I'm stuck

I'm stuck!!!! I've been stuck on my weight loss for about 4 weeks now. I've tried eating more, eating less, zigzagging, increasing exercise, decreasing exercise, changing exercise, eating everything in sight, eating only veggies and fruit, etc etc etc....What else can I do??


  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    i just went back through your last week of food log and didn't see a single day where you hit 1200 calories!
    i would try eating a little more with more fiber and veggies and low sodium.

    i also have had the best luck feeling better if i change my goals from purely weight loss which feels a little harder to control, to weight loss and exercise goals. if i set the goal to run 5k, i'm in control of completing it, not the scale.

    also, do you measure? I think sometimes during plateaus my body changes shape without the scale moving.

    good luck!
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    I'm stuck!!!! I've been stuck on my weight loss for about 4 weeks now. I've tried eating more, eating less, zigzagging, increasing exercise, decreasing exercise, changing exercise, eating everything in sight, eating only veggies and fruit, etc etc etc....What else can I do??

    Ahh, i feel your pain. Try a multi-vitamin. A good one. That's what broke my 11 week plateau. I tried everything that you did, and I'm not sure there is a concrete answer. Everyone is different, but that worked for me. It took a week, but in that week I lost 1.4 lbs. I weigh in again soon, so I'm hoping for more. Best of luck!
  • mhouberg
    mhouberg Posts: 18
    Yeah, I get lazy at entering in everything I eat. Especially when I have a carrot here and there, or apple slices here and there. I do seriously get to 1200 most days. There are some days I don't, but not too many. And on days when I've zigzagged myself (that sounds weird doesn't it? :P) higher, i don't enter everything in because it depresses me LOL. I know part of my problem is I need to lay off so much sugar. I've been trying more fiber, but having a hard time finding fiber I like. And I hardly ever enter in exercise, mainly because I do it right before going to bed and I just don't want to log back on, I just want to collapse into bed :)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wow. Why are you starving yourself? :frown: You have over 500 cals left for today! Eat them, girl! Eat the cals your diary tells you to. It works! :smile:
  • mhouberg
    mhouberg Posts: 18
    And yes, I do measure hips and waist. I've lost 3 inches on my waist in the last 3 weeks, but my hips just won't budge :laugh:
  • mhouberg
    mhouberg Posts: 18
    Wow. Why are you starving yourself? :frown: You have over 500 cals left for today! Eat them, girl! Eat the cals your diary tells you to. It works! :smile:

    No, def not starving myself. I usually do make it to 1200, but like I said I get lazy at entering things in. And I have this problem a lot-I get to 7:30-8:00, still have 300 calories left to eat, and I'm not hungry at all. Like right now, I'm not the least bit hungry, especially after the big supper I just ate. By 10:30 when I'm thinking about going to bed I could eat, but then I feel bad eating right before bed.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    Protein girl that's what you need. You had over 1000 calories one day with only 21 grams of protein. For me that is not good maybe you should try and eat more protein.