
Anyone else do Jazzercise? I started today and think I'm really going to like it!! I'd love it if I knew some other people doing it!


  • sarahmoser522
    sarahmoser522 Posts: 7 Member
    I did for quite some time and loved it! If you like dancing, you're going to love Jazzercise. I recently quit, however, as I needed more options, like weights, pilates, and yoga that the gym can offer. But, I do miss dancing with my friends. Good luck!
  • sboling79
    sboling79 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you! Yeah, I was looking for a more affordable option than a gym for the moment, I love dancing, and this was definitely a total body workout--I'm afraid I won't be able to move tomorrow!!! I am grateful that I've done the Jillian Michael's DVDs for the past few months or I surely would have crashed and burned halfway through today! :)
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    I did Jazzercise for a couple of years and loved it. I lost all my baby weight with it, and then continued doing it all the way through my next pregnancy. It kept me really fit and really happy!

    Unfortunately, we moved and there aren't any classes where I am now..... :-(

    Have fun with it!
  • I'd love to find a jazzercise dvd for using at home. Anybody know of any?
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    If you go on their website, they have a couple for sale. It isn't the same as being in a class (the classes are just so much fun!) but it is a decent workout if you love to dance. I just have the basic Jazzercise DVD. I haven't tried all the other ones yet.
  • sboling79
    sboling79 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh, that stinks that there is not one where you live now! I guess I shouldn't complain about having to drive clear across town. :) I went for the 2nd time this afternoon and really enjoyed it, even though I had the time wrong and was 15 min late. Oopsie. I've been singing the songs the past 2 days...
  • sarahmoser522
    sarahmoser522 Posts: 7 Member
    Next thing you know, you'll be car dancing when you hear your workout songs come on while driving. :-) My kids even know the Jazzercise songs, from hearing them through the kids' room wall, and will start boogying when they hear them.