Does anyone else feel like this?

20chloe09 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel enormous. Huge - worse than I ever did before I decided to do something about my weight because before I was in denial about it and now its all I can think about. I literally weigh and measure myself everytime I'm in the bathroom and check MFP every 5 minutes. I realise that its good that I'm really getting into my new healthy lifestyle but I'd really like to start seeing some visible results soon because looking in the mirror has never been this depressing! Does anyone else feel like this?


  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member

    You're gorgeous, by the way. :-)
  • I completely understand what you're saying. I too feel good about being healthy, but the results are slow. It is easy to become obbsessed about weight loss and then when it doesn't happen at the rate you want or expect, it can be a total let down. Try to remember that being healthy is the most important thing, and the results for your efforts will show eventually :)
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    Don't be negative. You are making changes for yourself and your health! You can do this - just take it one day at a time, make healthy choices, do a little sweating - even if you start with just 15 minutes before work. In a few weeks you will feel better, your pants will be just a little less snug. You can do this! :wink:
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    OMG ! I was just feeling the same way too . I bought a new scale last weekend, and now all I ever want to do is check my weight . I check it before, and after I eat/drink . I'm constantly on MFP trying to plan out my food and all that. I think I'm adicted ! As for the results, I feel the same but I've lost 6 pounds. MY STOMACH IS STILL FLABBY !

    Good Luck
  • i'm always like that when i diet. i sometimes dream that i ate so much that when i wake up, i have to touch my stomach. =/
    i weigh myself in the morning and at night, and sometimes throughout the day. i hate that i do all this, cuz when i don't see a lower number, i usually give up and eat.
  • bambi5014
    bambi5014 Posts: 79
    You are not alone! You will have good days and bad ones. I have lost 25 lbs and have recently gained one pound back, after vacation and very unhealthy eating. I am beating myself up about the ONE pound, mainly because the fried foods I ate made me feel even fatter and more bloated. Its ok! The obsessing WILL slow down, especially after you near your goal. I personally try to set mini goals, so it feels like I am accomplishing something faster. It doesn't happen overnight and you will be rewarded with your efforts as soon as you drop a size or two. Good luck!!!
  • ChrisG1975
    ChrisG1975 Posts: 3
    Have felt like this before. Don't get too discouraged. I get on the scale and measure myself every 2 weeks. I had a personal trainer at one point and this is how often she told me to weigh and measure. Just the fact that you care enough about yourself to start a new healthy lifestyle is fantastic. So many people don't feel like they deserve to treat themselve well. Good for you for knowing that you are worth it. Keep on plugging away and talking about how you feel. I know sharing my negative thoughts takes the power out of them.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Slow and steady pace wins the race! Remember, we didn't get this way overnight, and were not going to get the other way over night either! I am the sameway though, with the scale. Sometime's I find myself on it a couple of times a day, and FB use to be my best friend, now MFP is. I sit on here reading different stories everyday. This is the first program that has ever worked for me. At 255 lbs in Jan. I went on a diet alone. I got down to 247. Then my niece told me about MFP. I joined 3/18 at 247, and I am now at 213, down 2 pants sizes and I have lost 26.5 inches overall on my body! That is the biggest inspiration I have ever had to keep at it. Feel free to add me as a friend, and everyone else you can. The support is awesome, and makes such a difference to know your not the only one like this!
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    Yes!!!!! I honestly feel like i have a disorder now... i have lost 40 lbs and want to loose 5-15 more...... and have never been so depressed about it!!! NOT EVEN 40 LBS AGO!! I am trying my hardest to hide my scale from myself, LOL..... at least for a while so i dont get so depressed because i seriously weigh every day, maybe more..... it actually ruins my whole day almost every day! it is sickening and madness :noway: :sad: :huh: I have to stop thinking about my weight, foods, diets, & exersise. It consumes my whole day. I check hear too much like there will be some miraculous discovery that i cant miss :laugh:
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    You are not alone! You will have good days and bad ones. I have lost 25 lbs and have recently gained one pound back, after vacation and very unhealthy eating. I am beating myself up about the ONE pound, mainly because the fried foods I ate made me feel even fatter and more bloated. Its ok! The obsessing WILL slow down, especially after you near your goal. I personally try to set mini goals, so it feels like I am accomplishing something faster. It doesn't happen overnight and you will be rewarded with your efforts as soon as you drop a size or two. Good luck!!!

    at least im not the only one that gets upset about 1 lb... my bf thinks i am insane!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Time dear Cloe....time

    Yes I was (was?) addicted to MFP and weighing and measuring. But once it became a habit, I was not so bad. I too was just happy with the status quo......I was fat for so long I always said I chose food over feeling good about myself.

