Help please? Ready to give up :(



  • shazz88
    I have polycystic ovaries aswell so those monthly things are all over the place and can be every week or 2 weeks, drives me insane. I'll try keep an eye on my sodium as well :smile: thank you
  • dearsis
    Shazz, i just started today, and I congratulate you on the 11lbs.I know how hard it is to loose, I lost 50 lbs 17yrs ago before igot married. then I gained it all back and then some. I am trying now to loose some of it. I know meals for me are going to be an issue I have a husband that does not like chicken fish etc, my son has autism and has sensory issues so he will only eat certain things. so it is going to be a challenge. by reading your posts, i feel you can do it if you just stay with it. I wish you luck.
  • dmj28
    dmj28 Posts: 3 Member
    My sister lost 40 pounds, normal food. Says low fat foods, they add more sugar. I'm not sure if this is so or not, but it worked for her. She allowed herself one dessert a day even, still lost. It is most definitely portion size that I struggle with. I also find carbs kick in my cravings for more carbs, so I usually have carbs later in the day. That's just what works for me. You have to figure out what works for you.

    I would advise measuring yourself as well, the week I didn't lose lbs, showed inches lost. I am like you, I need to not focus on the scale. But really we wouldn't even need a scale ever, you can tell by your clothing . I do not allow myself looks in between my weigh in days, I just have to trust my food choices are working. I'm old, I fell and hurt my knees, so I'm hobbling around. Even in spite of only being able to do slow walks and eating back the amount, I have had a pretty steady loss.

    It works. But, you have the choice. Make an excuse to yourself or face facts and choose your health as being vital. Or you will be like me and have 120 lb to lose when you are 60 and have wasted precious moments/years on the sideline of life, because you were too fat for everything. I strongly advise against making the same choice I did.

    My goal is to be more healthy in my 60's & 70's (80-90 etc.) I'm hoping your goal will be to start a more healthy life now, It only gets worse without attention. Believe an old woman who knows. I'm down 18 lb, 3 inches off my hips (and I didn't measure right away) I already fell better health wise and about myself in general.

    Best wishes and good choices!
  • shazz88
    Thank you. I know I need to do it, I know the reasons why, I know what foods to eat, what not to eat, when to eat certain things, I know it all its just making myself do it. I am quite an emotional eater, so if im alittle stressed or upset i turn to carbs, I need to fix this and I will. But I think I started this off and did too much at once. I quit smoking, cut right down on carbs, jumped on my elliptical? I think thats Americans call it, cross trainer too me, lol stattd going for longer walks, doing weights and going bed a lot earlier (not like tonight sitting here at 1.50am) and tbh I think it was a shock to the system and way too mouch to take on. I'll try again a few things at a time
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    Have you ever considered getting a workout partner? I know it helped me tremendously. Another would be listening to your favorite music when working out. It did wonders for me. The diet part is the tricky part I know. Although consider this, the food they put on the market today is nothing but a drug and it will slowly destroy your body over time if you let it. I know my father (rest his soul) past away from diabetes when I was 22. Although that was not why I wanted to become healthier and lose weight.
    I wanted to lose weight because I wanted to prove people wrong and also wanted to feel like a bad *kitten* with muscles. Maybe you want to feel like a bad *kitten* with a toned up body? It takes time. Just think about with each successful day accomplished with dieting and working out you are adding a brick to your dream body. The sweating and labor of the foundation is tough and grueling. Although once you look up and walk back a few feet to view your structure which would be your mirror, then you can smile and have bragging rights for the rest of your life. Not only that, you can also help others accomplish the same tasks you did! It all takes time. And unfortunately time these days are hard to come by. Although with the right patience and repetition we can all accomplish great things in life. Life is about evolving. And if you are not evolving you are not growing. :drinker:
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    Weight loss often occurs when you first begin any fitness/diet plan. But if you've literally lost nothing since then, I would suggest having your insulin levels and testosterone levels checked.

    I have struggled for almost 4 years to lose weight and it was nearly impossible. I (mostly) watched what I ate. At one point I went a solid 8 months exercising 4-6 times a week, I kid you not. I'd struggle and maintain a strict diet for 2 weeks to lose half a pound, only to gain back a pound if I so much as thought about a brownie. It was very frustrating.

    2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS and placed on metformin to lower my testosterone level and combat possible insulin resistance. I'd managed to shed about 1.5 pounds in the preceding month before this diagnoses, but since going on the metformin 2 weeks ago, I've dropped another 4 pounds without changing anything about my diet.

    Obviously diet and exercise are key--but if you know in your heart you've been mostly on track with those, I highly suggest having your gynecologist run a hormone panel on you.

