May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Well, last night was a bad night. I was getting the dogs' harnesses on and Bear started a fight with Jack. Jack fought back. I yanked Bear off Jack after getting bitten in the arm. Jack was still mad about it so he jumped on Tucker but he stopped real quick. After I finished screaming at Bear and Jack I noticed blood coming out of Bear's eye. So here we are, 3 of my dogs in harnesses and 2 of us bleeding. I took everyone's harnesses off and had to get Jack and Tucker out (which was hard to do since they were all so excited to go on a walk)...Jasmine was already outside since she had surgery and isn't able to keep up with the other dogs on a walk yet. I had to take Bear to the emergency vet and was told while I was there that I needed to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics and a tetnus shot for the bite. Bear's eyelid had a gash inside and out. It didn't get his actual eye which is where it had looked like it was coming from when it first happened so he was lucky. So I got home after dark and wasn't about to walk the dogs since it was late, dark and I was tired. So instead, I downed half of a little ice cream carton that's been hanging around for some time. It wasn't even good but I couldn't stop eating it. I had a bad night and my weekly total is still only 20 minutes. :o(

    I am sorry about you having that experience. It must have been a horrible nightmare. I was attacked by a pit bull foster dog last year.

    I understand that you love all your animals; but, a dog that attacks within the home should be re-evaluated. I ignored the signs in my own home and eventually was attacked in the face and arm. It took a long time to heal and I still have scars. I would hate for the same thing to happen to you.

    Also, who cares about the ice cream!!! You needed some comfort, it's OK. I hope you feel better now.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone! It looks like many of us are fazcing challenges (which is what I think they call "life" lol) and I am too. I am trying to stay in control of my weight and body, bc it may very well be the ONLY thing I have control over. No workout Tuesday but I did another 60 Minutes of biking and running and walking.

    Week total - 119
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 120 minutes of biking, kettleballs and cardioburn
    Thursday, 76 minues of kickboxing and biking

    Thats 196 so far
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Well, last night was a bad night. I was getting the dogs' harnesses on and Bear started a fight with Jack. Jack fought back. I yanked Bear off Jack after getting bitten in the arm. Jack was still mad about it so he jumped on Tucker but he stopped real quick. After I finished screaming at Bear and Jack I noticed blood coming out of Bear's eye. So here we are, 3 of my dogs in harnesses and 2 of us bleeding. I took everyone's harnesses off and had to get Jack and Tucker out (which was hard to do since they were all so excited to go on a walk)...Jasmine was already outside since she had surgery and isn't able to keep up with the other dogs on a walk yet. I had to take Bear to the emergency vet and was told while I was there that I needed to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics and a tetnus shot for the bite. Bear's eyelid had a gash inside and out. It didn't get his actual eye which is where it had looked like it was coming from when it first happened so he was lucky. So I got home after dark and wasn't about to walk the dogs since it was late, dark and I was tired. So instead, I downed half of a little ice cream carton that's been hanging around for some time. It wasn't even good but I couldn't stop eating it. I had a bad night and my weekly total is still only 20 minutes. :o(

    I am sorry about you having that experience. It must have been a horrible nightmare. I was attacked by a pit bull foster dog last year.

    I understand that you love all your animals; but, a dog that attacks within the home should be re-evaluated. I ignored the signs in my own home and eventually was attacked in the face and arm. It took a long time to heal and I still have scars. I would hate for the same thing to happen to you.

    Also, who cares about the ice cream!!! You needed some comfort, it's OK. I hope you feel better now.

    Wow, that's so scary to be attacked! I've never been attacked like that but I can imagine how awful that must have been!

    When Bear was a puppy I remember crying to my husband after a bite. I told him I couldn't live with that monster for 16 more years. He was in denial then and despite the serious bite to his arm he recieved and all the bites I've gotten in the 8 years since he's still in denial about our problem dog. I've warned him that if we ever have kids that Bear can't much as that will hurt both of us. He doesn't believe that I'm serious about that but there's no other choice with Bear. And since he is a biter I wouldn't feel good giving him to someone else so there's only one choice with him...not a happy thing to have to do. So I figure we have a few more years before we have kids, if we have kids, and by then, maybe he'll be sick/frail and that option won't be as painful.

    My bite really wasn't that bad...not like yours. I just stuck my arm in the wrong place because I was paying attention to Tucker when I reached my arm in to grab Bear. I didn't go to the doctor because I've dealt with it enough to know how to take care of it. It's looking good, no sign of infection. I didn't do any cardio yet but I worked hard yesterday and today in the warehouse here at work so I'm starting to get my energy back and hoping for a long bike ride this weekend. I'll still come way short of the weekly hours but oh well.
  • My Dr. called yesterday and all of my results were normal. No thyroid, diabetes, cholesterol. So basically no reason for not losing weight. It sucks, but what can I do? I feel better when I eat healthy and exercise, it's just a part of me, but things like this do make me occasionally want to eat a whole box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch or a whole pack of Oreos. But don't worry, I didn't. Just wanted to really badly.

    Asltiffm: I hope you keep recovering and take care of yourself. That sounded pretty scary and I am glad that nothing more happened than the bite.

    Uconncoed: keep up the good work. You are doing awesome. Yes, life sure does get in the way, but it's that you keep on trying that is what matters.

    Nisijam5: you are an animal! You make me try harder, because I can't wuss out when I see all your workouts. Rock on!

