Looking for friends for motivation!

Just started today! Almost 40 and I need some motivation! Anyone want to be friends with an almost 40 Florida girl???


  • From one 40 to another Almost-40... just know you can do it and a good attitude and a smile can make make you look even better! Just turned 40 (here in Alabama), but it wasn't so bad. Just working to get the body that matches my spirit!! Good luck and keep going strong!
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 131 Member
    Been 40 for a couple of years now and must say I am probably in about the best shape of my life. Would love to partner up. I will send you a request. Take care!
  • THANKS!!!!!
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    You can send a request, so can anyone :drinker:
  • JonnySmith0248
    JonnySmith0248 Posts: 14 Member
    I just turned 50......add me if you like =)
  • Well, I'm a 40+ Texas gal :)
    Feel free to send a request.. I'm fairly new to the site and working hard. I love to help motivate others as it pushes me in the process! And welcome to a great site!
  • bsarton
    bsarton Posts: 19 Member
    I'm always eager to share encouragement! Feel free to add me... and anyone else is also welcome to:)
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    i'll be your fwiend old lady :happy: :tongue: