Lower back pain

Yes, I know: see a doctor. :) It's on my agenda, I swear, but before I do that... I've tried to look this up on the web but I don't quite know if what I'm talking about when I say lower back pain is the same as other people.

When I was much younger, I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis of the spine. Nothing to wear a brace for, but when I got fitted for skating dresses, it was noticeable that my hips were crooked. I saw a chiropractor for a while when I was in high school. I don't remember that it helped particularly, but hey, I was in high school.

Most of the time my lower back doesn't hurt. If I have to stand for long periods of time, it aches. If someone comes up behind me and pokes me in the lower back--or even puts pressure there, say to guide me while walking--it hurts way out of proportion. It can make me wince and hiss in pain. If I lie on the floor on my back and completely flatten my back down, trying to take the curve out of my spine, the pressure in that area will also hurt. This is not actually my spine or tailbone that hurts, but more like... below the kidneys. Doing something like a sit-up is torture.

I am very out of shape.

My question: Is this a normal kind of pain for someone who is out of shape? Is it something that I will get used to/get over? I don't do a lot of kneeling (oh hush), and when I do, it is really painful and I can only do it for a very short time. I am sure this is due to my weight and my knees quite simply not being used to it. I'm wondering if it's a similar thing for my back, I guess, is the best way to describe it. I'm willing to build up the endurance if that's all it is, you know?

Thanks. And yes, I know, see a doctor.


  • michael7585
    I kinda know your pain, back around october 2012. i was at work and all of a sudden, my back felt like it completey blew out. i was in so much pain. it was extreme. It felt like i was paralyzed, every movement that i made was awful. they did many of test on me. x-ray, ct-scan, mri. they loaded me up on pain meds for awhile. they said i had a bulging disc and hemoraghing of the spine. long story short. i got no help. then i got discharged from my job because of it. i still have pains here and there. but it is getting better all on its own. im not a doctor but you may have a pinched nerve if its a very bad pinching burning feeling or a disc problem. but just get checked out if its that bad.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    It could be related to scoliosis. I have pretty bad scoliosis, and back is always in pain.
    Not helpful I know.... but my doctor told me to get a stronger back and core to help.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    I am pretty sure it's not a pinched nerve because I've had one of those before up near my neck, and that was ... a definite experience. I thought I was paralyzed (I may be a hypochondriac, sorta).

    I want to be able to do exercises like sit ups, or other things where you sort of roll your back-- laying flat and lifting your legs and hips, for example -- I have a pilates reformer available to me. I just don't want to try to build up tolerance to a pain that isn't going to lessen or go away.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Every time someone mentions scoliosis pain, I feel obligated to bring up Lamar Gant. He swears that deadlifting helped with the pain from his idiopathic scoliosis more than anything else. Oh...he also deadlifted over 5x his body weight at 123 lbs.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Every time someone mentions scoliosis pain, I feel obligated to bring up Lamar Gant. He swears that deadlifting helped with the pain from his idiopathic scoliosis more than anything else. Oh...he also deadlifted over 5x his body weight at 123 lbs.
    His arms also hung to his knees, built to deadlift! :)
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Every time someone mentions scoliosis pain, I feel obligated to bring up Lamar Gant. He swears that deadlifting helped with the pain from his idiopathic scoliosis more than anything else. Oh...he also deadlifted over 5x his body weight at 123 lbs.

    Good to know. I'm working on my lower back right now. And Like any information I can about it.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Wow, very cool! His spine is curved like crazy! Mine is nothing like that, lol :)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Yeah danimal, he was definitely a weird looking guy when he was pulling the iron. I once saw him described as 'looking like the lead character from Antz' when deadlifting.

    I found him inspiring before I even knew anything about his scoliosis. But the fact that he is in the Book of World Records for being the first (and only to my knowledge) person to deadlift over 5x bodyweight, AND did this with a spine condition that makes people feel like they should never pick up anything heavy, especially using their back...it's just impressive beyond words.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Yeah danimal, he was definitely a weird looking guy when he was pulling the iron. I once saw him described as 'looking like the lead character from Antz' when deadlifting.

    I found him inspiring before I even knew anything about his scoliosis. But the fact that he is in the Book of World Records for being the first (and only to my knowledge) person to deadlift over 5x bodyweight, AND did this with a spine condition that makes people feel like they should never pick up anything heavy, especially using their back...it's just impressive beyond words.

  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yeah danimal, he was definitely a weird looking guy when he was pulling the iron. I once saw him described as 'looking like the lead character from Antz' when deadlifting.

    I found him inspiring before I even knew anything about his scoliosis. But the fact that he is in the Book of World Records for being the first (and only to my knowledge) person to deadlift over 5x bodyweight, AND did this with a spine condition that makes people feel like they should never pick up anything heavy, especially using their back...it's just impressive beyond words.


    Yeah... totally inspired.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Every time someone mentions scoliosis pain, I feel obligated to bring up Lamar Gant. He swears that deadlifting helped with the pain from his idiopathic scoliosis more than anything else. Oh...he also deadlifted over 5x his body weight at 123 lbs.

    Deadlifting will absolutely help strengthen your lower back, but have someone work with you the first few times so make sure your form is right. Wrong/poor form can end up hurting your back even more.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    A woman comes to my work and teaches a yoga class once a week. She had major back problems and was quite limited in her mobility. Yoga basically fixed her. She has now dedicated her life to helping other with back problems by using yoga.

    Food for thought......
    I hope you find something to help you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi - I get severe lower back pain as well. Sometimes it is so bad that I can't do anything but lay down. I've heard that I have two bulging disc and what sucks is that I feel like it bothers me more now than when I was 90lbs heavier. I believe it is from all of the woking out but I have noticed that it seems to come more often when I am stressed out.

    I've been told to stretch everyday and to do some back/core exercises. It does seem to help to stretch and I haven't really been into back/core exercises but would really like to start.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your back - I feel your pain. :flowerforyou: