Eating "Naturally"

CrazycatBritta Posts: 28 Member
edited January 13 in Food and Nutrition
I've been pretty sick as of late: dizziness, chronic sinusitis, tension headaches, migraines, nauseousness, pressure in the sinus region. Traditional methods are not giving me any relief and after exhausting medical test (Yes, I've had a CAT scan and everything "seems to be fine"), my doctor is suggesting I try to eat "naturally."

I don't have a clue where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions for books for me to look over, blogs to read/subscribe to, places to go and check out? What does eating "naturally" mean?

I need some help from some natural minded people out there!


  • CrazycatBritta
    CrazycatBritta Posts: 28 Member
    Any ideas ... please?
  • girl, didn't you read my post on our board about what motivates us? It was the first one. Read it, and if you have any questions,message me.
    Eating Naturally, is probably the same as eating clean, which is eating food in itsmost natural state, not white flours or white sugars. Whole grains, etc,
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Try going gluten free.
  • Probably need to ask the doctor what he means as it is a pretty generic term to use to a patient.
    My guess is he means avoid processed food, no microwave meals or fast food etc.

    Also as a total anecdotal story, your mileage will vary etc etc. I used to have sinus problems and related headaches, not all the time but sometimes. Someone advised me to give up dairy. I ignored them. Eventually I did, for other reasons, give up dairy and I haven't had a problem with my sinuses since.
    As I said just anecdotal, but it worked for me.
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