I'm new! Looking for friends :)

Hi , I'm Kara I'm a 21 year old college student. I've put on about 20 pounds since starting college and am now 150 lbs and looking to lose what I've gained. Hoping to find some new friends on here to help motivate me. Feel free to add me :)


  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    This is an awesome site! Nice to meet you :)
  • greycx
    Thank You!! It seems good so far especially the calorie counter. I'm hoping the community will make it easier to stick to a diet as it can be so hard to do alone!
  • BrittanyNicole0211
    Feel free to add me!
  • Navigator0811
    Feel free to add!
  • JemS_21
    JemS_21 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Jem, I'm 22. Although i've always had an on/off relationship with weight where I constantly gain/lose/gain/lose etc It's always been a healthy weight

    I graduated from uni in july 2011 and since moving home have realised that although i've again been puttin on/losing weight constantly, i'm now at the biggest i've ever been and I am unhealthy and feel it too! I look in the mirror and can actually see the weight ive put on...not to mention that half the clothes i fitted into a year ago no longer fit! :'(

    a target of 30lbs (2 stone) to lose in 6 months - achievable so long as I stick to my plan!

    Hoping to find some new friends on here to help motivate me. Feel free to add me :)
  • CortneyHicks20
    Welcome to MFP.