Heart Rate Monitor - Buy Now or Wait for Reward?

00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm having a bit of a conundrum with buying a heart rate monitor. At the moment, I have it set as my reward for reaching 30 pounds lost (which is only 12ish pounds away right now). I caved and my first reward of new running sneakers really couldn't wait any longer so I shelled out $100 for a pair of Brooks Ghost 2 shoes.

Anyway, I'm starting to think the heart rate monitor shouldn't wait either. So I'm looking for your input. I've been picking up my workouts quite a bit with doing the 30 Day Shred and I've been relying on the elliptical to tell me how many calories I've burned (weight is an input, but not height), or my Wii workout (height and weight input), or just the calculator on the site. I'm really trying to focus on the weight loss after a bit of a plateau and having an accurate calorie count would help. I did see that the Polar F6 is $82 with free shipping on Amazon right now.

So, wait for my 30 pound goal (which I ball park at hitting sometime in July) or get it now? Thanks for the help everyone!

PS - If I get the HRM now... I'm gonna need help deciding on a new reward... :) Suggestions appreciated


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Get it now! It's a tool that will help you reach your weight loss goals! Make your reward something fun/good for you... new outfit, jewelry, etc.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you can afford it, definitely get one. I'd like to get one but need to find one, first, and get over my hang ups about the chest strap, haha! I've been trying to work certain fitness things (my to-do list on my MFP blog) into my paychecks so I can have better work outs. This time it's another sports bra and a bike pump so I can start riding my bike. I bought roller blades last paycheck but realized quickly that it's not like "riding a bike" where you pick it up after several years. I won't be able to roller blade alone until I get better and learn how to stop/slow down, lol! So... until then, I need a better cardio alternative to just walking (getting a little boring every other day).

    What I'm saying, is in my situation, these are things I feel I NEED, not something I need to reward myself with and I think you should do the same thing. A HRM isn't a reward item. It's something to help you with your work outs and help you better gauge how you're doing, and possibly break your plateau (if you're overestimating and then eating too much because of it), so definitely get it if it's within your means.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Get it now. It's worth every penny and for a new reward get a manicure or pedicure :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    That is the best price I've seen for a Polar F6. I paid about $110 for mine after shipping!

    I bought mine after having worked out for about 4 weeks on my own and it certainly inspired me to ramp up my work outs. I would look at the end of what I thought was a decent work out, see that I only burned X calories and think "that's not enough" and would keep going.
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    I feel like I waited too long to get mine, I just got mine last night and so far I have been over estimating my calories burned :sad: but now I can be more accurate. I am glad that I got it cant wait to use it again tonight. I think it is a valuable tool and I’m mad that I waited so long to get one.

    Do I think you can’t lose weight without it? No I don't I have lost weight without it. But I think you get to a point where you need more accurate information to reach you goals. I LOVE mine and have only used it twice. I would be happy if it was telling me I was burning more, but now I know and can adjust other things!!! Good luck!!
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    If you can afford it, definitely get one. I'd like to get one but need to find one, first, and get over my hang ups about the chest strap, haha! I've been trying to work certain fitness things (my to-do list on my MFP blog) into my paychecks so I can have better work outs. This time it's another sports bra and a bike pump so I can start riding my bike. I bought roller blades last paycheck but realized quickly that it's not like "riding a bike" where you pick it up after several years. I won't be able to roller blade alone until I get better and learn how to stop/slow down, lol! So... until then, I need a better cardio alternative to just walking (getting a little boring every other day).

