hello and determination

Hi there, I'm determined to lose weight and return to my happy size 10 self. Since I started university (8 years ago) I've got steadily bigger, and more unhappy about my person, mostly down to too much alcohol and eating rubbish at all times of the day. I love the iphone app for this as it means I'm there at a touch of a button! Well done everyone who has lost weight on this program! But just remember that it's WHO you are not what you look like, that counts at the end of the day. Good luck for all the goals you all may have. x


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Good luck to you, too. Keep up that attitude and you'll be a size 10 before you know it!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Very best of luck to you! Cutting out the booze really does help.
  • Trak
    Trak Posts: 9
    Well done choosing the App in the first place!!! There are lots of them out there but I honestly think this is the best. It is sooooo convenient and the food database is growing bigger by the day! I have in the past used the fiddly little books which I either left at home, or in the car, or at the office making it harder to keep on top of my calorie intake but now I have it on my phone there are no more excuses!!!

    I am really pleased with my progress too and after what seems hardly any time at all I am well on target and feeling so much better for it.

    There will be days when I overshoot my daily target / self-imposed allowance and at first I used to think "damn, I've let myself down" but the App has shown me that the odd slip is not going to scupper the long-term goal...I don't therefore "sweat it" now when I occasionally slip over (like last night at the fabulous Anoki Indian restaurant in Nottingham)

    So...Well done and keep the faith. Anything is acheivable (provided we don't forget it also takes a little hard work)

  • shari66
    shari66 Posts: 49
    Good luck...you're going to love MFP. I have been using it for about 3 weeks and it is really makes me more aware of my food intake and exercise. I love a woman with determination, so please feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other DO this!
    All the best,
  • caraanderson
    Thanks for all your comments!! I thought I was doing really well, but I was shocked to find that a pizza is 1800 calories!!!!! I only ate literally a pizza and a sandwich all day, and was over my calorie count. Although I wasn't hungry I was disappointed at myself as I've been running every day and doing really well, and now I feel like I've slipped back a notch :( x