Starvation Mode

I've now been religiously on this diet for 10 days. I went back and looked at my food logs from those last 10 days and for the most part I eat between 1300-1500 calories per day. However, yesterday I only ate 1,083 calories. I wasn't trying to eat 500 less calories than the day before, it just sort of worked out that way. I ate all I wanted and wasn't hungry all day, I just ate foods that were filling but also low calorie.

Whenever I finshed my log for the day, the MFP iPhone app gave me this warning saying that I shouldn't eat so few calories. It said I should eat a minimum of 1200 calories per day in order to keep my body from going into starvation mode. Now, I'm not worried so much about yesterday. However, my question is do I need to strive to eat 1200 calories everyday? Last night, I considered going into the kitchen to get a snack just to bump me up closert to 1200 calories. But, I thought I'm not hungry so why eat? And I knew if I was going to eat that late at night, it was probably going to be something horrible for me like 3 OREO's. :noway: So I decided against it!

I usually eat more than 1200 calories per day. In fact, that's my motivation for working out is knowing that it will buy me some extra calories!

Any advice is very much welcomed.

Below are the total calories I ATE (not my net calories) over the last 10 days:

2/4 1050
2/5 1335
2/6 1454
2/7 1450
2/8 1527
2/9 1404
2/10 1442
2/11 1380
2/12 1515
2/13 1083


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    starvation mode lol. If you're eating, you're fine. You can't physically starve.

    Your body won't enter any kind of starvation mode until you've had prolonged time without food. I'm talking weeks.

    People these days skip a meal or haven't had their head in the fridge for over 3 hours and worry that they're starving.

    You're ok. trust me.
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    So if I have a day where I don't hit my 1200 calories, I shouldn't worry about it?
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Nope. You'll survive. I promise.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    One day, not a problem.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Here's my thoughts, it's no big deal if you occassionally go under 1200 calories IF:
    (1) EACH AND EVERY DAY you got at least 25 grams of fiber, a couple servings of fruit, a couple servings of vegies, at least 50 grams of high quality protein, a couple servings of dairy (if you can tolerate it), and AT LEAST 15 grams or so of good fats, and took a multivitamin that includes calcium and iron.
    (2) Your average for the week is still within a couple hundred calories of your target
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    One day is not an issue but you shouldn't make a habit of it. 1200 is considered the minimum level at which you can get adequate nutrition.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    FYI: There is nothing wrong with eating 3 oreos to meet your remaining energy needs. If I need another 270 calories to fulfill my 2500 goal, I will be reaching for ice cream, not a salad. It's about context. Once you more or less satisfied your macro and micronutrient needs, you can fill in the rest of your energy needs with whatever you wish as long as you stay within your goal.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You're fine. Eating low every once in a while won't hurt you. Don't worry about it. 1300-1500 sounds like a good number to generally strive for, but going super low for one day every once in a while is seriously so big deal. Eat when you're hungry, don't when you aren't.
  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    starvation mode lol. If you're eating, you're fine. You can't physically starve.

    Your body won't enter any kind of starvation mode until you've had prolonged time without food. I'm talking weeks.

    People these days skip a meal or haven't had their head in the fridge for over 3 hours and worry that they're starving.

    You're ok. trust me.

    He's said it all. As long as you eat and aren't hungry you're ok. It takes a few days of not eating to go into starvation mode. Listen to your body. If you're hungry eat and if not don't.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Consistently eating low calories can cause your body to feel like it needs to go into survival not starvation mode. Your body will start storing energy (fat deposits) when you get a good increase in calories and can be negative to your loss.

    Eating your BMR at minimum means your body has enough to function without activity on a daily basis. This is the minimum consumption that I suggest and it also will be a way that is much more likely keep your weight loss long term.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    I occasionally go into "starvation mode" myself. As long as it does not become an everyday habit, its really no big deal. I honestly thing MFP does that as a warning to cover their butts in the case that someone blames them for developing an ED. Don't worry about it. Eat when you are hungry and if you are not, then you are not. No big deal.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Here's my thoughts, it's no big deal if you occassionally go under 1200 calories IF:
    (1) EACH AND EVERY DAY you got at least 25 grams of fiber, a couple servings of fruit, a couple servings of vegies, at least 50 grams of high quality protein, a couple servings of dairy (if you can tolerate it), and AT LEAST 15 grams or so of good fats, and took a multivitamin that includes calcium and iron.
    (2) Your average for the week is still within a couple hundred calories of your target

    This is a really odd thing to tell someone that you don't know anything about....
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    One day, here or there? Not a big deal. As long as you're consistently eating enough to fuel your body and workouts, you should be fine.

