Food Cravings - Onions..

I have always liked onions occasionally but lately I can't get enough of them.. raw, fried.. not sure if its my body lacking something.. but I have been eating one or two a day.. Do you think you can eat to many onions?? I hope not..

Anyone else eat a lot of onions, or have any cravings and are eating a lot of one certain food?


    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    I eat onions almost every day. I love em. I think they're helped keep me from getting sick for the last 2 and half years. I don't think you can over dose on onions. Though you may want to shower more often. ;) (They can leave you smelling sort of... sulfurish)

    Try googling "nutritional content of onions" and see what you get.
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    I have always liked onions occasionally but lately I can't get enough of them.. raw, fried.. not sure if its my body lacking something.. but I have been eating one or two a day.. Do you think you can eat to many onions?? I hope not..

    Anyone else eat a lot of onions, or have any cravings and are eating a lot of one certain food?

    I like onions, but actually now you mention it I have been eating more than usual lately. But I think that's to do with being a student and buying big bags of onions instead of a couple at a time because it's cheaper, so I try to use them as much as I can :) x
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    I never thought of it till i read your guestion but now i realize that i have been a lot more onions since i started dieting. Since i started cooking for the wife and i, i've collected several recipes for broiled or roasted onion side dishs. Just before i read your post i was thinking about just a sandwich tonight with some onions on it. I think your right our bodies must need them for some reason because i never thought about them. I do not think it is bad since i feal great and just a good check up. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that eating onions are considered very good by some cultures. As long as my wife does not complain about my onion breath i am going to keep eating them.:cry:
  • emelia_
    Onions, potatoes, and garlic... mmmm. Those are my three favorites.