Has anyone tried DEXYFEN by Image Sports?

I started yesterday this product that GNC recommended called "DEXYFEN" by Image Sports. It seems to be pretty good as yesterday no headaches at least yet and I did not eat so well yesterday and no weight gain but no loss yet, but it is only the second day we will see tomorrow what happens. It made me go into a warm feeling and even makes me sweat a little but not gross or anything. I just hope that what GNC said will be true that even if you don't diet that this product will make you loss weight and if you are dieting and exercising it will only double your results. My question to everyone is have you tried this new product and if so what are your results?


  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
  • I just started this yesterday and a 1000 calorie diet does this pill work?!
  • Did this pill work for u?!
  • maddiecab
    maddiecab Posts: 12 Member
    I would like to know too.
  • Hey ladies, I would like to know if you girls experienced any results.
  • I have been taking it for a week now!
    WOW is all I can say. Appetite suppression is a good description!
    Also stay away from caffeinated beverages as this does have like 3-4 cups worth of caffeine.
    I like it! they say to not take it for more than 8 weeks.....?
    I wonder why?
  • I took my first pill yesterday. I havent noticed any bad side effects other than diarrhea. It definitely is a apetite supressant though. Did any of you ladies have good results with this product?
  • I took one today and it says to take on empty stomach and it made me sweat and I felt my pressure go up. I want to throw up so badly. I finally ate something but still felt bad. It did curb appetite but not worth all that. Maybe I'll try with something in my stomach but nit anytime soon. Good luck.
  • Did this product work for anyone? I bought it today at the recommendation of GNC.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    •Dexyfen is an all natural formula.
    •This product has several positive reviews from customers.

    •Dexyfen contains more than one stimulant, so those who are sensitive may want to avoid taking the product within several hours of bedtime. It can disrupt sleep cycles, cause headaches, jitters, and irritability.
    •Diuretics pull water from the body, which may lead to dehydration. Water weight loss is temporary and though it will produce results on the scale, will not be like fat loss.
    •This product is not recommended to use for more than 8 consecutive weeks without a break in between.
    •There are no free trials of this supplement.
    •This supplement is $57 for a monthly supply, which makes it expensive for a lot of people.


    Dexyfen claims to be an appetite suppressant, but we do not see anything in the formula that acts an appetite suppressant. There are several different stimulants in the formula that will help with burning fat. However, without the balanced diet and regular exercise program, the supplement will not do much work. No supplement will do all the work for you. It is plausible you will see weight loss results with this product, but after a full 8 week cycle, you may not be able to keep the weight off while you are on your off cycle.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Stop with the pills!
  • kjorge107
    kjorge107 Posts: 1
    I've been taking these pills for about 3 weeks now and there are some severe side effects that I've experienced. First off, I workout everyday for at least two hours (mostly cardio but I incorporate weight lifting too) and I'm trying to loose that last bit of stubborn fat. If I take this pill on an empty stomach I get real jittery and a little nauseous so I started taking it with my morning protein shake or with some lean meat and veggies. That seemed to help out. However, if I take this supplement and don't use it (sit in a chair) I have a couple of adverse symptoms in this order

    * Intense stomach pains lasting about a minute which dies off into nausea/ stomach ache, followed immediately with
    * Skin flushing. Feels like my face, arms, and legs are on fire which leaves you feeling feverish with the shivers
    * And also dizziness. I have to stay seated or I'll be sick of the violent kind (if you know what I mean)

