17 Yr Old'Story and Now In Dire Need of Motivation Again

Where do I start. I'm 17 and I have lost 70 pounds. I the past two(going on three) years, I went down from 228 to 158. My goal is to lose 100 pounds so here I am basically at the home stretch. I have until October 4th for my cousin's wedding.

*Please hear me out, I've never really had a chance to 'tell' my story so here it goes.*

Ever since I could manage to put food in my mouth by myself, I've been obese. In every picture I have of myself as a youngster, I've had no neck. Of course once I entered school, the bullying and picking on seemed endless. I endured it all until I began to lose friends and I was a big loner. I reached a very depressed stage at the ridiculous age of 13 and I attempted suicide. Luckily for me, I survived. After that whole incident, I had a cousin, Edgar, ask me if I wanted to start lifting weights with him. It was the best decision I had made in my life at that point. So I began to weighlift with him. He's the type of guy you can never EVER say no to so I had to just suck up the laziness. Some pounds started shedding off, and we started to do more workouts. In 'Year One', we went from just plain bulking to circuit training, back to bulking, then to working on cardio. In 'Year Two', I did the unthinkable, I joined my high school's Track team. I was a thrower though but still, the thought of me joining a sport would have made any of my friends and family laugh. I got ridiculously strong but had a knee injury take me out for this year's season. Anywho, so after last spring's season, I moved in with my aunt and cousin and his girlfriend for the summer. *Surround yourself with only positive influences; it's key.* I was at a plateau at 194 lbs. My cousin and I began to go to our local forest preserve to run about 3x a week. Running was the last thing I wanted to do at that point but thanks to my intimidating cousin, I pushed through it. The trail was 1.8 miles and around the first month, I would always have to take 2 walking breaks..but then the breaks went from 1, to none at all. The greatest accomplishment that summer was being able to run a whole lap without stopping. About 3 weeks before my junior year in high school began, my cousin's girlfriend, Natalie, suggested myfitnesspal. So I began to track my calories and became obsessed with it, obviously for the better. I could never go a meal without tracking them. This website has helped me lost the last almost 40 lbs since August of '12. I think with the combination of the holidays and a recurring hip pain, I lost my 'groove'. I stopped counting calories and stopped working out. Not only that, but Edgar and Natalie, the two biggest and only influences I had, moved into their own place an hour away.(They went from being a 5 minute drive away to over an hour). I had no more workout partners. So that brings me to where I am right now at 158. I occasionally jump on the treadmill with full energy but this is only like once or twice a week. I have no more hip or knee pain so there's no more excuses for me. My cousin was like a hawk on me, watching my every move and making sure I didn't eat garbage or not workout. I think I just need friends to help me out now, kinda 'yell' at me. I won't even bother to find friends like that at school, because how many kids my damn age have even attempted to do what I have done?! I've grown beyond the immature 'high school' attitude and style. So I look here, for serious people who are working on the same thing I am, creating a better life for myself. I think that if I actually had friends on here, it would make me actually work hard, knowing that other people can see whether I've tracked my calories or even worked out. So I ask you kind folk who have taken the time to read this, help me out. Actually, let's help each other out to reach our goals.


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I commend you on the work you have done and what you have achieved at such a young age. My son, now 13, is also working to lose some weight and conquer the lazy bug so I can see first hand how difficult it is for a kid to make these changes. He is also picked on a lot at school.

    I want you to know that you CAN DO THIS on your own - your cousin never really made you do anything...you did it yourself and you need to own that. No one can MAKE you do this but you - and you have, so just keep going.

    You can add me if you like - I am happy to support you through this.

    Congratulations again and remember, you are worth it and you can do it.
  • beckymc78
    beckymc78 Posts: 6 Member
    I wish I had been as motivated as you when I was 17, it would have been a lot easier than doing it now at almost 35. I just got back into the gym last month. I started with 3 friends that were suppose to be working out with me, but I find myself there alone more often than not. You can do this!
  • slimcole
    you have the motivation to do this. your story is amazing and i can see that you are a very strong person. i know its hard sometimes to get in the mood,but just think about all that you have done, and look where you are at now. let that be your motivation to keep going...YOU GOT THIS :flowerforyou: if you like you can add me
  • lazydaydays
    I commend you on the work you have done and what you have achieved at such a young age. My son, now 13, is also working to lose some weight and conquer the lazy bug so I can see first hand how difficult it is for a kid to make these changes. He is also picked on a lot at school.

    I want you to know that you CAN DO THIS on your own - your cousin never really made you do anything...you did it yourself and you need to own that. No one can MAKE you do this but you - and you have, so just keep going.

    You can add me if you like - I am happy to support you through this.

    Congratulations again and remember, you are worth it and you can do it.

    I totally agree with this, I'm doing gym on my own and sometimes get intimidated while there but I hold my head high and rember who I'm doing this for and the answer is "me" .

    You can do this, try and remember how good it felt when you ran that whole track and think of what else is possible.
    Good luck to you ( feel free to add me if you want )