Peanut Butter! What's your favorite?



  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    Ceres Organic range! (only one i can find atm) it is soo nice and it has only 2 thing on ingredients list, peanuts (99%) and sea salt. Also their almond butter on is nice. Its nice to see the oils rise to the top and then have to stir it through. That's what i think and like to see when you know you have a good butter
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    In the uk theres only one option for me personally and its the whole earth peanut butters as they have no added sugar. Aa far as I can tell there arent any others widely available like this. And its so delicious. And got to be the crunchy one. Yum!

    Yes - Whole Earth organic crunchy with no added sugar. Also, the palm oil in this brand is from a sustainable source, unlike many others.
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    Here in Germany we have only one brand. Barneys best.
    Some bio stores have different ones but they are super expensice (Like 15 a glass) and you cynt find the popular brands like jiff here.
    I would really like to try them.

    We also ony have twi skrts. Creamy and crunchy.

    So i make my pb myself!
    With honey roasted peanuts and good peanut oil.
  • never124get
    Someone on Reddit recommended Earth Balance Coconut & Peanut Spread as a healthier alternative.

    I'm wondering what subreddit you use that gives you health advice?? I usually only go on /r/aww or /r/funny...Just wondering :) thanks!
  • irishguns
    irishguns Posts: 53 Member
    I don't eat a whole lot of peanut butter honestly, but my daughter does. I just buy our store brand natural creamy peanut butter. I personally like crunchy, so maybe that's why I don't eat it much.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hello! I look for ones that have no added oil or sugar. For me the easiest to find at a store is the Smuckers Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter.

    I don't understand why most peanut butters have a bunch of unnecessary ingredients added to them.

    ^^ I like this one but honestly just pick the peanut butter that tastes best to you. Too much worry is being spent on sugar and sodium rather than calories and macro content and the fat in peanut butter is pretty good. If you're truly worried about the sodium then sweat more.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Jif creamy natural
  • wswing
    wswing Posts: 39 Member
    Adams natural peanut added sugar or oil and so delicious!
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    Peter Pan whipped peanut butter. It is so easy to spread even when using less and you still get the full flavor but not all the calories you get from the whole serving (if you are just using it as a snack). I love my peanut butter!
  • voIatile
    Trader joes crunchy unsalted pb! Mmmmm
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    While perusing the health food section of my local grocery store one day, I came upon a product called PB2, by Bell Plantation. It is a powdered peanut butter (ingredients are roasted peanuts, sugar, and salt) that you mix two to one with water. Two tablespoons of the powder equal 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, less than 100 mg of sodium, and 5 grams of protein. The mixed version isn't 100% comparable to peanut butter in texture (depending on how carefully you measure the water it can either be really thick or a little soupy), but it has a very close flavor. I eat it with apple slices, celery, on graham crackers, and even on a sandwich. It's also great in recipes, and throwing a tablespoon in a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese makes for a yummy, protein-packed snack.

    (I personally prefer the PB2 Chocolate variety, but the plain is good, too)

    When I absolutely have to have real peanut butter for whatever reason (I used to be able to eat peanut butter by the spoonful from the jar; I'm definitely a peanut butter girl), I'm a Skippy Natural's kind of girl.

    i love this product too. i'd rather have the real stuff but it really does bugger up that fat %age when i do indulge.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I love Skippy Creamy PB, and recently picked up a jar of Smart Balance Creamy PB. It tastes almost exactly the same, but it's loaded with awesome mono- and polyunsaturated fats.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I try to only buy peanut butter with two ingredients: peanuts, salt. My favorite is Teddie's, but I can no longer get it here, so I usually stick to Smuckers Natural, or 356 (Whole Foods brand).
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    I grew up on creamy Jiff so any other peanut butter pales in comparison to me. However, years ago I switched to Simply Jiff which is low sodium low sugar and it tastes great. I'm so used to the low sodium low sugar now that any other peanut butter (including regular Jiff) is way too sweet.
  • angrykitty13
    angrykitty13 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm also part of the natural, limited ingredients peanut butter crowd. Recently I've bought either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods peanut butter. Adams is good too. I need to get a food processor so I can make my own.

    Jif, Skippy, etc, taste terrible to me--too sweet. Once you get used to the all-natural peanut butter the ones with with a ton of ingredients lose their appeal.

    Oh and Kettle Brand Nutters are good, although a bit expensive. The ingredients in their cashew butter: Cashews, sunflower and/or safflower oil.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm lucky that I live in a place that can get CB's nuts peanut butter.
    It's a small batch micro roaster of nuts that makes some awesome peanut butter.

    If I can't find CB's, then my fall back is Natural Directions organic creamy peanut butter.

    Most of my PB is consumed on either toasted whole wheat english muffins or buttermilk crumpets.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I just get the peanut butter from the fresh grind machine at Whole Foods. I buy just what I need for the week and the only ingredient is peanuts. I love peanut butter but don't eat more than a tablespoon per day.
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    Samuel Adams creamy natural peanut butter. Jiff creamy used to be my favorite but this is a healthier alternative.
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Laura Scudders -- peanuts and salt, that's all!

    But lately, I am loving PB2. All the peanut-y joy, without the oil. It's great in smoothies.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    While perusing the health food section of my local grocery store one day, I came upon a product called PB2, by Bell Plantation. It is a powdered peanut butter (ingredients are roasted peanuts, sugar, and salt) that you mix two to one with water. Two tablespoons of the powder equal 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, less than 100 mg of sodium, and 5 grams of protein. The mixed version isn't 100% comparable to peanut butter in texture (depending on how carefully you measure the water it can either be really thick or a little soupy), but it has a very close flavor. I eat it with apple slices, celery, on graham crackers, and even on a sandwich. It's also great in recipes, and throwing a tablespoon in a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese makes for a yummy, protein-packed snack.

    (I personally prefer the PB2 Chocolate variety, but the plain is good, too)

    When I absolutely have to have real peanut butter for whatever reason (I used to be able to eat peanut butter by the spoonful from the jar; I'm definitely a peanut butter girl), I'm a Skippy Natural's kind of girl.

    I am actually a fan of PB2. I don't know that we have it in stores here but I ordered it online. I use it a lot in smoothies.