    This has been my experience literally every single time I haven't jump on the elliptical, run, dance...whatever!
    So, my suggestion would first be find something else because the little research I've found on the supplement Yohimbe that Dexyfen contains is reported to be very bad for you.
    But if you're dead-set on trying it out, GO RUN IT OFF! This isn't one of those cutesy take-one-a-day pills just because you're trying to burn more calories or suppress your appetite because you didnt workout that day. If that last statement is you find a different pill to take that doesn't have Yohimbe in it.
  • lyricalmelody
    lyricalmelody Posts: 2 Member
    I've been taking it for 3 days... So far It's great, no serious side effects. It's doing everything it promised. To me, It's like motivation in a pill, kicks my butt out the door every morning! I'll keep taking them, hopefully everything goes well
  • hbk23lmv
    hbk23lmv Posts: 1
    I've been taking these pills for a week and a half, and the first 2 days were the worst. I took one in the morning with an empty stomach and I felt bad, and dizzie. I ate after the 30 minutes, and I felt worse. In the afternoon I took another one and that one made me throw up. I was really thinking about quitting with the pills, but I gave them a chance. Now I take them in the morning as instructed, and in the afternoon. I feel great during the day, and it boosted up my metabolism. My recommendation to y'all is give it a week or two, then make the decision. So far I've lost a total of 10 lbs with the pills and a mild exercise. Eating good and healthy food helps too. Good luck and I hope you get the results you looking for.
  • lyricalmelody
    lyricalmelody Posts: 2 Member
    Now that I've taken them for a week, I've lost 5 pounds. The only effect it had was that I can't eat spicy foods or I'll get heart burn. Since I stopped, everything is perfect, still get energy every morning. Just following the directions and taking it ONCE a day on an empty stomach and following it by running and eating healthy. :)
  • JerZRob
    JerZRob Posts: 68


    Dexyfen claims to be an appetite suppressant, but we do not see anything in the formula that acts an appetite suppressant. There are several different stimulants in the formula that will help with burning fat. However, without the balanced diet and regular exercise program, the supplement will not do much work. No supplement will do all the work for you. It is plausible you will see weight loss results with this product, but after a full 8 week cycle, you may not be able to keep the weight off while you are on your off cycle.
  • Been on it for 3 days I lost 6 lbs in 2 days im super super excited day 4 haven't weighed in yet but cant wait to. Oh fyi I cut out carbs and lessen sugar intake... eat like a caveman!!! Fish lean meat veggies fruits
  • dg3836
    dg3836 Posts: 1
    Hey guys! I have been taking this product for approx 3 weeks and I think I'm in love :heart: . I have a really high tolerance for caffeine though - so this product kinda just gets me pumped. I've had no side effects at all and I have taken this product on an empty stomach for almost a week. When it was recommended to me I was told it was NOT for the faint of heart. So if you are sensitive to thermogenics or have a weak stomach or anything of the sort, I would start with the generic or regular version of Hydroxycut before you try this. Also, if you dont exercise regularly, dont bother. This isnt a miracle pill. You wont drop 5 lbs just by taking this pill. Its meant to serve as a crutch. Please dont rely on it to curb your appetite, you need to have self control. I WOULD NOT recommend you take this to help with your cardio, it really gets your heart beating fast. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I tried that one day. NOT FUN. But all in all, I have to say that I really like this product. :love:

    I am a fitness junkie and workout for two-three hours a day. Once in the morning and twice at night, six days a week. I have an extrememly strict diet. This product has aided me a lot in this process. But only because I've stuck to my routines. NO CHEATS. Anyway, I hope this review helps!

  • Ive been on this product 17 days I absolutely love it, I got on it because it came highly recommend along with B4 by GNC staff who is very familiar with my fitness and activity.. This product does exactly what it say!!!! I do suffer from the headaches however ive had headaches most of my adult life so i just drink some coffee and pray!!!

    I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a boost of energy and a boost in metabolism and that extra umph needed to get the workout started<<<<< Keep in mind please when your metabolism has reached its max or even just a little higher then what its used to, its hungry you have to feed it even if its small snacks ( ie. apple, orange, raw veggies etc ) so dont look for this medicine to curb your appetite

    12.6 lbs in 17 days only exercise i do is Walking everyday at the local metro parks minimal of 30 mins
  • I just bought this, and I need more instructions! It says to take on an empty stomach.. how long do i wait to eat breakfast?