    And I'd say good call on not making yourself eat last night. Yes - you have one cookie, then it turns into 10 and you've consumed another 1000 Calories.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    In my experience the biggest issue with creating too large of a calorie deficit is mood. And that includes things like motivation to continue as well as becoming sad or cranky.

    And also there is a greater probability of setting yourself up for a binge if you're prone to that.

    Also fatigue which makes exercise and everything else difficult.

    So if you're going to worry whether or not you're getting enough calories it might be best to worry about the short term effects because you'll experience those well before your metabolism slows down.
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    What I don' t get is the eating back your exercise calories part. I run and I usually burn 500-700 kcal. Most people here don't eat back those calories, which makes sense to me. However, if I eat 1200 kcal (my daily goal) and I don't eat back what I burnt, MFP tells me that I am eating too little and Im putting my body into starvation mode. So what the heck should I do??? Eat them back or not??? PLEASE HELP!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    What I don' t get is the eating back your exercise calories part. I run and I usually burn 500-700 kcal. Most people here don't eat back those calories, which makes sense to me. However, if I eat 1200 kcal (my daily goal) and I don't eat back what I burnt, MFP tells me that I am eating too little and Im putting my body into starvation mode. So what the heck should I do??? Eat them back or not??? PLEASE HELP!

    If MFP gave you the 1200 calories limit them you should be eating all exercise calories back since you will be at a very large deficit already, if you calculate your TDEE and minus what MFP gives you as a caloric goal you will see what your deficit is and it will probably be much larger of a deficit than you thought.
  • marqcutie80
    marqcutie80 Posts: 68 Member
    It's ok to have a day like that once in a while, just don't make a habit of it. It does not mean that you're literally "starving" but prolonged eating habits like that will make it harder for you to lose weight and keep it off in the long run. Also, if you're exercising regularly you should try to eat at least the 1200 a day to keep your energy up.

    Also, make it more about nutrition overall. If you're eating 1200 calories worth of crap food daily that isn't good either obviously. The 3 Oreos will NOT kill you however. :)

    There is a "friend" of mine on here who requested me because we have similar weight loss goals. However, she regularly eats below 1000 calories a day (like around 700-800 daily) and skips meals. I'm pretty sure I'm going to unfriend her and tell her why because I don't need someone who is going about this all the wrong way to encourage me on my journey. Healthy eaters only, thank you very much! You are doing fine. Don't worry about a day here and there under 1200.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Toss out the phrase Starvation Mode and research scientific literature regarding adaptive thermogenesis. There are actual physiological adaptations that happen to everyone assuming a chronic caloric deficit.
    What I don' t get is the eating back your exercise calories part. I run and I usually burn 500-700 kcal. Most people here don't eat back those calories, which makes sense to me. However, if I eat 1200 kcal (my daily goal) and I don't eat back what I burnt, MFP tells me that I am eating too little and Im putting my body into starvation mode. So what the heck should I do??? Eat them back or not??? PLEASE HELP!
    The way the site is designed is you should net 1200 minimum. In your example, you are netting 700 to 500 calories. If your energy availability is too low, you will likely be disrupting LH pulsatility and ovarian function which would lead to missed periods. You also have to choose the weekly weight loss goal which is right for you - in your case, you should be pursuing no greater than 0.5 lbs per week.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    What I don' t get is the eating back your exercise calories part. I run and I usually burn 500-700 kcal. Most people here don't eat back those calories, which makes sense to me. However, if I eat 1200 kcal (my daily goal) and I don't eat back what I burnt, MFP tells me that I am eating too little and Im putting my body into starvation mode. So what the heck should I do??? Eat them back or not??? PLEASE HELP!

    A LOT of people here do eat their exercise calories back. In your case, you net is 500-700 calories, and that is too low.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    starvation mode lol. If you're eating, you're fine. You can't physically starve.

