What am I supposed to be doing?

Hi everyone!

Ok heres the deal. I am 5ft/1.5 " Tall and right now I weigh 234.5 I have lost 10 lbs so far (I started at 244.18) so thats good, but I want to make the most out of what I am doing. I have been doing alot of research into diet and nutrition and have visited other web sites with weight calculators and what not. Heres the thing: Every where else I go, they project that my calorie intake should be at 1200, the bare minimum. However, MFP Has me at 1670 a day. I know 1200 is the bottom of the barrel, the lowest you can go. If that IS what I should be doing, fine, but wont you hit a plateau if I stay there for the whole journey? I guess what I am getting at is I want to be doing everything right, because I want to defeat this once and for all, so could anyone give me advice as to exactly what my calorie intake should be, and maybe take a peek at my diary and give me some friendly tips to increase my fat burning ability??? I would SO appreciate it!! Thanks!!


  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    I reccommend six weeks to omg
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your diary isn't set to public.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    A) The MFP number sounds about right for 1 lb per week loss - 1200 is basically an arbitrary number that got assigned a while back and MFP uses it as a guide for people to go no lower. I haven't run your numbers, but 1670 should work well for you. Since you're at 234 lbs, you probably could go lower - losing 1.5-2 lbs per week - but as you get closer to your goal, you'll need to aim for less than that. So, if you keep at 1 lb per week, you should see some rather steady weight loss. It'll take longer, but it will also be easier to maintain.

    B) Your diary is private, so we can't look at it.
  • cassiemk85
    cassiemk85 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone! Yea, I forgot I had it set to be viewed by only my friends. I think I will continue with the 1670 a day for now and I do like that MFP will gradually drop your calories per 10-15 lbs so I think thats the route to go. I am such an impatient person, and I need to learn more patience I guess lol
  • bmitchell181
    Cassie, I see that you joined in July 2011. How has it been going? Will power is the toughest thing, but I know you can do it.
  • cassiemk85
    cassiemk85 Posts: 20 Member
    I have had a million ups and downs because of will power. I never 'WANTED' it bad enough I think. Last summer I completely quit MFP for a long time. I ended up at my highest weight (263) and was downright miserable due to that and other life circumstances. This time has been very different for me. I think I finally WANT it bad enough. My entire attitude towards food and exercise has really changed. I have come into a place in my life where I want to make a COMPLETE change, not just physically, but in all aspects. I have logged in every single day for 10 days now (Thats a record for me) and have worked out every day this week, and have come to actually look FORWARD to my workout time (I never thought I would say that in a million years) so I think I got this now, I am just DONE. I am tired of people telling me *oh you just have such a pretty face*, I am sick of not having the energy to run around with my little girl, I am tired of not wanting to be romantic with my boyfriend because I hate my body, just all of it. its just time to make a change I can live with for the rest of my life. LOL long answer, but its honest! :)