I need ideas for energy boosts



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Just make sure you get checked into a hospital with a gym.

    Wouldn't that be nice! Unfortunately insurance and doctors usually don't hospitalize for chronic conditions like this. I just have to buck up and deal with it. It is just a little extra hard this month. Sorry to be a whiny baby and get everyone all worked up.

    I will crawl back under my blankets now and be thankful my kids can cook their own dinner.
  • Good luck OP, whatever you decide.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just make sure you get checked into a hospital with a gym.

    Wouldn't that be nice! Unfortunately insurance and doctors usually don't hospitalize for chronic conditions like this. I just have to buck up and deal with it. It is just a little extra hard this month. Sorry to be a whiny baby and get everyone all worked up.

    I will crawl back under my blankets now and be thankful my kids can cook their own dinner.

    Girl, don't take that comment to heart, it wasn't about you. My understanding was that it was that poster's way of commenting that they believe medical tests are too extreme a step for you. It's really unfortunate that you're going through this and I really hope that if you choose to get some more testing done and talk with your doctor, they can find something that will help long term.

    Before I started here, I had 2+ years of really horrible, crippling depression. Eventually, I was diagnosed with a B12 deficiency and given several months of shots to bring my levels back up, and now I take a daily maintenance sublingual dose that keeps my levels healthy- because like I mentioned earlier I can't absorb it normally through my digestive system. It has made a world of difference- my energy, mood and outlook have all improved dramatically, and I can finally get up and get through the day as well as exercise. During my depression I barely could do anything. My experience doesn't mean bupkis to you, because chances are slim that you have my exact chemical problem, but I really hope that you can find something that turns it around for you. :flowerforyou:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    vitamin C for energy
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    With cheese, I hope!
  • My understanding was that it was that poster's way of commenting that they believe medical tests are too extreme a step for you.

    Let's put this whole thing to rest. I don't believe they are too extreme a step. I do believe they are too extreme a step to "start" with. I think projecting that what worked for you, was the only solution is crazy. I was just giving her a place to start so she had the energy to get through her day, and her workouts. I didn't think checking into the hospital should be the first step. Apparently some of you did, it was just my opinion.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good luck OP, whatever you decide.

    Well, for starter,,I will move my vitamins next to my bed.

    Then research BCAA more and assign one of my kids the task to make my morning protein shake on low days.

    And call my doctor next week. I have been having extra trouble since out cross country move a few months ago and it'll be good to have a baseline with the new doc.

    And tomorrow I will eat a cheeseburger! With onions!

    Thanks everyone.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    Start making and drinking green smoothies. :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Does anyone have any quick energy boosts? Or even slower energy boosts?

    I can"t do those energy drinks, caffeine makes me calm and mellow.
    I have chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes a walk energizes me, sometimes every little thing just totally zaps every drop of life out of me.
    Like now. I had a week long migraine and now seem in a fatigue rut. I just can,t seem to pull out of it. (Stress, migraines, illness all trigger the chronic fatigue. I just want to bounce back. Even a really slow bounce. Then I get all sad and depressed and it becomes a vicious cycle)

    So, any ideas? A spoon of molasses every morning? Or eating chocolate cake out of the cat's food dish?

    Or do I just have to sleep for a month until vitality returns?


    Seriously. Exercise! Just a short amount of movement.. getting your heart rate up causes that part of the brain to excrete those neat little things in your head to not only make you HAPPY :happy: but it also gives you energy so you dont feel all lazy :yawn:

    PLUS its 100% natural! TRY IT! EXERCISE is amazing for you!! NO EXCUSES LADY! MOVE YA BOOTY!

    Im editing to say that i have Fibromyalgia & CFS and while at first, it may "zap you" but over time if you keep with it.. it changes how your body responds.. it DOES work.. just stick with it. TRUST ME!

    Im editing again to add that MOST people with CFS and other fatigue related diseases, like Fibromyalgia suffer from vitamin defeciencies.. so a simple blood test from the doctor is NOT out of the question. If you are infact vit. Def. enough.. the doctor will PRESCRIBE you a vitamin, which he did me.. so you are not taking 50 pills per week.. therefor NOT keeping GNC in business. Just FYI, for those out there bashing in the thread previous.... I personally take 50,000 units twice a week. What does it hurt YOU guys if she gets checked? I think its a pretty good idea for ANYONE to have ALL of their blood work & vitamins checked while you are dieting.. because the amounts of water we drink can actually flush your system clean.. which CAN be bad for you.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Almonds. :smile:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Almonds. :smile:

    I love almonds! So do my boys. We are out AGAIN, I need to invest in an almond farm!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Good luck OP, whatever you decide.

    Well, for starter,,I will move my vitamins next to my bed.

    Then research BCAA more and assign one of my kids the task to make my morning protein shake on low days.

    And call my doctor next week. I have been having extra trouble since out cross country move a few months ago and it'll be good to have a baseline with the new doc.

    And tomorrow I will eat a cheeseburger! With onions!

    Thanks everyone.

    I would not bother with BCAAs - it is protein not an energy supplement...and there is a lot of disagreement as to their efficacy, especially if you do not work out fasted.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member

    Lack of energy could be from a number of things. Depression, anxiety, etc. Should she get tests for those as well? She asked for something that would give her some energy. Do you work for hospital or doctors office, is that why you're suggesting all these tests?

    Lack of energy could also be from...Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Sometimes it just saps your entire will and makes it impossible to function. Adding migraines on top of that makes it worse. I deal with CFS/FMS and take various vitamins, including D, and have all tests at phenomenal except Vitamin D (that's why I take it) and ANA level. I swear, a simple cold can tear me down for a month if I'm not careful. All the blood tests in the world won't help with the idea of a quick boost. :)

    B12 may or may not help, lots of water seems to do better for me. I'm a caffeine nut though. :(
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member

    Im editing to say that i have Fibromyalgia & CFS and while at first, it may "zap you" but over time if you keep with it.. it changes how your body responds.. it DOES work.. just stick with it. TRUST ME!

    ^^^^ This:) When I can move, it eventually helps.