    Your body won't enter any kind of starvation mode until you've had prolonged time without food. I'm talking weeks.

    People these days skip a meal or haven't had their head in the fridge for over 3 hours and worry that they're starving.

    You're ok. trust me.

  • Shonda73
    Shonda73 Posts: 4 Member
    As long as you eat a litte something every few hours your body won't go into starvation mode. It's better to eat smaller meals throughout the day because it does keep your metabilism up and running even if you don't always eat more than 1200 calories in a day. :)
  • chrislynn_marie
    chrislynn_marie Posts: 77 Member
    As long as you don't make a habit of low calorie intake, you'll be fine! I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and sometimes don't hit that 1,200 mark but I know I adequately fueled my body.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    As long as you eat a litte something every few hours your body won't go into starvation mode. It's better to eat smaller meals throughout the day because it does keep your metabilism up and running even if you don't always eat more than 1200 calories in a day. :)

    No. Meal timing is irrelevant. Metabolism doesn't change (minus minor daily fluctuations based mostly on movement/exercise) until 48-72 hours of fasting.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    As long as you eat a litte something every few hours your body won't go into starvation mode. It's better to eat smaller meals throughout the day because it does keep your metabilism up and running even if you don't always eat more than 1200 calories in a day. :)

    No. Meal timing is irrelevant. Metabolism doesn't change (minus minor daily fluctuations based mostly on movement/exercise) until 48-72 hours of fasting.

    Yes she is wrong but she meant well...
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    OP, lots of people appear to have been advising you that it is OK once in while to eat under 1200 cals, and whilst that may be true, it seems that nobody has asked you about your exercise.

    You alluded to doing some exercise and that the calories numbers you ate each day were actual calories eaten.

    Therefore, you could in fact be burning a lot of calories every day which will be making your NET calorie figure very low on most days.

    If following MFP, it will increase your calorie goal by the number of calories you burn when exercising. It does this for a reason. It has calculated your deficit already and therefore you need to NET at least 1200 calories most days to keep your body healthy. In other words you should eat close to the new calorie goal that MFP has amended when you do exercise.

  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Starvation Mode = muscles being used as fuel to most people. I have been doing a 24 hr fast twice a week for a while and lift weights 4 days a week. This has worked well for dropping fat and maintaining (maybe even gaining a little) lean mass.

    As others noted, you will be fine eating very little for a day. If you really want to "protect" your lean body mass from being used as fuel, lift weights.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Here's my thoughts, it's no big deal if you occassionally go under 1200 calories IF:
    (1) EACH AND EVERY DAY you got at least 25 grams of fiber, a couple servings of fruit, a couple servings of vegies, at least 50 grams of high quality protein, a couple servings of dairy (if you can tolerate it), and AT LEAST 15 grams or so of good fats, and took a multivitamin that includes calcium and iron.
    (2) Your average for the week is still within a couple hundred calories of your target

    This is a really odd thing to tell someone that you don't know anything about....

    Fiber every day is required for healthy intestine/colon health/function
    Fruit and vegies contain your minimum daily vitamins and minerals, supplemented by the daily vitamin
    Protein is necessary for cell maintenance and production
    Good fats are required for vitamin absorption and hormone production
    Dairy contains a lot of the above, if you can tolerate dairy

    I appreciate your opinion, but the reason I say this to her is, if you eat 1600-2000 calories every day, then getting ALL the minimums every day isn't important, since you'll probably get more, protein let's say, one day, and then you can go light on them the next. No biggie. And of course I listed MINIMUMS for just about every human being. Not that the 15 grams of fat is the maximum, far far from it. But if she isn't eating AT LEAST that much per day, her vitamin absorption and hormone production can suffer, for example.

    But if you are eating close to your BMR, then focusing on getting a minimum of some basic nutrition every day, IN MY OPINION, means you can have 800 or 1000 calorie days now and then without hurting your overall health. It just probably shouldn't be 1000 calories of cheese. I guess that's my point. I couldn't care less if she eats only 1000 calories a day, but minimum RDAs are minimum RDAs, IMO.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i think stavation mode is a myth. Otherwise heroin addicts would be chubby