten even your daily goal.. let alone netting it. When you log your food don't use the generic or the homemade entries. You don't know how much of each ingredient the person who entered it used. You don't know if you used the same ingredients, same amounts, same brands, etc. Always use your own recipes for things when needed... double check the information from the package. Pay attention to portion sizes (a small carton of milk for example is two portions... most will not drink half and save half...same for a lot of bottles of pop, coffee drinks, smaller bags of chips, etc). Are you weighing all solids? Measuring all liquids? Or are you guessing/eyeballing it? Often we think a serving is larger than it really should be.

    Add sodium to your tracker. The processed foods you eat will contain a lot of it.

    Also, increase your protein. You need more than what you are consuming to protect your muscles and help them repair themselves. The setting on this site is far too low.

    Are you now tracking everything you consume? That lick of peanut butter from the knife... the sugar in teas/coffees, the sauces on foods, oils/butter/margarine used, dressings, etc? The little things add up. Track everything you do, exercise (change your exercise every few weeks) for a month and see what results you get. You need to be consistant.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!

    Sorry you got so offended.

    You posted that you weren't tracking your food and that you stopped losing weight. When you don't track, you don't really know what you are eating. Whether you like it or not, that's why you weren't losing.

    And I looked at your diary. You've been tracking again for 2 days. And you're upset that you haven't lost any weight? 1lb in 2 days is an unrealistic expectation.

    Once again, sorry that you thought I was rude for pointing out a potential solution to your problem. Good luck though!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!

    This is one of the smartest people on MFP. She has given really good advice to me and countless others about getting real with your diet and lifting. Not a thing rude about what she posted to you. :noway:
  • "Thats your fault" sounded a bit rude to me. Thankx for the info but I hadn't had a computer for a while to check in. This site is a great tool thats why I got back on as soon as I got my hands on a computer. I will take all in consideration.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    "Thats your fault" sounded a bit rude to me. Thankx for the info but I hadn't had a computer for a while to check in. This site is a great tool thats why I got back on as soon as I got my hands on a computer. I will take all in consideration.

    Read it again.

    I said "There's your problem."
  • Lol I did and it says That's....well I guess There's the miss understanding. I was being a bit over worked any how....this weight loss thing is a battle mentally and physically. I've been dealing with it to long and just won't to get over it! :sad: But sorry and thanx again.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Stress is one of the biggest barriers to getting fit :) It's more important to stay stress free and get a lot of rest than almost anything else you'll do.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Sorry I forgot to cite what I meant...check out this link :
  • What! If you got to be rude don't post on here. Thank you!

    Who was rude? I didnt see anyone being rude to you. Stop being so sensitive, if you dont want anyone's opinions or advice then dont post here.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Just out of curiosity - what do you think it might be?

    From your own research about this diet and how it is changing you and what it will do to your workouts, do you notice any red flags?

    Do you feel like you have enough energy on this plan to be able to complete workouts that honestly wipe you out?

    How hard have you been pushing yourself when it comes to burning your calories, whether you are able to stick closely to this diet or not?

    Is this something you are going to be able to do for life or are you just trying to lose a couple pounds before an event?

    If you dont think you can stick to this plan forever, when do you plan on ending it?

    lemmee know, I'd love to help.

  • funny how she never replied to anyone, removed her profile pic and made her account private