New Guy 32, 255 lb's Hello all

Hi my name is James, I am 32 and I weigh 255 lb's. I am 5'9". I am here because I need all the help I can get. My wife should be joining me soon, I sent her an invite. I have really needed to lose weight for a long time, but had no drive. I dislike the gym and I love food. We have had a wii fit for some time now and kept saying we were going to use it. Well we just got are hands on about 5 new fitness games, one that we really like and have been at it for a week now, I started at 260 lb's. So with the wii fit and a new diet (we stopped buying soda and are stocking the fridge with fruit and vegetables) we plan to make this work. So hello to all and have a healthy day.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, James. Your story sound very similar to mine but I didn't do anything about it until I turned 40. Good luck to you.
  • CharleneM
    CharleneM Posts: 64 Member
    WELCOME NEW GUY!!! ( hahaha JAMES)

    First of all, you have to REALLY be ready for this to work, kinda like quitting smoking. If you are not ready in your mind and heart it will not work. I finally decided I was really ready and nothing was going to stop me, not even me. You have to make choices you don't want to "Could I sneak one little cookie, no one will notice and it will taste so gooood." You can't do that, you have to be your own referee, judge and jury. Now when you eat, you will be aware of EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. You have to think of the end result every time you go to eat. I have found through this that if I exercise and watch portion control I am winning. I stop eating when I am full. I never did that before. After a bit of time, you will be full faster than you were in the beginning. Don't cheat on your logs, it will only hurt you. Now, that I am exercising I can sometimes cheat with an extra treat, but only on days that I worked extra specially hard and I STILL lose weight!!! Also do this slowly, don't lose it fast, been there done that, and it comes right back. The slower you lose it, the longer it satys off. I want to wish you and your wife the best of luck, because if you do this right, it WILL work. I am so excited, I live on this site when I am not exercising. OH! One more thing, when you exercise, be sure it is something you enjoy or it will feel like work and you won't stick with it..... My exercise of choice is working hard in my yard, digging, planting, raking gravel, moving trees, ect, I win. I lose weight AND fix up my yard and enjoy it all!!!!! Good LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Hello and Good Luck your in good company!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Welcome James. You and your wife can feel free to add me as a friend.
    You found a good place to be. It's a good start!
    Keep up the good work and good things will follow!
  • Jennifer195
    Hello to my new guys this is his new girl. We have been discussing and putting this off for a long time now with age and possible medical issues, here it is facing us down, we are determined to win the weight battle. I do enjoy working out we are in a location with no gym and lots of heat so I don't go outside very much ~ wimp~ Thankfully we have some wonderfully fun Wii games that have been working wonders for us..Hopefully this is the first step on the right path..


  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Welcome, it's great you two are doing this together! Don't forget that when you outgrow the wii there are tons of great DVDs out there as well, like the biggest loser and Jillian Micheals series.