I need ideas for energy boosts



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just had my iron checked. It was super low due to a surgery last year, but the checked two months ago and it is fine. I still have my iron piles and if my daily food log has me at less than 50% intake an iron pill, just to help.
    I take Vit D and a calcium/magnesium supplement. But not as consistently as I should. Maybe I should get those checked too and the B12. Thanks.
    Solve all these problems at once, and get multi-vitamin for women. Get a good one from a nutrition store, not walmart.

    I disagree. You don't need to spend more money for basic supplements, and the dosage should be tailored to your needs. A women's multi *might* be the answer, but it might not. For example, I don't absorb B12 well through my digestive system, so I have to take it sublingually. The most expensive women's multi at a nutrition store wouldn't solve that.

    No she should spend her money on more blood tests....LOL You make no sense. The only thing I suggested are BCAA"s which will help with energy before, during, and after workout, and a multi-vitamin. Both have been approved by my doctor, and I'm currently taking medication for epilepsy.

    Lack of energy could be from a number of things. Depression, anxiety, etc. Should she get tests for those as well? She asked for something that would give her some energy. Do you work for hospital or doctors office, is that why you're suggesting all these tests?

    Yep, blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are totally ridiculous. People should just get their GNC sales rep to help out.
    Again, /smh
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Just had my iron checked. It was super low due to a surgery last year, but the checked two months ago and it is fine. I still have my iron piles and if my daily food log has me at less than 50% intake an iron pill, just to help.
    I take Vit D and a calcium/magnesium supplement. But not as consistently as I should. Maybe I should get those checked too and the B12. Thanks.
    Solve all these problems at once, and get multi-vitamin for women. Get a good one from a nutrition store, not walmart.

    I disagree. You don't need to spend more money for basic supplements, and the dosage should be tailored to your needs. A women's multi *might* be the answer, but it might not. For example, I don't absorb B12 well through my digestive system, so I have to take it sublingually. The most expensive women's multi at a nutrition store wouldn't solve that.

    No she should spend her money on more blood tests....LOL You make no sense. The only thing I suggested are BCAA"s which will help with energy before, during, and after workout, and a multi-vitamin. Both have been approved by my doctor, and I'm currently taking medication for epilepsy.

    Lack of energy could be from a number of things. Depression, anxiety, etc. Should she get tests for those as well? She asked for something that would give her some energy. Do you work for hospital or doctors office, is that why you're suggesting all these tests?

    OP is the one that said she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and that she had a surgery. What would it matter if I worked for a doctor's office. It's not like she'd be coming to the one I worked at IF I worked at one. And there is a chance she might be on medication for it so that's why I suggested her talking to her doctor.
  • Well good luck OP whatever you decide, just sharing what worked for me. Didn't realize we had a dr in the house.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Sounds like your multivitamins aren't close enough to your bed! Try first thing in morning when you wake up. I think you need to be consistent with them though, otherwise your levels are just bouncing all over the place. Which could also be a problem.

    You are correct. I keep them in the bathroom. I should move them to my bed stand, I guess. Good idea.

  • Yep, blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are totally ridiculous.
    We finally agree.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Yep, blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are totally ridiculous. People should just get their GNC sales rep to help out.
    Again, /smh
    We finally agree.

    Corrected the quote by including the WHOLE quote

    Also..I'm sure Morebean was being sarcastic about the blood tests being ridiculous for anyone whose sarcasm detector was offline :flowerforyou:
  • What would it matter if I worked for a doctor's office. It's not like she'd be coming to the one I worked at IF I worked at one. And there is a chance she might be on medication for it so that's why I suggested her talking to her doctor.
    Figured that.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    What would it matter if I worked for a doctor's office. It's not like she'd be coming to the one I worked at IF I worked at one. And there is a chance she might be on medication for it so that's why I suggested her talking to her doctor.
    Figured that.

    Figured what exactly?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just had my iron checked. It was super low due to a surgery last year, but the checked two months ago and it is fine. I still have my iron piles and if my daily food log has me at less than 50% intake an iron pill, just to help.
    I take Vit D and a calcium/magnesium supplement. But not as consistently as I should. Maybe I should get those checked too and the B12. Thanks.
    Solve all these problems at once, and get multi-vitamin for women. Get a good one from a nutrition store, not walmart.

    I disagree. You don't need to spend more money for basic supplements, and the dosage should be tailored to your needs. A women's multi *might* be the answer, but it might not. For example, I don't absorb B12 well through my digestive system, so I have to take it sublingually. The most expensive women's multi at a nutrition store wouldn't solve that.

    No she should spend her money on more blood tests....LOL You make no sense. The only thing I suggested are BCAA"s which will help with energy before, during, and after workout, and a multi-vitamin. Both have been approved by my doctor, and I'm currently taking medication for epilepsy.

    Lack of energy could be from a number of things. Depression, anxiety, etc. Should she get tests for those as well? She asked for something that would give her some energy. Do you work for hospital or doctors office, is that why you're suggesting all these tests?

