HI Im new here

My name is Mary, Im 60 yrs. old and Im new here. I live in Massachusetts. I had gastric bypass surgery on April 9, 2009. I lost 60 lbs. in 5 months. That was all. I have since gained back 51 lbs.. You can see where this is going. I tried to get back on track and start losing again, but its been a tough road. They moved my intestines around so things are alot different now. At the present time Im following a low-fat, raw food diet, but its not all just veggies and fruit. I still do eat some eggs and small amounts of meat. I started the plan 8 days ago and so far Ive shed 4 lbs. Im happy with that, This new approach to eating has at least lessened my appetite, as I dont find myself to hungry lately. One more thing, I do use a protein shake at least once a day just to get the protein down when I dont feel like eating any meat. Good luck to all and continued success to everyone.


  • Mypie07
    Good Luck - continue to do what you can each day - be committed to logging your food and exercise -and you're sure to find lots of support from folks here to encourage you along the way! You can do this!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome, you are in the right place to receive advice, support and motivation. I have been experiencing with raw foods for the past 6 weeks, concentrating primarily on the phytochemicals, limiting to 15% of animal protein, and reducing my fat calories. So far so good.

    Glad you are here!!!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Welcome Mary!! Best of luck to you in your journey! Careful MFP can be as addictive as food!
  • BridgeKiki
    Thanks for sharing your story.
    I am also 60-years old. I have just joined myfitnesspal yesterday Feb. 11, 2013. I have been eating fruits and vegetables and a (sometimes two) Hemp protein shake(s) for the last two months and I feel great. My weight was 195 lbs and I now weigh 175 lbs. I am not looking at this as a weight loss program, I'm looking to change my whole life around.
    I hope we can be friends and work on this together to experience life again.
  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck! MFP has been a valuable tool for me over the past 6 months and 36 pounds. I have the app on my phone and track every calorie I eat. The support here is also very valuable, a lot of good suggestions and positive reinforcement from other people all over the world fighting the same battle, and well, let's be honest, the ones who are winning are the ones who are still here, so there are success stories every where you look to help with motivation. Welcome.