Anyone else gain 60+ within 3 yrs in your 20's?

I'm 28 and getting married in May. When I met my fiance, I was 120 lbs. I am now over 175 lbs. This is obviously very concerning but my doctor says it is due to eating habits and no exercise, etc (blood work was looking good).

Ive been with my fiance for almost 3 years and he's one of those skinny guys who eats and drinks whatever he wants, Big Macs, blah blah. I LOVE this about him! But, now I don't know that I will be able to fit into my damn dress.

Anyone have similar stories?!


  • Cylic
    Cylic Posts: 4
    This is me almost to a T. I have been dating my boy friend for 5 years, but moved in with him about two and 1/2 years ago. In those 2 and 1/2 years I gained about 40 pounds. He eats every thing and and always comes home with delicious taco bell. He also eats VERY late, thus I always end up eating a little something late at night.... He's so tall and thin and I feel so awkward when people are like "oh you two are a couple?"
    And funniest thing of all...He loves me no matter how fat I get D: I feel like it's harder to loose weight when you are in a stable relationship because there is no one to impress haha!
    The wedding dress should work as a great goal for you! I'm sure you can do it, think of all those cameras *shutters* Hang in there!
  • amyJoxo
    Thanks for sharing. It does not help that I'm only 5 ft tall and yes, my fiance acts as though I have not gained a pound! Truth it, i miss my old cute girl days!

    Im just so sad I let myself get to this point. I dont know what the hell i was thinking? I have 4 months to put up or shut up, and I don't know if i have what it takes.
  • squirtgunsablzn
    good goal. ive gained 50 pounds in a year due to tearing a hamstring and havent been able to recoup very well. but just saty motivated to get in your dress and it'll happen.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I gained about 50 lbs and I am also a fellow shortie. I'm 4'11 on a good day, although my hair usually adds a few extra inches. Mine was a combination of very high stress from a job, eating habits, lack of exercise, and having undiagnosed celiac's. I've lost close to 30 lbs and was doing great until I started having to work almost full time while having to be in class and be a TA and research assistant another 35-40 hours a week. Haven't really gained, but I certainly haven't lost and I'm moving to Guam for school in 3 weeks, yikes!
  • Kristina_Victoria
    Kristina_Victoria Posts: 17 Member
    Was 130lbs. Met my boyfriend. Have been with him for 6 years. In those 6 years I've gained 90 FREAKIN lbs! I've been lazy and I would eat whatever I wanted to, no questions asked. I'm totally sick of it and I'm frankly disgusted with myself for getting to this point lol. I'm taking this very seriously because I miss not feeling exhausted and fitting into nice clothes :P
  • MissSaraSunshine
    Hi Amy!
    I am dealing with the same issue. I am soon to be 22, and I met my now husband my sophmore year of High School. I was 180 pounds. Before that time I had done weight watchers and it worked for me, soon after I stopped I gained all plus more of my weight back! I am not at 250 pounds, and I am looking to get back to my 180! Feel free to add me for encouragement. I'm in he same boat as you!
  • Scorcherpants
    Don't let your worries ruin your wedding though.I gained 23lb within a few months due to being put on steroids for asthma. The stress of wedding plans/relatives/lack of money literally made me ill. I went to the bridal shop in tears so sure the dress wouldn't fit. The ladies there were lovely, they said not to worry as the dress can always be altered at no extra charge. The good news was it wasn't necessary, My dress was a lovely fit! Try not to worry but enjoy planning everything while keeping up with diet and exercise. Oh and regarding being 5ft, if you want to add height, when choosing wedding flowers it would be a good idea to go for a long bouquet that isn't too wide. Possibly a teardrop bouquet with trailing ivy or a shower bouquet. I'm a qualified florist and make-up artist although these days I do more make-up.

    If you want any help or advice regarding your wedding, I'm always happy to help. (I'm not looking for work and it won't cost you anything, just happy to help) :-)
  • robertbixler3
    I'm 24, and at my highest I was 346, weighing about 300 when I was 20. I had been very active before so that helped keep my weight from being further out of hand than it already had been. 300 was out of hand but as you can tell it got a lot worse. It put a strain on my health and a lot of other aspects of my life, one being my relationship. I finally buckled down in January to remedy this.

    I think it was a combination of the life change we go through in our 20's, where we stop being forced to exercise in school, a great deal more stress is introduced, and a lot more freedom is placed in your hands. Keep up the weight loss! Don't let yourself lose sight of your motivation.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I gained around 80 lbs the year I turned 30 when I took on a super stressful project at work that had me working ridiculous hours seven days a week for most of the year. For the next dozen years I'd lose and gain back the same 20-30 lbs of it until last year at 42 I finally got serious about getting healthy again.

    It pretty much took a year to gain it and a year to get rid of it. Stay at a reasonable and consistent deficit and it will happen.