Help please? Ready to give up :(



  • shazz88
    Thank you. Im going to get sorted again in the morning and just take it one day at a time :smile:
  • Peanutbutterx
    there ya go :) thats great.. and im not sure if your religious or not but when you get frustrated, just say a little prayer for strength :)
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    11 pounds is fabulous! Sometimes we hit bumps in the road. I think it's good to have a good vent/cry/b*tch session about it, then start again the next day.

    Maybe try a new form of exercise, or add in some different foods to your routine. Maybe don't get on the scale for a bit. Focus on how you feel -- do you feel stronger, lighter, better? Do your clothes fit you better? Do you have more energy? All those are victories that can't be measured on the scale.

    Also reevaluate how much you're eating and drinking. I had to UP my calories to get to a place where I was losing at all. I'm only 5 pounds down since the beginning of the year, but that's 5 pounds -- and almost all of it came after I reassessed my activity and upped my calories. I don't know if this is true for you, but it could be.

    Quitting smoking is probably also freaking your body out, but it's AWESOME that you quit. You just added years to your life even if you don't lose another ounce!

    Hang in there. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • shazz88
    I do need to try new things food wise, I am quite a fussy eater and there is not alot I do like. I tend to stick with chicken as I dont like fish or turkey and I do try to cook stuff the kids would eat aswell because it just works out alot more expensive trying to cook 2 dif meals when it is just the 3 of us and food goes to waste. My calories started at 1430 and because Id hit 10lb off MFP changed it to 1410, I actually find it hard to hit this mark everyday, some are easier than others. I do try my hardest to hit atleast 1300 though. I think I might take a 2 week break from the scales, concerntrate on sorting my eating and exercise out and hope its a nice surprise after 2 weeks :) I feel lighter and I feel like my shape is changing I just dont see it in the mirror or with my clothes yet, but Im sure it will happen eventually. Thank you
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Definitely try different foods. It makes it sort of fun -- new recipes are a fun challenge. Maybe try finding healthier versions of foods you like to eat when you go out, or stuff the whole family will like. Stir fries and big salads offer you lots of room to play with ingredients, and everyone can customize their own so you don't have to cook two meals. (Children who are exposed to a variety of foods end up being less picky in the long run, too.) We eat vegetarian in our house the majority of the time, and we've made swaps such as using soy/veggie crumbles to make tacos and chilis -- you can't tell that it's not beef once it's seasoned all to heck anyway. Lentils are much the same, though they do have a different texture. I'm not sure what you can get where you are, but it's worth looking. It would open up your options a bit and probably be kid-friendly too if you could find some healthy but undetectable swaps :).

    We also pack up leftovers immediately for lunch the next day or for the freezer. Helps to cut down on waste, which we loathe in our house.
  • goddess2B
    goddess2B Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Shazz, Congratulations on 11 lb lost! That's amazing. Really!

    I lost 30 lb and gained 15 back. It's that darn carb thing combined with stress, I'm sure! When I lost weight the first time, I cut out almost all carbs, only once or twice a week. And I tried to have one meal everyday that was all vegies, even if it was vegie soup. Filling yet low calories.

    The other difference maker for me was finding an exercise that I became addicted to. It was ballroom dancing. Social and fun -- didn't even feel like exercise!

    So after experiencing my own setback, I'm back on the website to be encouraged and encouraging! Hang in there, baby! It's going to happen for you!!
  • shazz88
    I have thought about trying non meat versions of things, but was worried about taste especially as it costs more, lol. I do cook the kids stuff that I wont eat just so they dont become as fussy as me, but Ive never done them a full salad to pick at what they want. My mum does me a lentil curry which is fat free and full of flavour :) Thank you I will def be giving this a try :)
  • phillinnz
    phillinnz Posts: 82 Member
    Hi. You sound a bit down. Have you thought bout talking to a doctoe about your mood? People who are depressed obviously find getting motivated really hard, so some expert help and advice might help you get going. Good luck and all the best. :smile:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    You increased your exercise and when we do that our bodies often retain water, which can add several pounds to the scale. It will go away eventually (might take a few weeks). Sometimes it happens all at once and you step on the scale and go, 'oh wow!' and sometimes it just drops gradually, but it's just water.

    Keep doing what you're doing, don't stop the work outs and you can do this. Never completely trust the scale it will drive you mad. Go by how clothes fit, measure with a tape, go by how you feel. And don't give up because you can do it!
  • shazz88
    Haha, its always those damn carbs! Thank you. I do aqua aerobics once a week, Id like to do it more often but times as always when the kids are home and sitters are running short atm. I cant afford the gym at the moment but I do love walking, I think thats whats I need to do more of, just put my head phones in and walk, blank out the world and enjoy the sites :) Good luck on your journey
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    I have thought about trying non meat versions of things, but was worried about taste especially as it costs more, lol. I do cook the kids stuff that I wont eat just so they dont become as fussy as me, but Ive never done them a full salad to pick at what they want. My mum does me a lentil curry which is fat free and full of flavour :) Thank you I will def be giving this a try :)