    What I'm saying, is in my situation, these are things I feel I NEED, not something I need to reward myself with and I think you should do the same thing. A HRM isn't a reward item. It's something to help you with your work outs and help you better gauge how you're doing, and possibly break your plateau (if you're overestimating and then eating too much because of it), so definitely get it if it's within your means.
    I was a little put off by a chest strap but I wore it for the first time last night and this morning. it runs right along my sports bra and I dont even notice it there at all.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Get it ASAP! :laugh:

    It's a great motivator too :flowerforyou:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    How big is the chest strap on those, can you use them when your heavy, and busty?
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    Mine was only $50 or so at Walmart and it works great. I love it. Get it now - worth every penny!
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    The chest strap is adjustable and about as wide as a nickel.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I ended up buying one this week, was going to "wait and see" how I did without it - but my weight has been all over the place... so I figured I needed some real feedback other than what MFP said I was burning. :laugh:

    Find a model you like and then check ebay, I got my Polar FT4 brand new in package for $66 + shipping.... USPS tracking says it should be waiting for me tonight!!! :smokin:
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    These things are an absolute must have.....best fitness investment I have ever made
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Get it now. I was amazed at the difference in calories I was burning. I burn about half of what the treadmill says. On the 6 week challenge I burn ab out half on the arms days and about 80% on other days of what it says I burned. so I was really over estimating my calories burned. It makes me so much more aware of my heart rate and how to push my self and when I am not. It is a valuable tool for your journey and not really a reward. So go for it!!!
  • ashissias
    ashissias Posts: 1
    Go ahead and get it. I have the Polar and bought one for my husband. What a difference it can make.

    I also have the Garmin and I love that one too!!!

    The HR monitor will definately help you reach your goals!!

    Good luck!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Lots of positive feedback! I agree that it's definitely something that would help, I feel like I'm always overestimating my calorie burn. I'm thinking I'll just get the F6 since I've read so many good things about it, it has the chest strap (which looks pretty reasonable, not too bulky), and it's on sale big time... and it's PINK! I'll be ordering mine tonight when I get home from work (after I do my 30 Day Shred).

    Now... I need a new reward. I'm thinking a new swimsuit :D
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    BUY IT NOW!!!!! I just got mine a couple of weeks ago, and I have learned so much from it. It tracks my previous 30 workouts, how long they are, how many calories I burned, where I kept my heart rate, and if I was in the fitness zone or fatburn zone. I absolutely love it. It was easy to get set up and is comfortble to wear. Best 110.00 I've ever spent, even better than my running shoes. Bonus I can even wear mine swimming, which btw puts me in the fat burning zone!!!
    I bought a Polar FT7 and I would definetly recommend it.

    Good luck!:heart:
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    How big is the chest strap on those, can you use them when your heavy, and busty?
    The chest strap is adjustable and sits at the base of your chest, anyone can use it and they are comfy! More importantly they teach you so much about what you're doing for your body. It is the most motivating thing I've ever bought!
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    BUY IT NOW!!!!! I just got mine a couple of weeks ago, and I have learned so much from it. It tracks my previous 30 workouts, how long they are, how many calories I burned, where I kept my heart rate, and if I was in the fitness zone or fatburn zone. I absolutely love it. It was easy to get set up and is comfortble to wear. Best 110.00 I've ever spent, even better than my running shoes. Bonus I can even wear mine swimming, which btw puts me in the fat burning zone!!!
    I bought a Polar FT7 and I would definetly recommend it.

    Good luck!:heart:

    I just got the FT7 last night and I'm already in love! It was way easy to set up and so easy to use, the chest strap is comfortable...I was ready other reviews and it was said that the chest strap that comes with the FT7 is more comfortable then the F6. I can not speak to the truth of that as I've only used this one. But already after two uses, I can see that I will become more away of what level my body is working at and I can set goals for myself such as a daily 500 cal burn goal and it wont just be some underestimated amount !!!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I love mine and wear it everytime I exercise. Just today I was on the eliptical and while the machine told me I burned over 400 calories, my HRM said 300. While I like the number on the eliptical better, it does make a huge difference when actually counting my calories to try to lose weight.
  • I'm thinking about getting one also. I guess it seems like you have to get the chest strap. I have seen a few without them but haven't heard good reviews.
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