Migraine Tips



  • laciemn
    laciemn Posts: 77 Member
    Do you eat low carb? Headaches and migraines can be caused by too little carbs over an extended period of time. Try having a little bit of caffeine (especially tea) or do the downward facing dog yoga pose. Other than that, excessive squinting can cause headaches, household chemicals, smoke, dehydration--there's a lot of things that can cause severe headaches, even simple stress. When you have the headache, definitely eat some carbs. Don't go carb crazy or anything but have some carbs.

    A tip I heard recently and I haven't had the chance to try it is to put your finger in some very hot water (not hot to burn but maybe your finger turns red). Migraines and headaches are caused by increased blood flow to the brain and by soaking your hand or perhaps even feet in very hot water, the blood will flow to that area instead. It's worth trying!
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I get migraines with partial paralysis, flashing lights and difficulty speaking coherently. Not fun.

    No food cravings, though. Now when I feel one coming one I take a massive dose of ibuprofen (1000mg+). It makes the headache bad but not excruciating, but I'm still useless until it passes.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I never had food cravings with migraines. In fact, once a migraine came on, I didn't want to see, smell or eat food of any kind. The only thing I wanted was a dark, quiet room with close access to a toilet in case I needed to vomit.

    However, I did find that not eating would trigger migraines. If I noticed that weird-head feeling coming on and immediately ate some protein, it would sometimes (not always) lessen the migraine symptoms.

    Oddly enough, once I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on my meds, my migraines went away. Blessed relief!!
  • rachealmiles
    I suffer from frequent migrains.. around 2-4 a month and I dont know if this happens to anyone else, but when I have one my body is so hungry ! I could eat anything in sight. I crave things with sugar like pop and chocolate and also carbs. I also find when I eat these things it helps with the intensity of the migraine.

    Does anyone have similar experiences or any suggestions on what to eat during my attacks so I dont fall off the wagon?

    Yep, that's me! Had them since the age of 12 yrs and can eat any amount of crappy food that I can get my hands on :bigsmile:
  • rachealmiles
    yep i have had them since i was little. i have been diagnosed and have a prescription for relpax, which i find helps the headache but doesnt take the food cravings away.

    a often get the auras without the migraine, ive read lots of books about it and understand why it happens. there is also advice to exercise when you have them to get blood circulating more.. but who can do that!??!?

    Exercise? The person that said that has never had a migraine :noway:
  • tina711x
    my mom gets Severe migraines.. i remember when i was really little making her ice packs and bringing it into a dark room for her. it's horrible. shes always laughing and joking and full of life but when she has a migraine shes really quiet and cant talk alot n has to be in a dark room laying down, it scared me because i worry about her so much. im 25 now and she still gets them. i found out they started for her when she was in her early 20s and then a month ago when i was pmsing i got the worst head ache! i couldnt talk, barely could move n it felt like someone was squeezing my head. light hurt, sound hurt, my boyfriend thought i was having an anuerysm and wanted to take me to the hospital. i called my mom n she said it sounded like one her migraines. i finally began to understand the pain she goes through. and its so sad to me now how often she suffers. i really want to try something to help her i feel like doctors just want to give her pain meds but i would love to give her some things that are natural. if anyone has any suggestions they would be most appreciated, thanks
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Not me, the last thing I can do is exercise as I find it affects my limbs and they feel really heavy. I do find that going for a walk helps and getting some fresh air so maybe that gets the blood circulating?

    I get them with auras, I used to get nausea and vomiting, but as I got older than stopped and I just get the headache and feel like someone has removed my brain and stuffed my head with cotton wool.

    I also get food cravings since I stopped the vomiting, when I was trying to lose weight (I'm on here trying to maintain the lost weight) I would just write off the migraine day, it seemed more important to me to deal with the migraine and get that sorted out. But I find that a cup of tea and a slice of toast will work pretty well to take the cravings away. It's usually something high carb that I tend to crave.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I can't even think about food when i have a migraine, all i want is a dark room, ice water and silence! LOL

    Me too! I get the aura before the time - blurred vision and my right arm goes numb. As soon as I get the aura, I take my medication and then all I can think of is getting to a dark place and lie down. I don't ever get food cravings, not even the days after an attack. The headache is overwhelming and I can seriously not even think about food, let alone eat it!
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    yep i have had them since i was little. i have been diagnosed and have a prescription for relpax, which i find helps the headache but doesnt take the food cravings away.

    a often get the auras without the migraine, ive read lots of books about it and understand why it happens. there is also advice to exercise when you have them to get blood circulating more.. but who can do that!??!?

    Exercise? The person that said that has never had a migraine :noway:

    Yes, with a true migraine, you won't be able so stand up straight!! I can't even keep my eyes open!!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I used to get horrible migraines about twice a week, but luckily I only get them roughly once a month now.

    I have been diagnosed and sent to a specialist.
    She told me to use birth control to extend my cycle, so I would only have my TOM once every three months. Some of my migraines are hormone related, so I always get them during TOM, without fail.