    The truth was I was comprimising my health. I feel 20 yrs younger and so much healthier now that I have accomplished my goal.

    So much so that after a yr, I decided to lose another 10!!

    Good luck, you can SO do this!!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Yes...I thought we went down a size when we lost 10lbs, but nothing is loose on me and measurments are still the same. :sad: Just gotta keep trucking through till I see the weight come off. :flowerforyou:
  • You are beautiful. Now that you have decided to concentrate on your health you can feel great that you are getting healthy too. Just remember that the outside does not always show how well the inside is doing. Personally I am in the best shape of my life (I was skinny until I hit my 30's but not nearly as healthy as I am now). I can do more and I feel better than I ever did back then. I could never have physically done what I can do now. While I am not getting into a bikini any time real soon I am actually better off for it. Think of this as your wake up call to an even better life, concentrate on how great you are starting to feel, and how great your body will treat you in return.
  • BetterVersion
    BetterVersion Posts: 459
    I go through this every twenty pounds or so. I absolutely believe I'm getting fatter as I lose weight. It's the craziest thing, and I KNOW it's not true, but I think it'll take a LOT longer to lose the insecurities than to lose the weight.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    YES. So much so that I worry about developing an eating disorder and know without a doubt that my thoughts are already mirroring that of those with disordered eating.

    I'm not sure what the answer is.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I do and I'm so sad you do as well because I know how awful it feels to have worked so hard and dropped so much and not be able to see it in the mirror.

    I trust that it has to be part of the process and that it's more of the emotional part, I got the physical part down now to get the rest lined up.

    But I do have hope:wink:
  • mommalass
    mommalass Posts: 9
    i know how you feel. its constantly on my mind. ever since i finally decided to get my butt on the ball,
    i feel like im ALWAYS on the site. i refresh the page every ten mins thinking im gonna see a change or something? idk.
    im the same way. so youre not alone!
  • Yes sometimes Daily. I have learned to stay off the scales everyday. It was getting me to upset. So i weigh myself once a week in the morning. Once in awhile during the mid week i will step on but that is only if I think i ate way more than i should. My issue is I am walking more now that the weather is nice, and the pounds are going up instead of down. That is frustrating, but have been told oh its muscle. So I am hoping this is true, my clothes are still loose so there must be some truth in it. I like the mfp because it is a slow way to loosing the weight and the right way to do it. I know others who have lost alot and fast and that is not good, usually they gain it back as soon as they are tired of dieting. With the mfp I like it cause you can have normal foods and not have to eat like a rabbit every day. I has been 3 months since i started this and i still enjoy keeping track of my calories. Using this page holds me accountable for what i am eating and it makes me think twice before i eat something unhealthy or fattening.
    Don't give up, all good things take time.:smile:
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    I feel enormous. Huge - worse than I ever did before I decided to do something about my weight because before I was in denial about it and now its all I can think about. I literally weigh and measure myself everytime I'm in the bathroom and check MFP every 5 minutes. I realise that its good that I'm really getting into my new healthy lifestyle but I'd really like to start seeing some visible results soon because looking in the mirror has never been this depressing! Does anyone else feel like this?

    Quite literally, YES! You took the words right out of my mouth! I feel the same way and do the same things you are doing. I have only been a member of MFP for 5 days, but I have probably spent about 6+ hours a day on this site reading other peoples blogs finding out how they are losing the weight, exercising, eating healthy, their highs & lows, etc. Hang in there and stay positive. We can do this!
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I feel like that sometimes too. Sometimes so much that I get bitter and mad. So I have developed a plan, b/c I dont want to develope a disorder (any more than I have) ....when I start feeling this way I stop my thought process, say a prayer and a scripture and change it. It helps but I am ot 100% on it yet.

    Even if your not a christian or spiritual it could still help some of you. Just use a different statment or memory of a feeling to get you to the next moment.

    The problem is brain not body and it doesnt get better with more wieght loss (I can assure you it even gets a little worse)

    Good luck your not alone!!!
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