Advice on Losing the Last 5 pounds

So as the title says, I need some help losing the last few pounds. I'm in my healthy BMI but only just so I want to get down a little more.

I eat about 1500 a day, work out 5 days a week: 3 days weight training (NROWL) and 2 days football training which is mainly running.

My first instinct is maybe I need to eat a little more but I'd appreciate any advice.

Getting really frustrated with staying the same all the time.

My diary is open so any advice greatly appreciated.


  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    i was told to up my calories, slow down on the cardio and do more lifting. so far i have lost 3 pounds. im really close to my goal now
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    It can be tough. I'm down to my last 7. Like you, I'm in my healthy BMI range- right in the middle of it actually- but I have a small frame, so there's just a bit of fat I'd like to shed if possible. I'm eating 1500 a day too, trying not to eat too many of my exercise calories back. Last week I lost 2 pounds but this week I don't think I've lost anything if my peeks at the scale are correct.

    No advice for you as I'm in the same boat, sorry!

    You look fabulous in your profile picture- what an amazing difference in your face!
  • I hear the last 5 are the hardest to lose! You can totally do this, a change is definitely needed. Sometimes even upping intake by 100 cal, (like aforementioned) and doing exercises that don't necessarily "bulk you up" like: pilates, yoga and/or dance can make all the difference! :) Best of luck to you, you look amazing already! :) I really hope you reach your goal!!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Eat at maintenance for a week then drop back down to 1500 and double your workouts (or increase by 50% depending on how taxing they already are). Will you hate it? Yes. Will it work? Yes.
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks guys! Workouts are pretty intense as it stands, five days a week so dunno how much more I could do there?

    Keep the advice coming!!!!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I box 9 hours per week then take a rest day running. You can make excuses and just keep doing what your doing, or you can work harder for what you want...
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    The difference in your face is amazing!!
    The thing that Ive noticed is how you said you do certain exercises per week, your body may be getting used to this, so my thoughts are maybe change up two days of your exercises maybe to 2 days pure cardio (i.e running for more than you would usually or treadmill followed by cross trainer/bike). This will probably shock your body into loosing that last few! or maybe do something like circuits or spin classes and see if this makes a change!
    Good luck.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    Here is my advice: CONGRATS!! You look stunning. They say that the last 20 pounds of major weight loss and the last 5-10 of moderate-little weight loss is the hardest. You might need to reconfigure the stats for your new weight, exercise regimen and you may find you are eating too little. You may also find that you have to drop the calories down for just a little bit to get it! I cannot believe your journey has come to this point! I don't know you, but you made my day with your success. Again, you were and are stunning! Keep it up. Have a LOVELY day.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Take it slowly, eat more and only aim for 0.5 per week loss, weigh yourself less often (once a month) and just carry on as normal.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    In my experience, the last 5 isn't harder to lose than any of the rest of it, it just comes off slower. It's hard to say how much you should be eating without knowing your stats, but now that you are a healthy weight (and especially if you are fairly lean) you just can't lose fat as quickly as you did when you had larger fat stores. I would recommend a very small calorie deficit - whether you you use MFP's goals, or have set up your own based on your TDEE, aim to lose 0.5 lb a week maximum.

    In my opinion (and experience with my own weight loss) you don't have to workout like crazy to get there - how you create the deficit is up to you. In fact, if you're going to be doing hours and hours of exercise, then ideally you'd need to eat back those calories to keep your calorie deficit reasonable. Otherwise, you just risk dropping too much lean mass, which probably won't get you the body you're after.

    (Editing to remove advice to lift - missed that part in your OP)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Eat more, aim for much slower weight loss, don't kill yourself working out unless you plan to fuel that with more food. I just lost another .6 this week, so I have 6.5 to go! If you try to lose it fast, you'll just yo-yo it all back when you flip to maintenance. Have some patience and you'll get rid of that last 5 and keep it off!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'd suggest eating at maintenance and not overkilling the exercise , I'm set at "lose 0.5lbs per week" and don't exercise and I'm consistently losing around 1.2lb per week (5ft5.5 180lb eating 1810 cal) so I'm sure there is plenty of room to up your calories, that way you won't have to up your calories too far when you want to stop losing so shouldn't see the gain associated with eating more :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I agree that it's not harder, just slower.

    But also keep in mind that your weight loss goal was just an estimate, and that exact number might not be appropriate.

    Eat just a tiny bit below maintenance. Track your progress through measurements, how clothes fit and especially progress photos. You might find that you don't need to lose any more pounds. You might even find that gaining pounds will give you the final result you really want.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I agree that it's not harder, just slower.

    But also keep in mind that your weight loss goal was just an estimate, and that exact number might not be appropriate.

    Eat just a tiny bit below maintenance. Track your progress through measurements, how clothes fit and especially progress photos. You might find that you don't need to lose any more pounds. You might even find that gaining pounds will give you the final result you really want.

    I agree with this^^. I have lost soooo slowly I could hardly tell.
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    It's so hard to know what to do when you stall.

    I've lost over 80pounds in total but just want to get down to my goal weight loss even though I'm fairly happy clothes wise at this weight!

    Also, I spent years low cal so upping cals is hard psychologically for me because the gain, even temporary, are tough to take!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I lost the last 5lbs (and fat and inches, which is even better!) by following the advice in this thread:

    I found my BMR and my TDEE, and have been eating at 1800 calories, which is a 15% cut from my TDEE. I workout six days a week, weights 3 days and running 3 days, with great results. Hope that helps!
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    I lost the last 5lbs (and fat and inches, which is even better!) by following the advice in this thread:

    I found my BMR and my TDEE, and have been eating at 1800 calories, which is a 15% cut from my TDEE. I workout six days a week, weights 3 days and running 3 days, with great results. Hope that helps!

    That's great to know, thanks.

    Did you go to 1800 cals from a low number? How did that work out for you?
  • bump
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I lost the last 5lbs (and fat and inches, which is even better!) by following the advice in this thread:

    I found my BMR and my TDEE, and have been eating at 1800 calories, which is a 15% cut from my TDEE. I workout six days a week, weights 3 days and running 3 days, with great results. Hope that helps!

    That's great to know, thanks.

    Did you go to 1800 cals from a low number? How did that work out for you?
    I took a few stabs at it, just messing with MFP settings at first to get myself a higher number, anything over 1200! Then I found the road map thread and ran all my numbers, and changed my settings accordingly. So I may have gone from 1500 to 1800 all at once.

    It is definitely a slower process as you have less to lose. And like others have said, it may get to the point that the number doesn't even matter anymore, but rather how you look and feel. I went six months without losing a pound, but lost fat and inches and had to buy smaller jeans during that time, and was very pleased with the progress I was seeing in the mirror. Then just out of the blue last week, my scale suddenly started moving and my weight dropped to "goal". I still have fat to lose, so I'm keeping with the current plan, still measuring etc.
  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    i was told to up my calories, slow down on the cardio and do more lifting. so far i have lost 3 pounds. im really close to my goal now

    This ^^^ This is how I dropped my last 5 LBs.