Help!! Being bored and idle makes me eat!!

Hi everyone!

Need your help and advice!! Currently I am not working and while I am very good at kicking my butt in the gym I cant help but want to - and most of time do - eat!! Im sure its to do with being at home more and having time on my hands. I actually enjoy spending time at home so don't want to have to go out all the time just so am not tempted. Also doing plenty of exercise so going for a walk is not an option. I already sit down to enjoy my meals/snacks and serve them up nicely. I like having a snack while reading a book.

1. What do you do to help you not snack so much between meals or in my case between snacks!?

2. If you just HAVE to snack what options do you pick? Please other than just chopped fruit and veges :P

Appreciate all your help - I am sure i'm not the only one with this issue!!!!



  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I crochet, it keeps my hands busy and don't snack cuz I don't want my yarn getting icky while I do it! Or I clean, I am a stay at home mom so doing stuff with my 5 year old helps too. As far as IF I need to snack I pop a bag of Orville Reddenbachers Lite popcorn and have some of that! Or I chew a piece of sugar free gum, Xtra has biggest loser's stamp of approval on it!
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    Lately I have been eating grapes you can eat a whole bunch of them since they are only 3 calories each and trust me you won't be able to overeat them because they will make you so full since they are full of water usually by about 20 or 30 I know I have gone overboard but it doesn't matter because it is still less than 100 calories.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I just stay busy. And I know that's what your having issues with.. but like laundry, or organizing your closet. Sonething to do, just to do, ya know? Clean out your stove, or go out walking in the neighborhood.
    If you are really hungry. Ask yourself, am I bored, or hungry. If you're bored and looking for something to do, get out of the house if you have to!
    Also looking at pictures of your "heavy self" helps me immensley.

    Frozen grapes are an awesome treat.
    Pretzels and 2 tbsp of PB
    whole wheat toast with a slice of turkey on top
    motts applesauce in individ. cups.

    Good Luck!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Apple with peanut butter.....the new Sillouhette Satisfaction Yogurt that makes you fuller.....I go for a walk, get away form the food.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    chewing gum!
  • ericakgilmore
    I can't have a garden but I bought a couple of topsy turvey plants to give me something to do outside.

    As for snacks, I get sick of veggies too. Pringles Light Fat Free Chips are amazing and only 70 calories a serving. Fat free cottage cheese with madarine oranges is a new recent favorite snack.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ,,,Ask yourself, am I bored, or hungry. If you're bored and looking for something to do, get out of the house if you have to!,,,
    Yup, there it is. Find something to do. Think of a chore you've been putting off and just get up and do it. Scrape the gum off the side of the refrigerator - iron your towels - shave your dogs butt and paint hubby's face on there and teach the dog to walk backwards,,, There's always stuff to do.

    Your body will appreciate it, but your dog might not.
  • amiiwest
    amiiwest Posts: 3 Member
    After each meal brush your teeth. Then you are less likely to want to eat because you just brushed your teeth - grab a glass of water instead.

    Writing down EVERYTHING you eat and drink really helps, too. Then you feel accountable for what you eat. I'm in the same boat as a stay-at-home mom, and every time I reach for a snack I often stop myself because then I'd have to write it down. It's also hard because I often eat what my toddler leaves behind, but writing it down and making myself accountable has really helped curb that.

    Also, when I feel myself reaching for a snack to alleviate boredom, I often realize that perhaps it is a good time to take the kids outside or read them a book - or the dogs may need a walk.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I just read somewhere, for women in particular, dehydration is often misinterpreted as hunger - so if you think you want to eat because you are hungry, drink 8oz water.
    I also like to practice mindful eating - asking myself why I'm going to eat something, if I really need it or is it just a passing want.
    I keep my fruits and veggies on the fridge shelf, instead of in the crisper - it's the first thing I see when I open the fridge door.
  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    I eat BBQ flavored sunflower seeds in the shell (I know they have a lot of sodium :tongue: ). They let you have something in your mouth without actually eating much, so very few calories, and they last a long time. Plus they're good for you!
  • robslady
    robslady Posts: 17
    GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!! I had this problem too, but there is so much to wash your car, vacuum your floors, weed out you flower beds, go for a walk, take a nap, or peanut butter and celery is a healthy snack witch feels you up fast!! Goodluck!
  • f_cstewart
    f_cstewart Posts: 9
    Awww guys thanks! love all the ideas, sounds like mixing some protein with fruit/veg work for many of you will have to give it a go. Perhaps looking at this post when get peckish will help too!!

    Many thanks again, keep them coming if there is still more ideas!!