    Don't ever give up.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I know how hard it is to stay motivated, I've been there! The best thing I ever did was sign up for my first 5K fun run last summer. I ran the whole thing, slowly, but I did it, and then I signed up for another one the next month! I try to do a 5K race once a month because it gives me that motivation to work out and keep in shape so I can keep running them. Then I eat better, too, because I want to feel good to go work out. Running has made this whole weight loss process about so much more than the scale. So just go sign up for one, even if you have to walk the whole thing. It will get you motivated, trust me. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    And I just saw you said you ARE polycystic...are you on anything for that? That was apparently my stumbling block this whole time. My poor little ovaries looked like they had the measles :(
  • shazz88
    I dont really want to be toned or skinny, I have curves, I love my curves, I just want the to be alittle more defined so basially just getting the fat off and my stomach not stick out so much. I do want to prove everyone wrong and show I can do it im just so used to giving up its hard to get past it. I do need someone to workout with but its finding someone who wants to do it when I do, Ive had a few friends saying yes but then hardly avalible, I workout with my mum atleast twice a week and we go out walking too.

    I was told I have PCOS over a year ago but nothing has been said about it again really, Ive had a couple of scans, nothing for a year though. I'll go back to my doctor and see what gets said, thank you
  • DewlyNoted
    Just stick with it and the weight will eventually come off. Plateaus happen, that's normal. I pushed through mine by doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on YouTube. 10 Days on each level (3 total) for 30 straight days. The first days are the hardest, but I promise it will get easier and you will see real results, quickly. Maybe your kids can do the cardio parts with you. Keep your head up, you didn't put the weight on in a few months, so taking it off won't happen that quickly either. Slow n steady wins the race.
  • shazz88
    There arent many 5k race around here, the main one if race for life which i once a year in june and you can pick 5k or 10k. My mum did the 10k last year and im signed up to do it with her, we will begin training for it soon o hopefully that will give me a boost, thank you
  • shazz88
    I have 30day shred and I think its jut 20mins of my day, it is ha I want to do, my head screams at me to go do it but my body dont move, lol. Yeah I got about 7-8 day into it last year. I have all of Jillian dvds, even body revolution, just gotta get my head and body on the same page :) thnaks
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    11 pounds is a great start! It is what I have lost as well! I also find it hard to stay motivated in the excercise dept because it is exhautsting working full time plus and taking care of two kids a husband and a home BUT I have found that I am more apt to stay motivated if I do something I like such as swimming and Zumba! I LOVE to dance so Zumba for me is fun! Even if I do not get to go to my zumba class because it is cancelled or it does not work with my schedule I still throw on some music and get moving. I Dance around the house or go on you tube and get a dance/zumba routine to some favorite music. Find what motivates you and use it in your favor. Like to play tennis? Play out in the yard with your kids maybe kicking a ball around? GO DO IT! Best of luck! But don't give up on yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    I dont know why most people take years to get overweight and think it only takes a year to lose it. Did it take you a year to gain it, probably not.

    I am 5 days from one yr of weight loss, from the beginning my goal was 2yrs for fat loss and then build muscles.

    It sounds to me that your calorie goal is too low. I am around 210lbs and I am eating 1900 calories. Fat loss is mainly diet. If you arent losing consistently change your diet.

    The first weeks are tricky, anyone that doesn't watch portions and doesn't work out will lose a lot the first month. Simply b/c you are doing something new your body isnt use to. My first month I lost 15lbs now I average 4-6lbs a month.

    You will have to always monitor your progress and change things when you stall. FAT LOSS IS HARD.
  • shazz88
    MFP gave me my calorie goal of 1430 then when 10lbs was off it went to 1410, im trying my hardest to get to that amount without adding more on top. no it didnt take a year, it took being on the implant for 3 years to put most my weight on. I havent got a def weight goal, it until I feel comfortable and like my body. 60lbs is my target and that should be easily done in a year, why would I put it up to more than a year or 2 years when 2lb a week which is a safe normal amount to lose would get me there before then? I want to be a UK size 14-16, average not skinny or slim or toned, just average and normal.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
  • shazz88
    Im going to try zumba this week, it sounds and looks fun. If we had a garden things would be easier with playing stuff with the kids, Id go to the park but very self consious still, that will change when I start seeing changes :)
  • acbabbitt
    Perhaps this has been mentioned already. I have found certain things to be more helpful than standard diet and exercise advice.

    Don't misunderstand, eating well and moving your body are crucial.

    For me, getting to the heart of why I struggle, has led to more success than any other technique.

    I began with the Inside Out Weight Loss podcasts. Totally free. Totally worth it.

    You are doing well. Be patient.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    I can sympathize with you because I'm a slow loser too. I look at it this way, even though I'm not losing I know I'm doing the right thing by logging my food, saying hello to my friends here on MFP, and reading the most inspiring stories about people's ups and downs and accomplishments. If you don't do anything, then nothing will happen. But if you try, then something eventually will happen and your children will see you giving it your best effort. That is teaching them to never give up. You can do it. I know you can. Don't think about the gifts your mother offered. Those clothes will be there when you get there. Don't put pressure on yourself by setting dates. Slow and easy wins the race. The greatest gift you will have when you do reach your goal is the gift of a healthy life and the added years you will have given yourself. All the best to you and add me as a friend if you feel I can help you in any way.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    If we had a garden things would be easier with playing stuff with the kids, Id go to the park but very self consious still, that will change when I start seeing changes :)

    Do yourself and your children a favor--go to the park--you CAN do it; you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Do it and then come back here and let me know how it went. BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world.