I am very over weight and was very suprised to find out im pregnant. it scares me to be at this weight and carry a child im worried for the health of my child. i do have a 5 year old whom i was about 30 lbs lighter yet still very obese when i carried him. is there anything i should advoid or should do more of any special diets. feels like everythings changed now im pregnant.


  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I strongly suggest speaking to your doctor about this. An online forum is not a good substitute for sound medical advice.
    Congratulations as well! :)
  • DramaLlamaMama
    I strongly suggest speaking to your doctor about this. An online forum is not a good substitute for sound medical advice.
    Congratulations as well! :)

    Absolutely talk to your doctor and lay out a nutrition plan as part of your prenatal care.
  • SANDRA_F26
    currently waiting to be approved for insurance until i get approved im not able to see a dr. thats kinda why i posted that hoping mayb another women who has gone thru something simular may provide some kind of insight. i have every intention of speaking to a dr about all my concerns.
  • sarbear1993
    There's no such thing as dieting while pregnant however, you and your doctor can come up with a plan to not gain additional weight. Best of luck and congratulations!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Ask your care provider, not an internet forum, and especially not this internet forum.
  • Domi_BTGfit
    You can eat cleanly and healthily while pregnant without hurting your baby, but you definitely shouldn't actively 'diet' or try to eat less. You need your nutrition now more than ever. Talk to your doctor about what cardio is safe for you during pregnancy. I know that you're able to continue hardcore cardio workouts while pregnant IF you were working out at that level beforehand, but if you weren't then it could be unsafe to start now.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, but as above, speak to your doctor before doing anything else.
  • JenS2586
    Generally if you switch from a not so healthy eating regimen to eating extremely healthy, no junk or fast food etc, lots of fruits and veggies and lots of water and walk as much as possible you should be able to safely lose weight while baby grows. Obviously only a doctor can tell you exactly but from all the reading I've done over the years I've learned it is possible to lose weight n get yourself healthier while pregnant. Doing so will not only help you but reduce any complications that can come from being too overweight or gaining too much. I would suggest while your waiting to see a doc to eat as healthy as possible and walk lots. You can add me if you like, I am preggo also, always nice to have pregnancy pals.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I understand that you can't see a doctor right now..but trying to follow any other advice (especially from a bunch of strangers on the internet) is definitely not the next best thing :(

    Just try to eat healthier, maybe get in a short walk a day and definitely see a doctor as soon as you can to discuss about your options.