100+ days logging in - starting to backslide

Good morning all!
I've been using MFP religiously for over 100 days! I have lost 21 pounds, and I allow myself a cheat day every once in awhile.
But today, I am frustrated. I am absolutely sick of counting calories and I am tired of not being able to eat what I want. I need motivation to keep going!! Help!


  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    So here you are, already on MFP. Go enter your breakfast. Eat what you want and log it.

    Do something physical--go for a run/walk, take a shower. Clear your head. Breathe.

    You have done so well. Today is just like other bad days we have: don't feel like doing the laundry, going to work, etc. But we do it.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    That is wonderful that you are doing so great! You are inspiring in that you have hit the triple digits, I hope to get there one day :)

    You are doing so well, and have lost so much, do not let today get to you! Don't let it ruin what an amazing job you have done so far :) This is hard, but this is a process. You are winning the battle!

    I have no idea what to say to help you get your motivation back, I just hope you find it again :) Be proud of the awesome work you have done. Just remember this isn't just about losing weight and looking hot (;p), it is about being a healthier person!

    Good luck to you in your continued goals, you are amazing!!
  • I am tired of not being able to eat what I want. I need motivation to keep going!! Help!

    What makes you think you can't eat what you want? You should not deprive yourself, but just eat LESS of what you want (within your calorie range). You are looking at this the wrong way - do not look at this as if there is a destination to come to - you need to change your mind-set to see this as a life-long journey because once you lose the weight the real struggle begins (that of maintenance)... it never ends. Of course it's not going to be easy and of course it's not necessarily quick, but it is worth it and you just need to keep pluggin' away. Look how far you have come.... don't give up on that because you will feel miserable if you do. If you have a bad calorie day, just forgive yourself and get beyond it and get right back on track the next day. It's okay to have a cheat day every now and then so that you don't feel deprived. You have to work hard to get what you want, but you really HAVE TO WANT IT ENOUGH. You can do it - you are doing it - just don't give up!!
  • Thank you everyone! I gave myself an extra cheat day yesterday. Now I am back at it today. I think I was just tired of counting and working at it... Like someone said, waking up and not wanting to do chores. It's the same thing. Sometimes you just need some motivation from other people to give you the kick in the pants you need!

    Thank you!!!