Does anyone else feel like this?



  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I go through this every twenty pounds or so. I absolutely believe I'm getting fatter as I lose weight. It's the craziest thing, and I KNOW it's not true, but I think it'll take a LOT longer to lose the insecurities than to lose the weight.

    Totally get this. I even go back to wearing bigger clothes b/c I convince myself that I dont look good in the smaller sizes! and I dont remember ever feeling sooo bad durring these times, even at my heavest because I didnt care and now I do....oh well its still worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • bttrflykisses820
    I lost 22 lbs and i see like NO difference in the mirror.... except on some days. But 95% of the time i'm like... "where the heck did 22lbs come off from? Because i sure dont see it!" Then i put on some clothes that i haven't worn in a while and i'm like... "oh... i guess that's where it came from" lol sounds funny or silly.... but its true. I have an extremely hard time seeing any difference in the mirror. But i guess when i'm in a really really good mood after seeing the scale drop a lot, i look in the mirror and i see my face, my arms and my tummy has all slimmed down a bit... and its a great feeling! My pants say my thighs have slimmed down too... I haven't seen that part in the mirror just yet, i'm waiting on that still.

    So, when I get frustrated on not seeing the weight loss (which is.... nearly every day) I just remember those few times that my eyes did allow me to see the changes and almost immediately feel better.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I must say I am the same way. I think its normal. I wish it would stop too!
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    i feel like this constantly. Yesterday was particularly bad. I looked in the mirror and all i could see was a flabby neck, horrible stomach andthunder thighs. Then i felt guilty as i ate more than i usually do even though i did 3 hours exercise so i was allowed to eat more. I just felt like i wasn't getting any results as i can't see it. Still low today too so i may take my frustration out on a punch bag x
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    I used to be this way also. I had vanity issues, I couldn't feel good about the way I looked my weight. I expected results right away. Remember that you are doing this not just to look better but to be healthier. I had to do some things to get out of the habit of looking at the scale, here's what worked for me. Put the scale away and schedule a day to weigh in every two weeks or so. The scale is not allowed to come out of the cabinet until that day. If you find yourself still thinking about it all the time find a hobby that takes your mind off of it, remember your weight loss is a way of life not your entire life. Hope this helps.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    @summersmi "Put the scale away and schedule a day to weigh in every two weeks or so. The scale is not allowed to come out of the cabinet until that day. If you find yourself still thinking about it all the time find a hobby that takes your mind off of it, remember your weight loss is a way of life not your entire life"

    that is exactly where i am at... trying to not make it my entire life, as it has taken over.... I hid my scale this week and am trying not to bring it out for a while.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I understand how you feel as I feel the same at times. Try not to weigh yourself everyday! I weigh in once a week and the few times I weighed sooner put me in a tailspin. Our body weight changes hour to hour so try not to get too involved with the numbers! This is easy for me to say and not as easy to practice!! Just keep going with your healthy eating choices, be sure to exercise, and you'll see and feel results sooner than you expect!!
    Good luck!! Keep going!! You can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • seymone
    seymone Posts: 6
    I am frustrated as well but for a different reason.. I can see the difference, when I look in the mirror.. However I am not losing pounds just inches off my legs...