Quest to lose 60lbs (27kg)

Hi all,

I am 30 years old, 6ft 1in and currently around the 242lb mark. I have started my weight loss / fitness programme this week in my quest to get down to 83kg (182.6lb) or thereabouts. I will reassess when I get closer to my goal.

I once weighed 85kg when I was in the Army and could have possibly lost a few more kg if I am honest, so we will see.

Unfortunately I am working away, so don't have access to any scales until i get home in a couple of weeks, but I am hoping for a reasonable result. I am just getting used to some cardio at the moment for a few weeks to get my heart and lungs working, then I will throw in some weights sessions in to my training regimen. The plan to start is 6 x 40min cardio sessions per week. 10mins cross trainer, 10mins rower, 10mins bike, 10mins treadmill.

This week, I haven't done as bad as I though I would on the cardio and I can already start to feel it getting easier, I am rowing more each day on the rower, cycling further and at a harder level on the bike, doing a harder level and more distance on the cross trainer, and running further on the treadmill. I never would have thought i would have been able to come in straight away and bash out 40mins like that. I am also using a HRM and maintaining around 160-165bpm.

Diet wise, I have been eating well, and under my calorie limit for a steady 1kg loss per week, and drinking lots of water. If I start to feel hungry, I have been drinking the water. Sometimes i may snack on a serving of porridge with water.

Anyway, thanks for listening.

Wish me luck!


  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    By the way, I am from the UK.

    Thanks :)
  • stormydaze_02
    stormydaze_02 Posts: 68 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss plan! You've come to the right place!
  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    Our weights are quite similar - I started this at 107 and want to go down to 80, I am also 6 ft 1 in, I also live in Europe (Germany that is). I try to lose weight slowly so I can maintaing things well and my main challenge is to not gain weight during business travel.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Your basically in a similar position as i am but i've already dropped from 101kg to 92.3kg so far!
    My aim is also between 80-85kg!

    Your quest should be a good one and very achievable!

    I also live in the UK 6'0 and did bloat to 110kg 3/4 years ago - you can read my profile for more detail but GOODLUCK! :wink:
  • I'm 33 years old, 6 foot 1 and I am currently 237 pounds, I'm aiming to get below the 200 pound mark and see where I go from there.

    Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to send me a friend request
  • We're not too different, then. I am 25y old, 188cm (6'2") and I was about 112kg a year ago (almost 250lbs) and I dropped to about 102kg (225lbs) during three months of heavy weight lifting (Stronglifts 5x5) combined with disciplined eating, but no calorie counting. That was March to June last year. I just replaced a lot of meals with food richer in protein (including lots of protein shakes) and stopped the casual snacking and occasional binging. That proved to me that body recomposition works great. Even if I didn't add muscle mass by probably eating a deficit, I got a lot stronger and it showed really well parallel to the fat coming off.

    I stopped lifting and very gradually gained some weight back while also losing strength, most of it over christmas, naturally. I was now back at 106kg in January, and now I'm experimenting with a lowcarb diet, with ketosis being the goal and I've lost 4kg of mostly water weight so far, with the coming week's weigh-in revealing actual fat loss.

    I've been diving head first into the science of this, nutrition and biochemistry and all to really know what I'm doing. There's so much pseudoscience and anecdotal "evidence" floating around ("broscience"), I'm fed up with it and going as close to the scientific sources as I can while still understanding what I'm reading. If you're in any way interested in this stuff, don't hesitate contacting me and I'll share the sources of what I've read so far.

    For fat loss, prioritize strength exercise over cardio. Even just bodyweight exercises work well. Cardiovascular exercise works great for improving cardiovascular health (doing more stuff without going out of breath) but it being the holy grail for fat loss is strongly exaggerated. If you're like me, you probably have some decent muscle mass which will look great once the fat is peeled off, but if you're eating at a large calorie deficit and skimping on the protein intake, a lot of the weight you lose will muscle and that is not ideal. I aim for a minimum of 150g of protein every day and more when exercising. That means I often have to supplement with protein shakes unless I eat lots of eggs and meat (which hurts the wallet).

    Drink lots of water and remember diet > exercise for fat loss. End all be all is consuming less calories than you spend. Good luck and looking forward to seeing your progress.
  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks guys (and girls).

    I do fully plan to start the weights again, as I know the benefits that it can have, both for strength, muscle mass and of course looks.

    I am naturally quite strong, I grew up playing rugby and doing lots of weights, and judo, and not to mention the training in my army career. Hopefully I will get there again slowly but surely with the right weights programme.

    I am in a position where I can't go out and pick my foods, I have to eat whats put in front of me and sometimes it is things I wouldn't even consider when I am back home, but I will make do. If I am on a major calorie deficit for the day I will try and boost it up with a plain omelette or some porridge. I am trying to get hold of some protein powder to add to my protein intake (especially when I start the weights).

    Kind Regards