    She also told me to keep a food diary, to see if there are any dietary triggers. She gave me a list of common migraine triggers to look out for:
    fatty/fried foods
    food additives, esp. MSG and aspartame
    full fat dairy
    citrus fruits
    dried fruit
    alcohol, esp. ones containing sulfites.

    For me it was food additives, peanuts, dried fruit and processed pork.

    She also told me that migraines become less frequent and less bad if you take better care of your general well being.
    So eat healthy foods and exercise. Don't exercise when having a migraine, because that only makes it worse.
    You should also make sure you get a steady blood sugar level. So eat several small meals with protein, instead of three bigger ones. Having your blood sugar levels rise and then drop can cause migraines.

    A lot of migraine sufferers have been found to have less magnesium in their system, so you should also take a magnesium supplement. This could help lessen the attacks as well.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I get salty food cravings rather than sweet.
    If I catch it before severe nausea and vomiting kicks in I find blue Powerade helps - must be the blue one for some reason!

    My migraines often start with tension pain in my neck and base of the skull and I find you can exercise it away. The theory is that as migraines often are caused by incorrect blood flow you can force your body to regulate the blood flow by intense exercise. The downside is that the pain builds to a really, really intense level before finally going away. I only do this with a lower level migraine over several days that isn't responding to meds. This is not something to do if you are in the "darkened room, puking, feeling like death" stage of a migraine.

    My keys to managing my migraines are:
    Hydration (esp. after cardio exercise and alcohol)
    Take meds early.
    Avoid stress.
    Regular sleep pattern.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I get migraines with partial paralysis, flashing lights and difficulty speaking coherently. Not fun.

    No food cravings, though. Now when I feel one coming one I take a massive dose of ibuprofen (1000mg+). It makes the headache bad but not excruciating, but I'm still useless until it passes.

    That's exactly how I experience it as well. My doctor prescribed Tripilene daily and it seems to help preventing the attacks. It is just terrible when I'm at work (I'm a teacher) and I feel an attack coming. I can't speak properly and it's the weirdest thing when I want to say something and it comes out completely wrong!
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    Migraine have many forms and not surprisingly the triggers are varied as are the appropriate treatments (both at the time and as prevention).

    I personally find diet a big part of my triggers and I suspect is one reason I learnt to be a picky eater. This page is a reasonable summary of foods triggers http://www.ehow.com/facts_4840255_foods-that-cause-migraines.html
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    I have suffered from migraines since I was about 13 years old. I used to have at least once a month, and I would often have more.

    Worst one I ever had I ended up in hospital on a morphine drip. I just kept having the migraine cycle over and over. That was about 3 years ago. Migraines are essentially a chemical release in the brain which causes swelling.

    Eventually I got fed up with them, so I made some lifestyle changes, and I haven't had a migraine in 3 months.

    1. I had an eye test. even though my eyes are not bad (-0.25, +0.25) I still walked out with a pair of glasses as I use a computer for 10+ hours a day. I also had an anti-glare coating which helps keep the bad stuff away from my eyes.

    2. I started taking a multivitamin tablet and a magnesium tablet. Magnesium deficiency is known to cause migraines, too.

    3. Exercise and proper diet. Control intake of sugars and caffeine, drink at least 3 pints of water a day.

    What's the bet I have a migraine today or tomorrow now? :P
  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    I recently completed a course of preventative migraine medicine and haven't had a migraine in about 3 months (i was getting at least one a week). ask your doctor.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    When I do have a migraine, during the migraine I am to nauseous to eat anything other than grapes.
    The day after the migraine I seem to eat anything and everything.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I would question whether they are true migarines. Many headaches, and indeed migraines themselves, can be triggered by skipping meals/low blood sugar levels, but most people who I know (including myself) who suffer from migraines are actually unable to even consider eating whilst in the throes of one. Maybe visit your doctor to confirm if they are migraines or not. In order to avoid other type of headaches maybe try to eat regularly. Good luck
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    There is a lot of misinformation in this thread.

    Self-diagnosis is dubious, however there is a wide variety of symptoms that doctors and neurologists will say come under the term 'migraine'.

    At one stage of my life I had migraines daily for months. Out of necessity I learnt to eat, study, work, and socialise with a migraine. I still experience the type that needs a dark and quiet room and respect those that cannot keep going while they have a migraine.

    Talk to a medical professional and get there help to identify your triggers and was that help your situation. Don't let message board experts tell you that you must be wrong because your experience does not match their experience or that of their Aunt or neighbour or whatever.
  • Ducati58
    Ducati58 Posts: 20 Member
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i crave carbs w migraines and when eating them i hurt less too

    things i will do is have green tea w real sugar and saltines. the soda u r craving may be bc caffeine alleviates the pain. my doc told me to take excedrin at the 1st notice of a migraine coming on. (prescription pain meds intensify my migraines)

    i often get a migraine just b4 TOM, so starting this month I am gonna skip TOM and try to just have 3 a year.

    prevention has been better for me vs curative. really consuming greens (mustard, turnip, collards, spinach) seem to prevent onset as well as regular exercise.