Starting today :)

Hello all! After having my first daughter 8 1/2 months ago I am beyond ready to lose the baby weight and the "then some" weight that I added afterwards. My friend turned me on to this so I'm hoping that this will help keep me motivated to eat healthy and staying active!

Please feel free to add me if you like!

Good luck to us all :)


  • dedogreen
    dedogreen Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined today, have done WW in the past before kids, I call it BK and AK. I have downloaded all types of apps since January and have only lost 7lbs.
    I have two kids and the youngest is 19 months, I have 41 lbs to go.
    I hope this helps and I think it will seems very friendly and I can see how exercise can change my day.
    Let's do this!
  • Jengemi
    I hope the same thing and I have 40lbs to lose as well, we can do this!!! :)
  • tarajoneill
    tarajoneill Posts: 24 Member
    HI! Glad your here now i can stalk you all day long, lol. ttyl. :)
  • bazzerwidd
    bazzerwidd Posts: 5 Member
    I have been using the APP for 2 weeks and find it keeps me focused, good luck all x
  • friendly71
    friendly71 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new today. Feb 17/2013

    So this is a real nice site.

    So glad to meet you all.

    Lets encourage each other know matter what ages. We are all here for the same purpose. To be as healthy as we can.

    I need to lose 20 pounds. I am not considering it a diet . Diets, Fad diets do not work. Healthy choices do and portions and exercise. Think Healthy for life. It takes time to go from old unhealthy choices to proper Healthy choices . Think postive we can do it.

    You really have to want too. Only you can make that happen.