    She has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so she knows why she's fatigued. It's not unreasonable to suggest that she see a doctor before starting a supplement regimen.

    Like I said, I tried the Vitamin D, but then when I actually asked my rheumatologist about it he said there was no need for it and it was a waste of money. Other people I know have had good luck with it. I think the tests are the way to go.

  • Yep, blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are totally ridiculous. People should just get their GNC sales rep to help out.
    Again, /smh
    We finally agree.

    Corrected the quote by including the WHOLE quote

    Also..I'm sure Morebean was being sarcastic about the blood tests being ridiculous for anyone whose sarcasm detector was offline :flowerforyou:
    So by suggesting to use a multi not purchased from walmart, I'm now a GNC rep? LMAO Sorry I don't just put the cheapest thing on the shelf in my body. I plan on using my body for a few more years. Sorry for trying to help.....LOL
  • Jack3d. Maybe?
  • Just make sure you get checked into a hospital with a gym.
  • Jack3d. Maybe?
    Didn't you read the articles about people dying from that? No I'm not kidding.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    Yep, blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are totally ridiculous. People should just get their GNC sales rep to help out.
    Again, /smh
    We finally agree.

    Corrected the quote by including the WHOLE quote

    Also..I'm sure Morebean was being sarcastic about the blood tests being ridiculous for anyone whose sarcasm detector was offline :flowerforyou:
    So by suggesting to use a multi not purchased from walmart, I'm now a GNC rep? LMAO Sorry I don't just put the cheapest thing on the shelf in my body. I plan on using my body for a few more years. Sorry for trying to help.....LOL

    I never meant to insinuate you were a GNC rep, but thinking there is a difference between the supplements sold at GNC (or any other nutrition store) and the same exact formulations sold at walmart is marketing. You're buying the logo, not better vitamins. I make no claims about who you are or what your motives are for telling a person that proper diagnosis is a waste of money.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    . OP has chronic fatigue and and we don't know if she is on any other meds for this or the surgery she had the past year. OP - Maybe talk to your doctor and see if there is anything he/she would recommend.

    Thanks for keeping that in mind. Always good to think of meds.
    But, no, I am not on medication for the CFS or Migraines (I take prescription pain killers as needed, not migraine meds)
    Nor from the surgery (partial hysterectomy, just took iron and vitamin supplement, couldn't even handle the narcotics they sent me home with).
    Just moved here and I hate overburdening a new doctor with every little thing right away. I should go back in and have a complete blood panel done in addition to the iron check they did.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    So by suggesting to use a multi not purchased from walmart, I'm now a GNC rep? LMAO Sorry I don't just put the cheapest thing on the shelf in my body. I plan on using my body for a few more years. Sorry for trying to help.....LOL

    I think it's hilarious you equate $$ with effectiveness and quality.

    To the OP, If you are truly in that big of a funk I do suggest talking to your doctor. Many of them are reachable via email nowadays and it wouldn't even cost you the co-pay to go in. You mentioned that walking helped, could you plan your daily exersize for first thing in the morning and maybe a short walk again in the late afternoon to keep you going until bedtime?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    . OP has chronic fatigue and and we don't know if she is on any other meds for this or the surgery she had the past year. OP - Maybe talk to your doctor and see if there is anything he/she would recommend.

    Thanks for keeping that in mind. Always good to think of meds.
    But, no, I am not on medication for the CFS or Migraines (I take prescription pain killers as needed, not migraine meds)
    Nor from the surgery (partial hysterectomy, just took iron and vitamin supplement, couldn't even handle the narcotics they sent me home with).
    Just moved here and I hate overburdening a new doctor with every little thing right away. I should go back in and have a complete blood panel done in addition to the iron check they did.

    Yeah, but better to get your medical history out of the way..lol. And besides, doing it right off the bat saves both you and the doctor time in the future :)

    I was looking a bit further into it http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002224/

    And there seems to be some treatment suggestions that you could give a try. Maybe talk with your new physician to see if there are any others they'd recommend once you get your bloodwork back :)

  • I never meant to insinuate you were a GNC rep, but thinking there is a difference between the supplements sold at GNC (or any other nutrition store) and the same exact formulations sold at walmart is marketing. You're buying the logo, not better vitamins. I make no claims about who you are or what your motives are for telling a person that proper diagnosis is a waste of money.
    I don't think, I know. Look at the numbers, it's called the "nutrition information" it's right there on the side of the box!

  • I think it's hilarious you equate $$ with effectiveness and quality.

    No I read the label, and see that there are more nutrients in the pills I'm taking, compared to the walmart ones. If I equated $$ with effectiveness and quality, I would be purchasing a 25-30$ one, not 15$, you must have misread my posts.
  • Jack3d. Maybe?
    Didn't you read the articles about people dying from that? No I'm not kidding.

    I did not know that. been using that stuff heavily since 09..