    I feed one ovo-lacto vegetarian and one flexitarian (me) on about $50 (US) every week. It can be expensive, and of course I don't know what food prices are in your area, but it doesn't have to be. I find that not buying as much meat balances out. I get a 12 oz block of tofu for $1 (US) and it stands in for a much more expensive pound of meat. Or I buy a 12 oz bag of soy crumbles for $2.50 (US) on sale, and it stands in for a pound of meat. You just have to shop around and try things. You can also buy dehydrated textured vegetable protein and rehydrate it at home -- it takes a bit to get the hang of, but can be very affordable.
  • shazz88
    I am feeling down and I have been to the doctors before but because it only lasts a few days, week tops, and I can kick myself out of it Im all good :)

    Wow 100lb lost, well done to you!! The water thing does sound like it could be part ofthe problem, I also dont really pay attention to my sodium and I think that effects water aswell? I tend to live in leggings and t-shirt so I dont feel a difference in them but I might go out and buy a size or 2 smaller fittedish dress and every few weeks try it on and see maybe, thank you
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...Want to get a serving size lesson? Go pour yourself a bowl of cereal. Don't read on until you pour the bowl of cereal - or choose any other simple meal you eat.

    Got it poured?

    Here's the lesson. Now measure it. How many cups of cereal did you pour? (or other food) Now check the box. How many servings did you pour that you are recording as one? Try this with any / all your recurring meals. You will learn where these hidden calories are coming from and your weaknesses lie.

    Want another lesson? Now take the cereal you measured out with the cup and go weigh it. Many times it's way off. To get a truly accurate measurement, weigh your food with a scale. For example, I measured out some cereal the other day. The serving size was 3/4 of a cup or 55g. It turns out 3/4 cup was closer to 82g. If I'd eaten the full 3/4 cup I'd have got 1.5 servings worth of calories. (Cheese can be like that too.) All those extra calories add up!
  • shazz88
    If I try substitue 1 thing a week and work my way like that I'll get used to it and it will become the normal
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Thinking long term scares the crap outta me, I cant do it.

    Then stop thinking "long term"...think "just this second"...can you do that? Of course you can. "Just this second I'll go pick up my walking shoes" "Just this second I'll put my left shoe on" "Just this second I'll put my right shoe on" "Just this second I'll stand up" "Just this second I'll walk to the door" "Just this second I'll open the door and go outside" "Just this second I'll close the door" "Just this second I'll put my right foot in front of my left" "Just this second I'll put my left foot in front of my right" etc, etc Congratulations, you just started your walk for the day. How do you eat a (low calorie) elephant? One bite at a time.
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    If you are exercising more, you are probably gaining muscle and/or eating too little for however much you are exercising. I actually lose more weight on weeks I workout less than weeks I workout more. Physical activity is healthy, so I don't let it get me down. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Everything affects your weightloss. Lack of sleep, stress, medicines. Not just diet & exercise. It will come. Just keep doing the right things :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If you don't eat most of the exercise calories back then you are making it too hard on yourself to stick to this long term. MFP is set up that way so you should try to do it. If you are finding it hard to eat your calories don't eat low fat diet foods, eat real foods that are full fat as fat is not bad for you. Nuts/seeds, peanut butter, whole eggs, avocado, salmon or other oily fish, healthy oils to cook with or put on salads will all help you reach you goal. Best of luck achieving them!
  • shazz88
    Everything I measure is on the scales, we dont do or have 'cup' measurements over here, its all grams serving sizes. Ive cut out completely. If its a bit to go in a sandwich or wrap, thats when I dont measure but I do still try to enter it in and its salads or veggies never anything that I know I really need to measure.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I am feeling down and I have been to the doctors before but because it only lasts a few days, week tops, and I can kick myself out of it Im all good :)

    Wow 100lb lost, well done to you!! The water thing does sound like it could be part ofthe problem, I also dont really pay attention to my sodium and I think that effects water aswell? I tend to live in leggings and t-shirt so I dont feel a difference in them but I might go out and buy a size or 2 smaller fittedish dress and every few weeks try it on and see maybe, thank you

    Thank you! With many ups and downs on the scale, I assure you. It used to drive me bonkers, now it just makes me slightly crazy. :smile:

    Sodium does indeed affect water weight as well. And of course every month the scale will mess with most women. And that one will screw with our waistbands, too, so just gotta walk it off. Literally if you feel like walking!
  • shazz88
    Ive never thought you should eat your exercise calories, the only time I do is if Im going out for something to eat, so I'll exercise more before hand to make sure I have the calories to eat my meal out. Haha, Im so fussy that all the foods you mentioned there I dont like except eggs, I like to yolk too much to just eat egg whites :happy: I havent really gone out and got 'diet foods' I have fat free yoghurts but thats for taste more than anything because I dont like creamy tasting yoghurts, erm and low fat/sugar snack bars, I have a wicked sweet tooth and packing up smokiing has hightened that so I munch on one of them.