Just got a fitbit... looking for fb friends!

I just got a fitbit - looking for fitbit friends and lots of help!
What do i set my baseline calories as? Will it take calories away if i don't eat enough?

I know there are topics on this, but they seem so confusing!

thank you!


  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    HI!! First of all, congratulations. I personally feel it was money well spent. I'm down 30 pounds since my annual last April and almost 20 of them are since I got my fb in December.

    Everyone is different. I don't track food using fb, I only use mfp. When I started mfp, my precalculated intake was 1600 calories. That is way too much for me to eat. I manually set mine for 1200 and that is doable for me. Very rarely do I exceed that unless we go out to dinner.

    It is very easy to sync your fb to mfp, do you have a smart phone? Once you sign up over at FB, they send you weekly progress reports. I'm a bit of a nerd & plug those numbers into a spreadsheet and make a graph so I can SEE the changes. Although I am down a size in jeans (18) *fist-pump* so I see it there too. I've only made little, sustainable changes - nothing drastic.

    Any questions, shoot me a line and I'll try to help.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Hi, I have been using my fitbit for about a year now. I have it on my constantly. Feel I am missing something if I don't have it. As djmicheals does, I track my calories and excercise in MFP and don't track anything in fitbit. If you set up syncing it will send all information back and forth between the two sites. I have set my activity rate to be sedentry and let fitbit adjust my calories to burn back in MFP. I don't always eat back the calories .

    I have only really got serious about losing weight since this past christmas but am working on it now!

    I will send you a friend request shortly.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I have one in the mail. I can't wait to get it.
  • luvaham
    luvaham Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I have had my fitbit for over one year and just love it. It really encourages me to walk and jog. I strive to get at least 10,000 steps in each day. I use to be employed by Weight Watchers and we taught that 10 thousand to maintain weight and 13 thousand to lose weight. I just love MyFitnessPal its so easy to use and it will set up your calories for you based on your weight. So now that the holidays are over and my trip to Arizona I am really back to tracking and remember that it is important to eat all those calories each day. I have no problem its hard not to go over but it really makes me think about what I put in my mouth.,
  • Thanks for all the replays guys! I'm still not sure whether to leave my base calories as they are (1435) or to drop them to 1200 and eat back the fb adjustment?
  • Ohh and what about car journeys? My fitbit just added on like 300 extra steps!
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    Ohh and what about car journeys? My fitbit just added on like 300 extra steps!

    I''ve never tracked car journeys, and tbh, I'm now sure how you really do that. It is something I looked into because my family all lives 2+ hours away. Traveling does make your body ache from sitting a certain way and repetitive movements but I think it is already factored in for sedentary lifestyles.

    EDIT: This thread talks about counting driving as exercise.

  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Welcome to fitbit world! I got mine in early December, got my daughter one for Christmas, and we have had a number of friends invest in them! It it worth trying to read some of the tech help on MFP re: the sycing. I don't have a smart phone so I have to do it when I'm home near my laptop. usually in the am. and later in the p.m.

    I have my MFP Exercise settings set to accept the negative calories (MFP counts down, FB counts UP) and that is what encourages me to move more so I don't have any negatives!! Doesn't always work thay way, but usually I'm more in the positive than negative :laugh:

    I have my MFP calories set manually at 1400 calores, and then the rest according to what my nutritionist recommended for my Type 2 Diabetes issues. You may have to play a bit either with the manual or auto setting to see what works.

    Be happy to try and answer any questions, I'm def no expert but I'm with the rest of them... I feel totally naked the days I forget to wear it!

    PS I do add my Mall walks, dog walks separately to MFP, along with the water aerobics which Fitbit can't track. They seem to balance out......usually in my favor if I've worked hard:drinker:
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    For most people, it would probably be included in their normal daily activities. But I suppose it might make sense to log it if one were doing it for hours on end outside of normal activities.
    Driving Car

    Driving a vehicle, such as a car or truck, is a transportation activity performed out of necessity or for leisure. Driving burns few calories, although it improves focus and concentration. Driving under intense conditions, such as inclement weather or over rough terrain, works the bodyメs reflexes.

    Pros: Improves Reflexes
    Cons: Does Not Involve Much Physical Activity


    The calculator at that site says that driving burns about 3.25 calories a minute for someone my weight. I've no clue whether that is gross or net of my 1.3 calories/minute BMR or 1.7 calories/minute sedentary TDEE.

    Of course for someone who logs driving, the real calorie burn is dealing with all the judgmental people who have very strong opinions about what other people put in their exercise log.

    Here's this from that thread.

  • Awesome. I have had one now for about 3 weeks, and have lost about 5 lbs so far. It works great seeing how you can walk off the weight. My Fit Bit really helps me realize the challenge of keeping in shape, plus you seem more motivated to keep pushing yourself farther each day to get those mileage badges and steps.
    Now on the questions you asked, I am still trying to figure that out with the calorie adjustment, but my wife reads a lot of the Jillian Michaels books and they help her by giving little tidbits of info. All I can say is keep walking.

    Regarding car journeys, I drive semi trucks cross country, and am trying to figure that out myself. Just make sure you are wearing that fitbit because it will record the motion your legs move back and forth as you brake and apply the gas pedal.
  • amntsu
    amntsu Posts: 30
    I love my Fitbit, I am so much more active now!! :happy:
  • I need friends too, add me!!!

  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    had mine about a week. I love it!!!!!!!
  • tforre7777
    tforre7777 Posts: 12 Member
    I just ordered my fitbit and can't wait to get started. Add me. Would be great motivation!
  • When I mentioned car journeys, it seemed to count a lot of steps even though I wasn't walking! I didn't want to know about how many calories it burns, but thank you for the cool info anyway :-).