I've been eating right... but

I've been eating right for a while now (EXCEPT TODAY... had a huuuuge dinner that is clearly NOT healthy. UGH! So I worked out after settling my stomach down for two hours)... and I've been exercising... I'm always sweating and out of breath. I'll be honest, I'm trying to push 30 minutes as much as I can. But when I want to try 45 minutes, then my mind triggers I couldn't do more than 30 minutes. How can I overcome that?? So about my weight - as it's starting to look it's becoming a plateau now... i want to be out of 200's and be in wonderland 100's. My current weight, it has been fluctuating a lot lately... 211-214... is it a lack of drinking water?? I try to drink as much as I can. I set my diary to public now so I hope everyone can see it. Or is it something to do with exercise??

Any tips or advices to shake up my routine with exercises? What better ways to burn fat & lose weight properly?

Also I've downloaded Striiv app not too long ago... how accurate is it?? To me it seems accurate but sometime I forget I have it in my hand, and I'm dancing and somehow it tracks the steps that doesn't even count?? I don't know. Is it worth keeping this app on my iPhone?

I'm sorry for asking a lot of questions... I'm juggling with all of these questions in one topic so... I'm just trying to get a clear picture of losing weight properly.


  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member
    The first thing I notice is that your daily intake fluctuates A LOT. One day you didn't even eat 1,000 calories (which is dangerous to do, by the way) and another day you ate almost 2,000. You need to try to not fluctuate so much. I think you should try to eat as close to your allotted 1,400 a day and mix up your exercise. If you've been doing just cardio, add some strength training. If you always do the elliptical, try the treadmill or the stationary bike. Etc, etc.
  • crweaver23
    crweaver23 Posts: 4 Member
    Not sure how much water your are drinking but a gallon a day is perfect...You need to be exercising if your not...I do 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day I know it seems like a lot but I have worked up to it...Start off 30 min a day if it seems to long break it up to 2 15min or 3 10 min...Cardio is best for losing weight but also need weight training too...start off with less weight more reps...cardio burns calories only a couple of hours after you are done...weight burns all day....

    fruit that is not good for you is watermelon, bananas, pineapple they are loaded with starch...

    after working out eat something with protein it will help repair muscle which burns calories...

    a good website it www.loseweightbyeating.com it is on twitter, facebook, youtube, and her own page...
    she has a lot of good foods to eat and motivation....

    I have found it is easier to work out at a gym bc if I walk in and don't do anything people look at you like your crazy, lol, planet fitness is awesome!!!
  • crweaver23
    crweaver23 Posts: 4 Member
    also if you will cut out processed food you will start losing....

    use olive oil or coconut oil for cooking...
  • kmmcquay
    kmmcquay Posts: 75 Member
    I was sick two days ago which is why I fluctuated; I didn't eat a lot. But I will try not to fluctuate. It's just so hard to eat what I can. I ask myself if I'm hungry, I'll eat. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. Ah it's frustrating. :( But with exercising, I just began switching up routines. So I will make sure to run treadmill and add strength training.

    I probably asked this before but which would be better to start? Strength training first then cardio??
  • kmmcquay
    kmmcquay Posts: 75 Member
    I do use olive oil... but is vegetable oil ok too???
  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    In terms of pushing yourself to do longer workouts, work up to it. You know you can do 30 minutes. Next time do 31! Jumping straight to 45 can seem daunting and its so easy to talk yourself out of it, but I'm positive you can go an extra minute. Once you know you can do 31, do 32! Just work your way up to it gradually.
  • kmmcquay
    kmmcquay Posts: 75 Member
    Looks like I'm going to have to take out fruits for a while now. Maybe that's the culprit.
  • If you've been losing weight for a while now that tends to happen. Maybe you're not pushing yourself hard enough? I don't know. It's most likely your diet so try and keep it as fresh as possible... go vegan! It's one of the leanest diets ever! Watch the movie earthlings and read skinny ***** :laugh:
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    I know how you feel.

    One thing that I do to motivate me is to have other measurements in front of me, and I set little goals.
    For instance, if I'm on a treadmill, I focus on the calories and distance. I might see that I've done 200 calories and 2.6km, and I'll think to myself, "let's see if I can make it to 2.8km..." then, when I get to 2.8 km, I think "let's see if I can get to 3km". Then, when I get to 3km, I might have, say, 270 calories, and I think "I can make it to 290". Etc. It works for me!

    If you don't have the luxury of equipment, try a phone ap or a pedometer, and do a similar thing. I use Endomondo, which tracks your (approximate) calories & distance.

    If you're doing things in reps, like situps, it's a bit harder. Get to 20, then aim for a goal of 2 more, but this has less success for me.

    When I do things like planking and wall squats, I get my phone out and use it as a timer. I find that when I can't see the time, I don't last for nearly as long as I can when I see how long I've been going for. It's a similar thing again: "46 seconds? I can hold on and make it to a minute!"
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    From glancing over your diet, here are a couple of suggestions;

    - get rid of 'lolly water' (as my dad calls it). Nothing good comes from soft drinks... if you don't have them for a while you'll realise just how crap they actually taste

    - spenda is VERY BAD! use honey instead. It has been shown to have horrible side effects, similar to that of MS (google it if you're not sure what that is).

    - try to cut down on processed foods. If you have to have cream (yummy!) have FRESH cream, not canned crap. Also mac and cheese? That is just horrible for your body! Try fresh pasta with some fresh cheese grilled on top if you have to eat that.

    Fresh, less processed, cut down on sugar. They are your culprits IMO

    Good luck!!

    edit: There are so many 'healthy' alternatives to things, which you will learn to prefer the taste of. I love soy milk over normal milk now. I can't live without my daily seafood. I hate white bread. I can't stand soft drinks. I still love chocolate and any type of cake though! hehe! Also yeah, try to reduce red meat a little and get some seafood in there. Fish have lots of really REALLY good fats :)