Gastric Bypass Surgery

My name is Jane
I am on the list to be called for gastric bypass surgery. I have been 100+ lbs overweight for about 18 years now and haven't been able to lose it. I have been referred by my doctor for gastric bypass because I am at risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetesand more.I have sleep apnea, varicose veins, arthritis and in general I just hate the looks of myself. (very low self esteem)
I have decided to start this program to see how much weight I can lose before I get "the call". If I have success now, I may opt out of the surgery. I welcome any comments.


  • KaraLee69
    KaraLee69 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Jane! I have a similar amount to lose....I just joined here about 6 days ago and I love the site. It helps keep me on track and is so easy to use. Before I found this site I lost 18.5 lbs since Jan. 2. Remember that IF you do get the gastric bypass it is JUST A TOOL to your weight loss journey. It is not a cure all. You still have much work to put into it. And you are right to start now in developing healthy habits. After having bypass surgery people can slip back to unhealthy eating habits and gain the weight begin now and find things that work for you, because with or without surgery, you are looking to make lifelong changes that you can live with! Weight loss surgery is a wonderful aid, I hope things work out for you so that you can get healthy!!!
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    My story is the same has yours. I have had a few family members have rny with great success I'm still on the fence about it. I'm actually half way through with processes for rny maybe surgery in June. this is my finale push and I'm doing good if I can keep this up I'm dropping the surgery for many of reasons good luck to you if any questions ask away you can friend me if you would like
  • atakins
    atakins Posts: 32 Member

    I had a Roux En Y gastric bypass on Jan. 15. I've lost 60 lbs. since then.

    Kara is right so right about how to think of the surgery - it is just a tool. I would add that it's an expensive, difficult, extremely effective tool. People who think that Gastric Bypass is "the easy way out" are completely insane. It's not easy; it's nothing short of a major life event. It's like getting married or getting your first job or retiring - everything in your life (finances, relationships, emotions, etc) is impacted. I'm only 6 weeks into this, and I will admit that I'm struggling with the changes - but I've lost 60 lbs.

    I have no regrets. :happy:
  • KaraLee69
    KaraLee69 Posts: 57 Member
    Atakins~Great insights!
  • MamaWalkingBear
    MamaWalkingBear Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Jane,

    My surgery date for the RNY is March 1st. I've lost 75 pound in the last 2 years trying to work it down. I still have about 150 to go. Everyone has an "Aha" moment when the tipping point between the risk of surgery and the risk of other conditions caused by obesity happens. Mine was when I herniated a disc in my lower just over two years ago. I started this process last April. My doctor had recommended it to me 4 years ago, but I wasn't ready emotionally.

    You will need to be ready for this path. I took weight management classes, counseling sessions with my therapist and nutritionist that specifically work with the barriatric program I am going through for the surgery. There is a monthly support group in my area for both those considering and those who have had surgery. All these things help make this procedure a success. Eating healthy and exercise are both very important to the process. I have signed an exercise contract as part of the program.

    My reasons for going through with the surgery has alot to do with the consequences I'm experiencing from being obese. I'm diabetic, and have seen my mother in law lose both of her legs, one at a time to diabetes. My ex husband just started dialysis last month, and he's obese and only 49.

    Between the chronic back pain and first hand knowledge of what obesity and type II diabetes can do to you, I am very motivated to lose weight. The surgery is just another tool to me on this path. Granted it is a very serious decision and life will not be the same afterwards, but I don't want to be on dialysis or lose my legs to diabetes. So far I don't have nerve or kidney damage.

    Use the resources you have available to you, like logging your food and exercise every single day. Find out what works for you and what doesn't. Take a weight management class or two. Sometimes you don't get all the information absorbed with the first one, or you have an "aha" with the second one.

    I totally encourage you to do this and be healthy. This time is for you. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • Penguindeb
    Penguindeb Posts: 24 Member
    I am on the list for lap band surgery. Part of the process is to lose 5% of your current weight and I have to lose at least 12 pounds. I have not yet decided if I will have the surgery depending on how successful I am at changing my habits. I am hoping myfitnesspal will help me with my decision. I would welcome any friendship here to help me accomplish some fitness goals! Sending you a friend request!:smile:
  • janeelizabeths
    By now you will have had your bypass surgery. I hope all went well for you. I would be very interested in hearing of your experience and following your progress. I am still on the fence about my decision to have the surgery. My family and friends are all trying to talk me out of it and they all have horror stories that they've heard about the surgery. I've only been to the group information session and I have signed on saying I want to go ahead with it so now I'm waiting for a call for my 1st appointment. Some days I'm so excited about it and other days I'm so afraid and I want to drop it all.
    Keep me posted about how it went.