I Feel Really Good

So today I had the realization that I can lose weight and eat at the same time! I know that may sound odd, but many times my first resort to lose weight was to just go on an extreme diet or fast for a week or two until I saw results. Ive recently discovered a love for cooking and one thing getting me through this weight loss journey is knowing I just have a way to explore new recipes. Tonight for dinner I had a cauliflower pizza ( so many people are talking about them I had to try it :) ) and for desert I had strawberry greek yogurt. I knew I was improving yesterday when I came home frustrated from work and the first thing to come to my mind wasn't a hamburger ( I'm an emotional eater ), but instead I went home and baked a sweet potato. No one may read or reply to my post, but being able to talk about my goal to weightloss is also helping me stay strong and motivated. I wish everyone else luck with their goals.


  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    Hey good for you. Just remember - this isn't a "diet" this is a lifestyle change - so it's something you will need to stick to forever! And you can't not eat forever. It may take longer to shift the weight but it will then stay off - rather than keep coming back and biting you. Good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • whitxmxball
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    Thats fantastic! I'm also an emotional eater - I have a bad day and go straight for the junk food. Overcoming that urge is a huge accomplishment and one step closer to making healthy eating a habit. You should be very proud of yourself.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    That's great! I'm so proud of you. Food is amazing - it makes us feel many good things, but the best thing is when you eat clean and fuel your body and you start to realize it feels even BETTER than indulging your emotions with unhealthy food :)