Hiya, a new busy Mummy..

Ho to all other Mummy's out there on a mission to loose that extra baby weight.

I have 3 children aged 7, 4 and 11 months old. I have gained alot of weight over the years due to complete lifestyles changes and 3 full term pregnancies.

I was 230lbs when I started dieting at the beginning of January 2013 and now i weigh 217lbs. I have already lost 13 Lbs to date. I am going to continue to reach my goal of 150Lbs by the end of this year.

Any other Mum's or dad's out there I'd be greatful for that little bit more extra support and friends to add

Laura :flowerforyou: x.x


  • trinity_sw
    Hi Laura,

    congrats on losing 13lbs! Thats a great start to the year! I've only started using mfp properly in the last month and would like to lose a few pounds but I'm trying more to focus on toning.
    Are you doing anything other then dieting? It must be really hard with 3 little ones, I only have 1 22 month and I find it difficult sometimes (he likes to run around me when I'm exercising at home and tries to sit on my stomach when I'm doing situps!). I've started doing the insainty course this week which I'm really enjoying but its really tough. I get up early in the morning before work to do it, puts me in such a good mood afterwards :) x
  • gooner46
    gooner46 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Laura,

    I only joined a couple of weeks ago, after trying Weight Watchers nearly 2 years ago, lost the weight then put it all back on, plus more. As my clothes were getting tight I knew I needed to do something about it. I weighed in at 199lbs 2 weeks, I wasn't far off that when I had my child 4 years ago!! I lost 5lbs in the first week just by cutting down and trying not to eat bad things. This is my second week so hopefully have lost a bit more! I want to lose at least 14lbs before my holiday in 8 weeks time!

    You can add me as a friend if you like.

    We can do it.

  • lauraturburville203
    I have an indoor stationary exercise bike and I use that everyday for 35-40 minutes and it really has made a big difference. I Normally do my routine when my youngest has her morning nap, which is any time between 10AM and 12PM.
  • lauraturburville203
    Hi Laura,

    I only joined a couple of weeks ago, after trying Weight Watchers nearly 2 years ago, lost the weight then put it all back on, plus more. As my clothes were getting tight I knew I needed to do something about it. I weighed in at 199lbs 2 weeks, I wasn't far off that when I had my child 4 years ago!! I lost 5lbs in the first week just by cutting down and trying not to eat bad things. This is my second week so hopefully have lost a bit more! I want to lose at least 14lbs before my holiday in 8 weeks time!

    You can add me as a friend if you like.

    We can do it.


    I don't like slimming world or weight watchers as they want you to loose weight too fast for your own good but with MFP you can do it at your own pace. I have my husband's sisters wedding 2morrow hopefully i'll look alot better in it than before. i'll post a pic to see the difference :) thank you and i've send a request
  • pbwarchol
    pbwarchol Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Laura,
    I am also a VERY busy mom of an 11 month old baby girl - no other kids though, yet. I can only imagine how tough it is after three full term pregnancies, because one really set me back!
    I am very similar to you, trying to kill the baby weight, using baby nap or solo play time to exercise. I have bought a treadmill for the house that I use almost daily plus I've cut my calories by about 1/2. I've lost 14 lbs since January and would LOVE to lose many many more.
    I'd love to add to my friends list, the motivation on here is so helpful!
    Best of luck to you!
  • working_mommy
    Hi Ladies - I'm right there with you and would love some more friends :) I have two beautiful girls and work full time. and have a husband. and a cat and a dog. and a house. I think you get my point - being pulled in 5 different directions and decided to give some time to myself to get this weight off. My youngest is 6 months and I'm still rocking maternity pants - not cool.
  • donnampetty
    donnampetty Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Laura and other mommies, I just joined today and have a 12month and 3yr old who leave me very little time plus I'm active duty Coast Guard. Maybe I could join you and we can motivate each other to squeeze in those extra work outs and share kid friendly healthy recipes ;)
  • jessicagracic
    Hey Laura. I've also got 3 children. 9 year old, 4 year old and 11 month old. I defiantly understand wanting to get off the baby weight and live a healthy lifestyle for your kids. Just remember you can do anything you put your mind to!!!!! If you need support, let me know. I'm new to MFP and I'm on a weight loss journey myself. =-)
  • bouchie11982
    bouchie11982 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Laura, I have a 20 month old and am a stay at home mom. Congrats on the weight loss! A big big part of losing weight is the diet. Eat every 2-3 hours, 5-6 small meals. I understand how being busy can interrupt your meals so what I do is prepare my meals ahead of time and it works out amazingly! For the snacks put them in single ziplock bags and just grab 'n' go. I'd like to get back to my 170 before I got pregnant and perhaps go even more to a 155-160. But it takes a lot of hard work and the results are worth it!
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Hi Laura,

    Congrats on the your weight loss so far! I'm a busy mommy too with a 4 month old and 2 year old. This is a great place to get encouragement as well exercise and meal ideas.

    Feel free to add me and anyone else who needs support.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I'm also a busy mummy of 2. My son is 3 (4 in June) and my daughter is 1 (2 in May), and I work part time as a teacher, which unfortunately means I have to do work at home too. My husband does shift work so I do the majority of child care and housework.

    I started back at the gym and healthy eating when my daughter was 7 weeks old and I was 220lbs and I'm now 161lbs, so it's taken a while. I work out 5 or 6 times a week, and have a personal trainer and do mainly strength training with him.

    Feel free to add me!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hey there!! First of all, yay for starting your weight loss journey!! I'm a new mommy (my son just turned 2 months) and trying to lose the rest of my baby weight as well...feel free to add me!

    Oh and the Post Partum Pack group is awesome if you want even more support :)
  • lauraturburville203
    Thanks for the response girls..

    My eldest daughter Annalise has communication learning difficulties and my son Ryan has some behavioural issues that we are slowly dealing with. He will be having further tests as the months go by just to rule out autism or anything else. Sophie my youngest is just a ball of fun :-) she is able to walk with support now and not even 12 months yet. My days can vary from being long and stressful, especially if Ryan has been particulary difficult in morning nursery or home throughout the day to nice and stress free to an extent.

    Thanks for the help and extra support helps me alot. Good luck to you all with your weighloss.

    xx Laura xx