i hate plateaus

For the last 2-3 weeks I have been hovering around the 10.5stone mark but just can't seem to break under it! Unfortunately my exercise regime is limited because I don't have access to a gym (poor!) and i don't have a lot of time to exercise because i'm studying fulltime and am about to hit my end of year exams.
Any advice for a frustrated dieter?


  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180
    I can understand time crunch completly (working on my Ph.D. while working and family) you gotta make time (not find it......make it) This plateau is bugging you and will effect your studying. Running shouldn't cost anything and you should be able to make 30 minutes. I know you didn't want to hear that sorry.......................good luck on finals
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    When I was in college and had no time away from my books, I would take info that had to be memorized and repeat it about 10 times as I was doing leg lifts on one side. Then check my memory and repeat it while I did the leg lifts on the other side. Then I would go for a new bit of info to memorize and do some sit ups while I memorized that. Get info and change to another muscle group, etc. The blood coursing through your veins helps improve your mental processes, also.
    I lost weight and passed my classes! ;) It might work for you, too.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I don't know plateaus but I hear about them all the time and they sound frutrating. Do P90X and kiss your plateau good bye
  • grai
    grai Posts: 4
    thanks everyone :)
    i normally set aside about 40 minutes every evening for exercise. i go for a 30 min cycle and then time depending, a 10 minute jog. but my body seems to have settled into this routine unfortunately. i might try and do some late night swimming (although the prospect of parading around in a swimsuit is a bit unnerving!)
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I know all about being stuck at a weight. The one thing I have learned and it seems to be working for me is to fluctuate your calories each day. Every couple of days increase your calories and then go low. Keep within the goal for a week, but eat high and then low for a day. It seems to get the metabolism working, One other thing is buy a pedometer. Then try to get in 10000 steps a day. Mine was only $23.00 and was ranked #1 by consumer reports.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I'm tellin ya a better quicker way rather than a thousand steps a day and all that other stuff is P90X
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Switching up your routein and rotating your calories some should help. I consistantly change my workouts, so that's generally not a problem fo me. But sometimes I'll get stuck and eat a little more one day and it will get me back on track. Your body needs change so that it can constantly change too. :smile:
  • grai
    grai Posts: 4
    thanks! i'll look into the whole pedometer thing, i walk quite a bit to and from college! as for fluctuating calories, how much should i fluctuate by? like, 800 calories one day and 1600 the next or is that too extreme? i find it really difficult to make myself eat more than 1100 calories because i've been eating a low-calorie diet since january and i feel kind of gross if i eat too much.

    if i could afford the p90x dvds then i would just buy gym membership! thanks though!
  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180
    thanks everyone :)
    i normally set aside about 40 minutes every evening for exercise. i go for a 30 min cycle and then time depending, a 10 minute jog. but my body seems to have settled into this routine unfortunately. i might try and do some late night swimming (although the prospect of parading around in a swimsuit is a bit unnerving!)

    Do a different routine. PArt of plateau is the muscels getting comfortable with workout. P90x thrives on this and inhibits the spirit of muscle confusion....its a good thing and may help ya
  • grai
    grai Posts: 4
    Do a different routine. PArt of plateau is the muscels getting comfortable with workout. P90x thrives on this and inhibits the spirit of muscle confusion....its a good thing and may help ya

    thanks for the advice, it sounds like a great system! the only problem is i can't afford the dvds!!
  • Thea_N
    Thea_N Posts: 16
    I'm a college student as well.. I just finished finals! I got through them much less stressed, because I was working out. I'm going to be blunt with you, saying you don't have time is a cop out. Make time for yourself. I work, go to two schools, and still make time to workout.
    On the other hand, I hit a plateau in my diet when I wasn't eating enough fat. My body started storing my fat, because it didn't know when I would consume enough again. I don't know if you get enough fat in your diet, but maybe try adding almonds or avocado here and there in your diet to see if it makes a difference.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    thanks! i'll look into the whole pedometer thing, i walk quite a bit to and from college! as for fluctuating calories, how much should i fluctuate by? like, 800 calories one day and 1600 the next or is that too extreme? i find it really difficult to make myself eat more than 1100 calories because i've been eating a low-calorie diet since january and i feel kind of gross if i eat too much.

    if i could afford the p90x dvds then i would just buy gym membership! thanks though!

    If you don't eat enough you will find it very difficult to get off your plateau. Try breaking up your eating into 4-5 meals a day (to keep you from feeling too full and keep your metabolism stoked) and getting in the calories MFP recommends (if you are close to goal you might want to set your goals at no more than 1lb loss a month). That will make a big difference. Fluctuations should be a few hundred calories, here is a calculator: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm#

    Also, it doesn't take a lot of money to change up your exercise routine. I recommend Jillian michaels 30 day shred, which is $9 at most stores. All you need for it is 3lb hand weights. Since it sounds like you haven't done much weight training at all, you should really see dramatic results with this DVD.

    It's great when someone with your regimen hits a plateau cause there are so many simple fixes :flowerforyou: