HRM question

I want a watch style HRM that will not only give me my heart rate, but also give the calories burned for whatever activity I am doing. Is this a function of all HRM or only some? And what is the best one to get on a budget. (On a budget being a key phrase here) I don't want a bunch of bells and whistles, just calories burned and I'll be a happy camper. :wink:

:heart: :heart: :heart: Any help from HRM users out there?


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    No it is not. I bought one for 50 bux that did not give me calorie count:huh: I did find somone on here who needed it and donated it to them, so it did not go to waste.

    I have the Polar F6 and love, love, love it!! It keeps running track of my hours spent burning calories.

    It has a watch with computer in it, and a chest strap that goes under your boobs ( or by your heart if you are being PC:wink: )

    I like it because I can see my HR as I am working out and can do my sprints KNOWING I hit my HR goals. I even counted my calories digging a trench yesterday and it was a wonderful tool when DH said I had not been helping him and showed 2 hrs and 27 minutes and 798 calories burned!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh and they are about 100 dollars. have seen them on sale from 80-100 off and on. There are newer, more complicated ones from Polar now-but I only need my simple F6

  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    Thanks! Do all the HRM watch styles have the boob band? :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    no you have to look for the ones with the boobometer

    personally, it is the only one that captures all my heartbeats. I have a friend with the wrist watch and hers was picking up others info at the gym.

    some ppl on here have other models...........but for beginners I love the F6!!
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    I bought one from Wal-mart last night for $27 bucks (SportLine S7) and used it this morning. Seems to work pretty good so far. It monitors your heart rate, counts calories, has a stop watch functions, time & date, etc.
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    Tha's great!

    i wouldn't have to worry about it pick up other people...I work out at home or at work, alone. So it'd just be my heart being captured.:love:
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    HRM's only really work well if you are exercising...if you want something that monitors all the time, including during your sleep, look into a Bodybugg or Gofitwear. They measure actual energy expnditure, not heartrate...and you wear it on your arm, not under your boobs! I have had a boobmeter on before and I thought it was pretty uncomfortable...although I am sure you get used to it...

    The BB runs around $200, but I find it worth every stinking penny...and thinking about how much $ I save not stopping at McD"s for "a quick snack" I am still ahead!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    HRM's only really work well if you are exercising...if you want something that monitors all the time, including during your sleep, look into a Bodybugg or Gofitwear. They measure actual energy expnditure, not heartrate...and you wear it on your arm, not under your boobs! I have had a boobmeter on before and I thought it was pretty uncomfortable...although I am sure you get used to it...

    The BB runs around $200, but I find it worth every stinking penny...and thinking about how much $ I save not stopping at McD"s for "a quick snack" I am still ahead!!!

    The price must have gone down substatially since I looked into it 2 yrs ago. At that time it was aroudn $400 with a monthly fee to upload your progress.

    Do you have the upload function?

    Always thought it would be cool to really know what I burned through out the day. I used the other money I would have spent on a personal trainer, who ironically had a pink polar f6 on her wrist!! She cued into my work out and it helped her to increase my exertion level.

    Would love to try the BB!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I have a gowearfit and really loved it initially. I haven't used it in months. When my year runs out I will not be renewing. I do want a polar HRM though.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Just remember that not all HRMs are equal. Just because an HRM says it has a "calorie counting" feature, doesn't mean that it's accurate. HRM manufacturers know that the calorie feature drives sales so everyone tries to include it, but there is a big variance in quality and accuracy.

    Companies like Polar and Suunto (and some newer Garmin models, I believe) use software and technology that is much more sophisticated and accurate than other brands. Even the best HRM calorie counter is an estimate, but if you go too cheap, all you are getting is a guess--no better than machine numbers or MFP numbers. Even in the Polar family, I would not go below the F6. It may have programming features you don't want or need, but it also has the better setup so that you can keep your info up to date.
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Yep, 199 right now with 6 mo download free...I wear mine religeously, have had it since January or me about 4-600 calories per day to play with, and the best thing is that if I want to go a little crazy I can see EXACTLY what I have to do to maintain and go crazy at the same time! I ususally download then put the calories into MFP exercise because I don't like the BB web site. Anyone looking at my exercise would think I was Nucking Futs! 676 calories burnt in 1 minute, but I do that so I can also track the number of minutes I spend on formal exercise in addition to the normal everyday calories.
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    I purchased a Polar FT4, because I didn't need all the bells and whistles. It follows your heart rate, how many minutes you are in your zone, the calories burned and it keeps the data on the watch over a period of time. I can go back to when I purchased the watch and see how I performed earlier in my program and compare it to where I am today. It was $80 at a chain called Academy.