58 to lose: New and looking for friends with open diary



  • hi i am looking for lots of friends n support....plzzzz add me as a friend im neww too
  • Feel free to add me as well :-)
  • Nhizarms
    Nhizarms Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Im Erica and I too am an RN feel free to add me
    Im always looking for good low cal high protien stuff so if you have any ideas id love to check them out
    ive made a couple good dinners but struggle with changing things up
    my food diary is open so feel free to check it out and yes !! light n fit danon greek yogurt is my best friend now too I eat it every morning and usually one in the evening the pineapple is my favorite !\

    good to have you here !
  • I am a nurse as well and I need to lose over 50lbs. I had a bad scare and had to go to the hospital. I found this link on my iphone and I love that it synchs with my computer. I know it is hard to eat good when being a nurse. Its hard to even eat at work. I have tried chicken breast with lettuce wrapped around it, its quick. I love yogurt as well. I bring fresh veggies to work and munch on them.
  • bizzyeck
    bizzyeck Posts: 45 Member
    Well that's pretty much what I eat!
  • bizzyeck
    bizzyeck Posts: 45 Member
    Sadly, I don't have time to get through all my friend requests tonight. I will pop back in the am. Thanks for the support. Quote for the day: "Believe you can and you're halfway there" Theodore Roosevelt . Night all...
  • I also have an open diary for friends, feel free to add me. I work in the health field and going to school for my RN degree and I have three boys. busy as can be.lol :yawn: