1 fish, 2 fish, red fish or blue fish?

Ok so main deal with this is I wanted to ask anyone, everyone about fish consumption.

...never liked it, don't eat it, and avoid it at all costs :(

But I do know I need to start eating it, and for the sake of my health I will choke down whatever I can, to get that healthier word added to my vocab and toward myself.

I also have a dilemma...I have fibromyaglia, and really as far as I've read the benefitical fish for me are "cold water"?

But I do like my canned tuna, and I read that Chunk light is the best for low mercury levels? Goal on that one too, low mercury levels.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had ideas to get "cold water fish" into my diet for meals, and what would be best?

Also about how much should I be consuming, daily, weekly?
If there are any recipes you'd like to share PLEASE! I can't stand the taste of fishy, texture kills me, and the smell....again, don't like fish.

But I'm working toward eating things that make my body function better, and I'll be damned if I let one thing throw me off track b/c it's something I never tried a different way...I'm always up for new ways to make something.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You could take fish oil caplets and save all the anguish.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you don't like it, don't eat it. There are alternatives out there to get the same nutrients whether it be a different food or a suppliment. No need to force yourself to eat something.

    You can have a perfectly healthy diet and body with or without fish.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    You don't NEED to eat fish if you don't like it. If you still decide to, do yourself a favor and eat real fish not fish out of a can. Taste is night and day
  • violinkeri
    I agree, dont force yourself to eat it, and fish oil supplements exist.

    That being said, if you are absolutely convinced to eat the actual fish...make tuna noodle casserole. you will only smell the fish while you are preparing it, and it just adds a slight bit of tang to the flavor of the cheese.
  • ValkyrieWrath
    Whew that's a relief LOL

    I take a One-A-Day Womens vitamin also, it says it contains fish such as flounder, cod, haddock, etc. but it doesnt tell me how much and dont see anything on the label about omega 3's-6's.

    Should I be taking a suppliment with this also?

    And myth question: too much fish, fish oil....skin smells of fish or B.O,. ekk!? True or false?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Whew that's a relief LOL

    I take a One-A-Day Womens vitamin also, it says it contains fish such as flounder, cod, haddock, etc. but it doesnt tell me how much and dont see anything on the label about omega 3's-6's.

    Should I be taking a suppliment with this also?

    And myth question: too much fish, fish oil....skin smells of fish or B.O,. ekk!? True or false?

    I don't know about the smell. I've never heard of that before.

    You can also take a flaxseed oil suppliment... still gives you omegas.