Need some new supportive friends!!!!



  • I've sent you a request, I aim to lose 60-75 pounds too.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Sent you a request, I have a 7 month old son and work part time. I do mall-walking on my lunch breaks(I work there) to squeeze in my exercise!
  • You are welcome to add me... I've just lost my first 10 of what I hope to become 100+.... I am on everyday and I enjoy acknowledging my friends when they are in need of help or have victories! You can do this!!! Lots of support on this site!
  • katierrt
    katierrt Posts: 113 Member
    you can add me! I'm pretty dedicated for an adhd'er... :)
  • Ms921
    Ms921 Posts: 17 Member
    Just sent you a request !
  • I'm new to this site so I'm not fully sure to send a friend request but if anyone wants to add me plz go ahead I'm more then willing to help you with your goal and hope you'll do the same... my cheerleader (aka my husband) has kinda of takin vacation lol I'm hoping to lose 50-60lbs myself. :) Together we shall all pervail! :)
  • Hey, I feel ya on the weight-loss struggle.
    I used to be norma (145) l, then after my son was born (he is 12 years old now) I weighed 225. When he was a year old, we moved to Alaska and I gained another 50 pounds.
    We moved to Georgia (2004 and yes, my hubby is a soldier so we move a lot) and I tried Jenny Craig. Lost 20 pounds and gained it all back on a 10 day vacation. Quit Jenny Craig.
    I did finally get my weight down to 147 but felt horrible so I gained 20 back. Trying to stay there.
    One thing that has REALLY WORKED for me was to simply put my microwave away!! No more easy access to food. If I wanted to snack, I would either have to cook for just myself (clean up too) OR eat something healthy, like fruits and salads. Not having the microwave also helped me with serving sizes during meals. I would prepare only enough food for the meal, the kids got seconds before me and there were never any leftovers (so much for fatty midnight snacks). In 9 months, I lost 47 pounds with very little effort.
    You have my support on reaching your goal.
    I hope my suggestion of "locking up the microwave" helps!!
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    im quite active - feel free to add if you need some support