How can I resist sweets?!



  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    How can I resist eating sweets and junk food when they are all around the house? I live with my parents and am in college, and eating healthy can become complicated sometimes, any advice or help?

    Find something else to fill the void. I walk into my house and make a hot cup of tea!
  • earlswimsuit
    Ask your parents if you can have separate sides of the cupboard..or separate cupboards depending on your house. Put their food away from your view so you won't be tempted.
  • MintyStarshine
    My downfall is gummies. Forever and ever. Especially Lifesaver Gummies.

    What I found is that I really like the tartness of it, so I replace them with things like Granny Smith apples, blueberries, fresh pineapple, etc.

    If I really want the taste and texture, I go for a bag of the Fit and Active gummies. They have no added sugar or anything and they're made with orange juice. Plus, having one bag of them isn't as bad as cracking open a large bag of Lifesaver Gummies and inhaling them without even thinking of what I'm putting in my mouth.
  • skinnyderella
    skinnyderella Posts: 5 Member
    I am a sweets fanatic but i find that if i have adequate potassium, i am able to control myself much better.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Gotta agree with willpower mostly, and def. keep some lower-cal options around for moments of weakness. I have delicious magnum bars and high-quality chocolate for special occasions, but for normal sweet cravings I have 90-cal fudge bars and 60-cal pudding snacks. You can still enjoy luscious sweets, just not as often as you might have before.
  • dgljones
    Sweets I can ignore every time, there were boxes of chocolates here from Valentine's day and I didn't even open the box to have a look.
    Potato chips on the other hand.
    What I have found, if there is an open bag of chips I just work out what a serving size is and count out half that amount of chips and have half a serving and make sure to enter it. Worse scenario, later I will do the exact same thing so I am still only at one serving, but most times I am good with it. Before I would just take 1 or 2, and then maybe another 1 or 2 and before I knew it had eaten who knows how many. Counting them out and knowing exactly what that is in calories means I no longer have an issue. Although I still prefer a chip free house to start with.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I play a psychological game with myself to help me resist. I try to envision really gross things that the food sort of resembles. For instance: Baby Ruth bar= turd. Really picture it in your head, get the association really stuck in your mind to the point you'd be too grossed out to eat the damn thing.

    Spaghetti= worms or maggots

    Pizza, if you squint just right, kind of looks like a giant plate of vomit.

    I think you get the idea. I've got nothing for girl scout cookies so far. I'm trying really hard to just not open the box in the first place.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Moderation. Have a little now and then. When I have really good weekends I reward myself. Like tonight, I put a cup of greek yogurt in the food processor with a package of Kandy Kakes. I enjoyed it, I got my "sweets" fix and will be good for a while now.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Like everyone else, I'll have to say that you need to learn self control. Ignore the crap food. Easier said than done, right? So, when all else fails, try some healthy alternatives.

    --You already know about fruit, but sometimes that just doesnt cut it. However, I do recommend Cuties mandarin oranges. You can easily peel them and they are great if you want sugary/fruity candy.
    --I keep 120 calorie kelloggs fiber bars on hand for my chocolate fix. It supplies about 35% of my daily fiber needs.
    --Greek yogurt is awesome too. Sometimes I put a tablespoon of sugar free syrup, honey, or a few morsels of chocolate in it (maybe a combo of those). Really, you can do just about anything with greek yogurt. It tastes amazing with strawberries. Another idea is to take some blueberries, roll them in yogurt, and freeze them.
    --Sugar free pudding cups are good. They have 70 calories.
    --A cup of almond or soy milk some times does the trick. It's just sweet enough and many of them have around 60 or so calories per serving.
    --Protein shake. Find one you like and blend it with a banana (could be frozen), ice, any other fruits you like, and milk or water. Just be mindful of the calories. Look up some recipes. If you do it right, it tastes like the best smoothie or milkshake you've ever had.
  • RMNPHike
    RMNPHike Posts: 89 Member
    Put grapes in the freezer. Also, you can get frozen cherries at the health food store - no sugar. They taste like candy. Apricots and almonds are sweet and healthy together. And dates, of course. I like to take out the pit and put a nut or a piece of sharp cheese in the middle. You only want to eat one or two at a time. My friend gave me organic 70% chocolate bars for Christmas. So I broke them into little squares and I only allowed myself one a day. I logged it on MFP, and I still lost weight. We had a football playoff party and I bought some cinnamon chocolate cake from Starbucks and cut it into small cubes, so I could have a couple without going nuts. Also, those little fat-free vanilla meringues are low in calories. I guess what I'm saying is if you have your own little treats, it's easier to resist what everyone else is binging on. Make it a ritual - have your little treat with a nice cup of tea or coffee and eat it slowly. Another trick is to drink a lot of herbal tea and water and have that whenever you feel you crave something. Also, I have found that getting enough Vitamin C helps with the sweet cravings. The good news is that after a long time of not eating crap, you get used to the taste of healthy food and you don't want it as much.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat small amounts. You can still enjoy them without pigging out on them.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I guess what I'm saying is if you have your own little treats, it's easier to resist what everyone else is binging on. Make it a ritual - have your little treat with a nice cup of tea or coffee and eat it slowly.

    Great advice.
  • ugtsnaked
    ugtsnaked Posts: 16 Member
    Fill yourself up with other foods and just don't buy them lol?
  • MeganKarcilar
    MeganKarcilar Posts: 5 Member
    Sweets have been my constant downfall, but recently I have learned not to eliminate entirely but to limit! When I eliminate sweets completely I go crazy and last about 3 days! (It doesn't help that my husband is extremely thin and loves his cakes and cookies, and I can't just stop buying them for him because I can't eat them!) So what I have done is let my husband have all his own sweets, and I have mine... I have Special K Pastry Crisps (2 are 100 calories each), I love brown sugar and cinnamon and chocolate, I also have Great Value 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches in my freezer which I can have a few times a week, and they are delicious!! And FRUIT is the number one thing... for me banana's, because they are easy and sweet!
    This is the longest I have dieted in years, and it's because I'm cautious about what I eat, and don't over indulge. I do have points of weakness where I just want to grab a bag of Cheetos, but I back up, tell myself the craving will pass, and walk away... eat something else, decide what other healthier choice sounds good to me at the moment. It's all about self control, knowing when to stop, and knowing when it's okay to have a little sweet snack.
  • itslouiejay
    itslouiejay Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you all for your advice! It's been a great help for me! So far, I find myself enjoying more fruits. Little tricks I like to do so far is frozen grapes and blueberries, seems to feel like candies to me. And I have a lil dark chocolate (70%) every now and then. The snacks and candy is hard to avoid but so far, I find myself leaning towards the fresh fruit in the house than the candies. It's hard but I'm enjoying the healthy advantage from eating better. My skin feels better and I have a good amount of energy now. Once again, thanks for your responses! Means a great deal for me :)
  • caramellattekiss
    caramellattekiss Posts: 32 Member
    I find other ways to satisfy my sweet tooth. Frozen grapes (actually, most frozen fruits, like blueberries or strawberries are good), or things like dates are really sweet. What about making your own frozen yoghurt drops, or something like greek yoghurt with a little honey stirred in? Sweet, but not full of bad stuff.