College can be rough

Hey guys,

I'm currently a junior and I've been trying to work off my Freshman 15... make that my freshman 30 for the last year and a half. I've been pretty unsuccessful so far, my excuse being that I was just too busy. I now realize that my life will probably never slow down and I have to stop using that as an excuse and learn to make eating healthy and exercising a priority in my life. So here is to cutting down on late night binges, junk food fueled study sessions and more. I just wanted to say hi and see if there is anyone else dealing with similar difficulties and maybe make a few new friends =)

Lots of love,


  • pamuyamakene
    pamuyamakene Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there, I'm done with college, but we could still be friends and support each other :)) There's lots of activities you can do in college to get you active like take walks on campus with friends and do college sports if its available :)) it makes it fun after all college is not just about work and no fun u gotta make some good memories too :))
  • chelsea_2312
    Anya....I totally get where you're coming from. I'm in law school but I'm definitely guilty of caffeine-sugar fueled studying and not finding enough time to work out. My last couple years of college were pretty bad as well, but over the last year I managed to drop 15 I'm trying to lose the last 20 I need to be healthy and happy.

    You can definitely get through this though.....I think it's all about setting goals along the way. Right now my goal is to consistently run a total of 15 miles each week, and I plan to get up to running 30 miles a week in the next couple of months. It works for me, I just feel really motivated to get out and there and get my miles done.

    Keep strong, the journey is worth it :smile:

    - Chelsea
  • dinosxrawrrr
    I'm just a Freshman in college but being here definitely makes it harder to stay healthy/fit, and especially lose weight D:
  • anmehra
    anmehra Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Anya,

    That's actually my nickname :) Anyways, I went from 118-120 to 147-148 in 4 years. I don't know if your school has a wellness center/gym, but I got together with a girlfriend and had my "girl talk" on the elliptical. Instead of meeting at the bar or over pizza, it was easier to meet at the gym and we both lost weight. By the end of your conversation, you've spent an hour on the elliptical and you have a friend there motivating you. Oh and I don't know if you walk/bike to class/work, but that's a great way to slowly shed weight too. Clean your apartment/dorm? Shovel snow? Co-ed sports? Group exercise classes? All of those burn calories and sometimes we need to find ways outside of the gym to stay fit. Working out doesn't have to suck haha

    If time is an issue, try taking 10-15 minute homework breaks. I zone out after like an hour of homework and do pilates/crunches/stretching/anything!! It gets the juices going in your brain and you'll feel refreshed afterwards.

    As far as eating goes, I've been having protein shakes for breakfast or lunch. I don't have time in betweeen school, work, and an internship to sit down for a hearty meal every afternoon. SO, instead of skipping a meal due to time or grabbing fast food, prepare on Sunday night. Make a few snack baggies of healthy foods you enjoy. Veggies? Trail mix (even add a few chocolate chips!)? Dry cereal? Grilled chicken prepped/ready? Anything to hold you over and keep your metabolism going. Eating on campus can be very difficult! So....prepare ahead of time :) Know what's in your food.

    AND, I'm obviously not perfect. Weekends are my weakness. I went to Applebee's for dinner and had Perkins for breakfast. If you eat bad, working out doesn't magically fix the issue. But, it does make me feel a little better. MAYBE it'll make you feel better too! On days you feel like you over-eat, workout hard!

    Don't let college be an excuse for weight gain. I did it along with millions of other students every year! Create a healthy lifestyle around your busy schedule. I promise, if you commit even an hour a day to a healthy lifestyle, you'll feel a change inside and out! And, healthy lifestyle meaning working out AND clean eating. It can be hard and some days you'll feel like quitting. But, DON'T! You've got a whole community here reminding you, "YOU CAN DO IT!!!" :)

    Work hard, play hard :)

  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    Tell me about it. I am in my third year and I have gained 50 lbs. Oh yes 50 LBS!!!! How did that happen, I have no idea... or do I?
    Basically what happened is that I started moving much much less. Before college I was really active person and always went everywhere on foot. But in college I am only using the bus. Not to mention I have 2 supermarkets 30 m away from my dorm + McDonald's and Burger King.... You can understand. Who would have the wish and motivation to cook after lecture till 8 in the evening? I was eating only junk food for really long time. This, however, apart from making me fat also screwed up my stomach.
    So I totally understand you. You can make college life a little bit easier by taking care of your health first :)