Stretch Marks

Does anything REALLY help them?? anything natural.


  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    Palmers cocoa butter helped mine. :-)
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    tannning in the sun or indoor tanning!:wink:
  • jessicam02
    jessicam02 Posts: 8
    I bought this oil from Pure romance that is supposed to work. I have not tried it yet, waiting until I get to my goal weight however you might try it.
  • AbiLuV
    AbiLuV Posts: 47
    tannning in the sun or indoor tanning!:wink:

    NO! This actually makes them worse! Tanning (inside or outside) zaps the elasticity in your skin causing stretch marks.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been using Palmers cocoa butter as well. It's great for both stretch marks and keeping your skin hydrated so its not (or less) saggy once you've lost the weight. So far so good for me. My stretch marks are barely visible since they're all white and I'm fairly pale, and my skin seems to be bouncing back as I gradually lose the weight. I'm at about a pound to 1.5 pounds a week, and a gradual loss is the best for your skin not being saggy in the end. I'd be sad if it was, I want to wear a bikini soon!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Once you have them? Not a lot really. I mean, Cocoa Butter and Flaxseed Oil and all those natural remedies are really great for returning moisure and elasticity to the skin but they're more of a prevention. Unfortunately once you get stretch marks (and particularly if you have had them for years), they won't disappear without radical alterations (ie: surgery). Skin absolutely shrinks unless it has been stretched out of proportion.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    mederma helps a little but honestly, anything less than surgery doesn't help. it sucks. i have a lot around my hips but i'm coming around to accept them.
  • skatjon
    skatjon Posts: 29
    Oils and lotions will help prevent them but not make them go away... they are scars :( There are laser treatments that might improve the texture of your skin but they are really expensive and you will still have some visible markings left.
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Mainly, TIME. They will fade to almost non exsistant but short of lasers and specialty creams(meaning big bucks). I got them majorly bad with my first and the ones that showed up behind my knees are way less apparent then they were the first 5 years after he was born. Its always a good idea to moisturize, Good Luck
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    okay thanks, moisturize seems to be the only thing i can do..ugg