
Soooo frustrated!! Been trying to stick to 1200 calories and have gained 4 pounds. Everyone keeps saying I need to up my calories but I have done Jenny Craig before and that was a 1200 calorie diet and I have a ton of friends that are on Weight Watchers and there points add up to approx. 1200 calories and they are losing like crazy. And I lost like crazy (every week) on Jenny Craig. I haven't been adding in my calories for my Gin and Diet Tonics I like to drink but when I was on JC I didn't add them in either and I still lost, and that was only 3 years ago. Surely I don't have to eat more food?? I can't excercise right now so I put Sedentary on my description. Before I started counting calories I was at least I've gained 4 pounds? Grrrr! I;m jut venting but If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. :-)


  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    It should work for you, in theory, but it does depend on how many gin and tonics you are having. They are quite high in calories.
  • imjenjen00
    First of all, everyone loses weight differently. Just because something works for your friends doesn't mean it will work for you too.

    Second, log everything that passes your lips in your diary...including your gin and tonics.

    1200 calories isn't a lot of food. I would suggest figuring our your BMR and TDEE and eating between those values, and adding in some good strength training and cardio.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    How is sodium looking?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    First of all, everyone loses weight differently. Just because something works for your friends doesn't mean it will work for you too.

    Second, log everything that passes your lips in your diary...including your gin and tonics.

    1200 calories isn't a lot of food. I would suggest figuring our your BMR and TDEE and eating between those values, and adding in some good strength training and cardio.

    1. use those calculators.
    2. Forget Jenny Craig.
    3. Forget the notion that you have to eat less and less to lose more, it doesn't necessarily work that way.
    4. Be patient.
  • MJackson54
    Sometimes it's not the number of calories but the type of foods you may be eating or the time of day you are eating. I don't focus on calorie counting or weigh ins. I focus on lifestyle changes and there it is! I'm losing weight without any real effort!
  • mmoister79
    I am not sure of your personal situation with being sedentary, but if you can add in a bit of working out, that might help. Maybe try boxing punches (you don't even need to stand up to do them). Also, I reccommend drinking lots of water! Water is super important. I would also start to add your gin and tonics as part of your daily calorie intake, even if it only 1 or two. Alcohol calories can easily add up!

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Not that this is an expert opinion but I have had some success with lowering sodium and increasing h2o intake (to counter act my liquor consumption) . I found people on here are very helpful if you leave your diary open and log everything. They can spot things I don't even know to look for.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    A lot of things can change in 3 years. I know I don't have the same metabolism that I did 3 years ago. Your body changes. Have you had your thyroid checked and other blood work to make sure everything is okay. I would cut back on the gin and tonics or include them into your daily diet.

    There is no one right answer for you. I know things that worked a few years ago, don't work now. You just have to play around with it until you start seeing results.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Or for a different version to figure out your TDEE, as well as some great advice...check out:

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group: (Read all the stickies. It's great information to know.)

    For those eating below their BMR (which I think 1200 is below your BMR to be honest), not going to preach at you, but here's something you might want to look at:

    Yes, this is can all be overwhelming and complicated , but you are more than welcome to ask questions on the post.
    One of the things that I have found that has been one of the best methods for me to get fit is to understand fitness. To understand where all these figures, etc come from.

    The good thing is once you get the hang of it - it is something you'll be aware of constantly and you'll get a better understanding about your eating habits.

    So I HIGHLY suggest making the effort to take every chance to educate yourself. Even if you don't end up going with any of these methods, calculations, etc - at least you understand what they are, where others are coming from, and maybe they will still be able to help you figure out what is best for you.
  • porkchop_13
    mmmmm You had me at gin and tonic....

    Sorry, i got distracted
  • loseweightIhope
    Maybe cut your carbs? My struggle is breads. I just cut them out and in a few days have lost almost 3 pounds. I am trying to eat 95% clean. I am interested to hear what others opinions are. I am not eating anything with sugar added in either.
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    Gin and Tonic can be anywhere from 120-170 calories depending on size and such. Not sure how many you are having extra week but it will add up at those calories.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Sometimes it's not the number of calories but the type of foods you may be eating or the time of day you are eating. I don't focus on calorie counting or weigh ins. I focus on lifestyle changes and there it is! I'm losing weight without any real effort!

    It's always the number of calories you are eating and it matters not the time of day you eat. Not focusing on weigh ins? That I agree with. Lifestyle change? Yes. Doesn't take effort? Not for the other 99% of us. You're just lucky.

    ETA: Check out the links posted by Joylia. Good stuff there.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Everyone loses differently. Just b/c your friends are losing on 1200 cal does not mean you will. Unless you are very petite or have a lot to lose - 1200 calories is just enough to make your body function (breathing, organs working, heart beating, etc). Add any bit of exercise and you're going to need to increase the calories.