    Smiles, wherever you are: we miss you! I hope things are well.

    So, workout today: 40 min. of BL Last Chance Workout, 33 min of C25K. Yesterday was NMTZ for 50 min. and I am going to yoga tonight for another 90 minutes. Plus, I ran/walked for 65 minutes on Tues and 35 Wii Fit + on Mon. My weekly total so far this week will be 313 after tonight. I'm getting there!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    So, workout today: 40 min. of BL Last Chance Workout, 33 min of C25K. Yesterday was NMTZ for 50 min. and I am going to yoga tonight for another 90 minutes. Plus, I ran/walked for 65 minutes on Tues and 35 Wii Fit + on Mon. My weekly total so far this week will be 313 after tonight. I'm getting there!

    WOW....way to recover and come back...awesome...thanks for the compliment, I am glad that we can motivate each other...the good news is nothing is wrong...the bad news is nothing is wrong...fight hard

    Asltiffm: I understand what you are saying...just stay are not going to believe this; but, we just paid a vet bill of $234 today for someone who was walking on our path and my husky/shepherd bit. She is an old wise dog of 10 years and is aggressive toward other dogs. They are blaming my border collie who is a puppy because no-one really knows which dog it was. Jack now has a record as an aggressive animal with the police. My hubby and I were at the casino on Friday night when the police called. So, after my attack and now this one, I just want you to be careful. We love them dearly; but, they are still animals and react that way.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    30 minute dog walk Felt good to get back out...rain for the rest fo the weekend though so it was good I took them out for over an hour. Doesn't look like that bike ride will happen in this rain. Well, I'll have to workout to some videos instead.

    Elizabennet, sorry about them not finding something that is causing it, but it's a good thing that you're healthy! Maybe your body just has to catch up to what you've been doing so far.

    nisijam, someone came on your lawn and you had to pay vet bills? That seems wrong. Seems like it would be worth it to somehow get the record changed to the older dog if you're sure that was the dog that bit...not a good record to have on a puppy if it's not him.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I squeezed in a little workout yesterday 29 minutes of run and bike! 148 so far this week. I need to get in a long one at some point this weekend if I want to hit that goal (or even come close).
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    nisijam, someone came on your lawn and you had to pay vet bills? That seems wrong. Seems like it would be worth it to somehow get the record changed to the older dog if you're sure that was the dog that bit...not a good record to have on a puppy if it's not him.

    It was totally our responsibility...we live on a park with a daughter was trying to get them in the car to take them to the farm where we board our horse. So, the dogs were off leash and heard someone coming up the path. They ran to the path and one of them attacked a dog. That's my daughters' story. My son has his own version. However, his arm could be on fire and he wouldn't even be aware of it.

    The police are taking his report. We do plan to try and have the record changed. Shelby is funny with other dogs on leashes and is aggressive; but, at the dog park she is just fine. Just territorial I guess. Jack is a totally wimpy puppy. So, we are going to try and have it changed. When the people came to collect the fees, the lady wouldn't even look at the dogs to try and identify the correct one. She's still really upset over the matter. It's really frustrating!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    40 minutes kardioke brings it to 252 total for this week...360 is going to be hard to get unless I can get tomorrow off work
  • Happy Saturday! I got in another C25K for 31 min. and then NMTZ for 52, so my weekly total is 394! I can't believe I made, plus some! It was a good week and it will hopefully be as good, if not better next week. I hope you all are doing great, with whatever you are able to get in. Have a great weekend!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Total exercise for the week was 302 minutes...not bad...but, not quite there

    New week starts tomorrow...GL all

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Happy Saturday! I got in another C25K for 31 min. and then NMTZ for 52, so my weekly total is 394! I can't believe I made, plus some! It was a good week and it will hopefully be as good, if not better next week. I hope you all are doing great, with whatever you are able to get in. Have a great weekend!

    Good found it in you to get it done!!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    After a really off week last week, I feel like I'm ready to get back on track. 25 minutes dog walking.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 95 minutes of circuit training and bike riding
    Tuesay, nada, working 12.5 hours
    I'll be back Wednesday with something
  • 55 min. of run/walk intervals. I'm hoping to get in BFBM too, if my little ones will let me. :laugh:
  • My shins have been hurting pretty intensely lately :cry: and I just couldn't stand all the jumping, so I did Shred L1. It still killed but at least I had some breaks in between. 25+55=80 for today. We'll see what I am able to do tomorrow.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My shins have been hurting pretty intensely lately :cry: and I just couldn't stand all the jumping, so I did Shred L1. It still killed but at least I had some breaks in between. 25+55=80 for today. We'll see what I am able to do tomorrow.

    Might need to take a break from cardio and do some of your yoga...there's stress in the shins and there are screaming at you...planning on at least 60 minutes of exercise today...worked 12 hours yesterday and didn't get to sleep in, now I feel tired and unmotivated to M-O-V-E.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    After a really off week last week, I feel like I'm ready to get back on track. 25 minutes dog walking.

    Good job...hope it was uneventful!!!! I still wouldn't might being one of your dogs!!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    My shins have been hurting pretty intensely lately :cry: and I just couldn't stand all the jumping, so I did Shred L1. It still killed but at least I had some breaks in between. 25+55=80 for today. We'll see what I am able to do tomorrow.

    That's no good. Maybe a couple of days off, or less impact exercise, like nisijam said, will do you good.
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