New More Physically Demanding Job

Ok. So I just got offered a job stocking groceries overnights. Right now I work at a salon but I am not that busy... (hence why I have time to post a new topic). Anyway. I have my profile set to sedentary because I don't do a whole lot. It sucks. I know that I am going to be moving around constantly at this new job AND I am going to try to work at the salon as well. I don't think I am going to be able to workout much at all if I want to get any sleep. My question is.. Where should I set my profile as far as calorie intake? Should I just set it to a more active setting and state that I am not going to work out? I still want to loose weight and I don't want to starve myself. I wish I had an hrm to help me know how many calories I burn during an average shift. Suggestions? Tips? All would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!! Also feel free to add me. Always down for support.


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    If it were me, I think I'd keep everything how it is for a couple weeks and see what changes....then decide from there.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you're talking about MFP's settings for job then it doesn't include an exercise in your budget to start with. I'd leave it the same and if you see that weight is dropping off at an alarming rate you can always up it then. Quite often just moving around a lot doesn't burn as many calories as you think.
  • goofyblonde
    goofyblonde Posts: 47 Member
    I had this same sort of problem. I started a new job 4 weeks ago, but I was unemployed before, so my activity level increased a ton! I did the first week at my normal calorie intake, but I found that no matter how much water I drank or how close I came to my calorie goal, I was ALWAYS hungry. After the first week, I changed my activity level from sedentary to lightly active, increasing my calories. I've been doing that for about three weeks now, but I'm finding that I am still constantly hungry, so I've been eating over my goal every day (on purpose) to try to figure out if I should up my calories again, since I'm still always hungry.

    So, what I'm really saying is that you should stay at your current activity level, but adjust if you feel hungry, don't have enough energy, notice a plateau, etc.
  • ewebber88
    Thanks guys. I am gunna be a stocker tho so I am going to be lifting a lot. Not just moving around. I will try it at my current level and see what happens.
  • williecruiser
    I also work at a (dead) salon, and dont move much. Trying to lose is hard, nothing to do, and if you go for a walk you may miss a client. I am also am a crafter, so signed up for a consignment shop this week. Hopefully, not only will I move more, but hoping to make some money also. Wish I was still young enough to get an active job.