    However, if you've gained 4lbs - you may need to watch the sodium and carbs. Not all calories are created equal. Just b/c you are eating 1200 does not mean its the right combination of 1200 calories that your body needs.

    Lower the carbs (not low carb diet, just lower - such at 100- 150g per day)
    Lower the sodium intake
    Increase the water intake
    Increase your movement (you don't have to always workout, but move more)

    BE PATIENT. Our weight fluctuates daily/weekly - so keep an eye on it and adjust accordingly until you find what works best FOR YOU!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Or for a different version to figure out your TDEE, as well as some great advice...check out:

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group: (Read all the stickies. It's great information to know.)

    For those eating below their BMR (which I think 1200 is below your BMR to be honest), not going to preach at you, but here's something you might want to look at:

    Yes, this is can all be overwhelming and complicated , but you are more than welcome to ask questions on the post.
    One of the things that I have found that has been one of the best methods for me to get fit is to understand fitness. To understand where all these figures, etc come from.

    The good thing is once you get the hang of it - it is something you'll be aware of constantly and you'll get a better understanding about your eating habits.

    So I HIGHLY suggest making the effort to take every chance to educate yourself. Even if you don't end up going with any of these methods, calculations, etc - at least you understand what they are, where others are coming from, and maybe they will still be able to help you figure out what is best for you.
    Quoting the above becuase it works.
    Maybe cut your carbs? My struggle is breads. I just cut them out and in a few days have lost almost 3 pounds. I am trying to eat 95% clean. I am interested to hear what others opinions are. I am not eating anything with sugar added in either.
    No. I eat plenty of carbs and processed foods... and I've lost plenty. Telling the OP to cut something else out at this point isn't necessarily the advice that I would give. They need to figure out how many calories they need to keep their gears turning at this point, then they can tweak if they need to. But a blanket "don't eat carbs" isn't going to fit everyone. A calorie deficit will.
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    I have to wonder when you are doing your weigh-ins. I know that for me personally, my weight can fluctuate by as much as 10 lbs from week to week depending on when I weigh-in or what I eat that week.

    That being said, the scale isn't that important. It can only make you frustrated if you let it. If you are making healthy life style changes then you have to wait. You could be losing inches, your weight could be redistributing, or you could be maintaining for a little while.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    First of all, everyone loses weight differently. Just because something works for your friends doesn't mean it will work for you too.

    Second, log everything that passes your lips in your diary...including your gin and tonics.

    1200 calories isn't a lot of food. I would suggest figuring our your BMR and TDEE and eating between those values, and adding in some good strength training and cardio.

    This person lost 153lbs....probably good to have as your friend. Advice and support are a beautiful thing

    1. use those calculators.
    2. Forget Jenny Craig.
    3. Forget the notion that you have to eat less and less to lose more, it doesn't necessarily work that way.
    4. Be patient.
  • KatelinJade
    There are a lot of different things that can contribute to not losing weight. I am currently on a 1350 cal diet with 30 mins of exercise 6 days a week. I have been on a plateau for about 4 months now. So I've been doing some research and as it turns out it has pretty well nothing to do with how little or how much you eat. And as much as I hate to say this:grumble:, it depends on WHAT you're eating (I enjoy high fat foods and that is why I've been on a plateau). For instance, if you eat McDonalds cheeseburgers but stay under your calorie goal chances are you will not lose weight because the fat content is so high in fast food. So basically if I were you I would be watching the types of food I am eating. If you go out lots then try to find healthier menu items like salads or grilled chicken. I'm sure you know what I mean so enough with the examples. Just stick with it because you WILL see results and one person had it right, FORGET Jenny Craig or your other friends who have lost weight on 1200 cal diets. Focus on yourself and you will get the job done! Good Luck!:happy:
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Maybe cut your carbs? My struggle is breads. I just cut them out and in a few days have lost almost 3 pounds. I am trying to eat 95% clean. I am interested to hear what others opinions are. I am not eating anything with sugar added in either.

    No. I eat plenty of carbs and processed foods... and I've lost plenty. Telling the OP to cut something else out at this point isn't necessarily the advice that I would give. They need to figure out how many calories they need to keep their gears turning at this point, then they can tweak if they need to. But a blanket "don't eat carbs" isn't going to fit everyone. A calorie deficit will.

    Just b/c YOU can eat plenty of carbs does not me the next person can! Weight loss is not simple for everyone. It takes a lot of patience and adjusting to get the right "formula" down that works for you as an individual. I know for me....I need to be aroudn 2000mg sodium and around 150g carbs or I will see an increase in the scale. But it took months and months to figure this out.
    Cutting carbs by a few grams is not going to hurt and could easily help. No one is telling her to go on a low carb diet.
  • chylo1
    chylo1 Posts: 41 Member