20 something girls trying to lose the last 10 pounds?

I am looking for some MFP girlie friends who are trying to lose those last pesky 10 pounds. I am not trying to leave the guys out, but lets be honest, guy's bodies are completly different. I am currently 127 and trying to get down to 120. These last 10 are proving a tad difficult to lose but I'm working on it:) Add me if you are in a similiar situation and want to be friends!


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I am not trying to leave the guys out, but lets be honest, guy's bodies are completly different.

    My butt is so nice that when i used to have long hair guys would whistle at me from behind.

    I win
  • MeaghanAnderson
    MeaghanAnderson Posts: 22 Member
    :) fair enough. I just meant in terms of how we lose weight etc.
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    This is me. :) I'm 22 and trying to lose around 6-7 pounds. My goal is the same as your's. I'm 5'4". :)
  • afia233
    afia233 Posts: 47 Member
    i am in litrally the same boat,

    in 20 and ive got about 5kg (about 10 pounds) to go before i reach my ideal weight

    although an extra 5 would be nice, i was told to stop at 55! which i think is sensible...

    i update my diary every single day and try to eat clean....
  • SylLab
    SylLab Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same situation as well! I am 22 years old 5'7 and am currently at 139. My goal weight is 130!
  • adrienne0906
    adrienne0906 Posts: 43 Member
    same! (22, 5' 8'', currently 153 and gunning for 145-140 by may.) the last 10 are always so hard!
  • the last 10 are always hard to lose because that is when your body plateau's......sometimes the only thing that works is drastically changing something, whether it by in your diet or exercise life......and that is sometimes the hardest part :(
    i have been trying to 'successfully' loose the last 10 pounds for the past year.....i need some serious motivation :)
  • calihoya
    calihoya Posts: 80 Member
    I'm right there with you. I am 25 (26 in a few weeks) 5'4" and 146. I would love to be around 135 (I looked great at that weight with muscle - might go lower if it seems to be right but I'm real curvy so probably not). These last 10 just won't go away!
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm the same. I'm officially in the healthy BMI :drinker: but only just!

    My goal weight is about 8lbs so I'm going to aim for 10 just to be safe :wink:

    I'm 21, 5'6"
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    I'm the same I only have a bit to lose - have sent some of you friend requests - hope you dont mind! Currently weighing in at 125lb and would like to get to 119lbs!
  • 19 and looking to lose just a couple more pounds :)
  • tlnm158
    tlnm158 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm right there with you guys! I am 23--24 in two months--and currently weight 135(ish). I'd love to get to 125--and I've been there before so I know that I can!

    I just started on here and have no friends, or motivational supporters! We should all support each other in this goal.

    It seems to me that the last pounds are painfully hard to lose. So we may be in for the long haul!
  • Same..I'm 21..122 trying to get down to 112-114 - I want to be a lot more toned and overall in better shape. I'm 5'3 and a half. just joined!! Doing 30 day shred. and trying to be more careful with what I eat...
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Bump! I'm 21 and 40 pounds down... I'm not trying to lose much (if any) more weight, but I am still focusing on losing inches. Feel free to add me, ladies :)
  • flower607
    flower607 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Girls, Some of you are on the exact boat as me . Im 5'7 , 22 , and about 7 pounds away from my initial goal. However I still have a long road ahead my legs are not at all how I want them . But I think I will have to start focusing on fitness , strength and toning rather then weight soon.
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 22yrs and 5'7" ~126lbs, trying to get to 118-120. I have moved to more resistance training because I was starting to get skinnyfat. So eventhough I am working on body composition now, I still want to lose. Some days I feel like I would be so happy just to see 125 lol
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I'm 5'2'' 128lbs looking to get down to about 115. Feel free to add me. These last 10 or so pounds are so hard to lose
  • ajbemine4ever27
    ajbemine4ever27 Posts: 75 Member
    hi im 5'2 119 and want to go down to 109 or 106 whichever or whenever my tummy pooch from having 3 kids, will get firm and toned.:smile:
  • beh8222
    beh8222 Posts: 1
  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    That's me!! 23 soon to be 24 with 10lbs to lose! I've lost 30 so I have plenty of advice (I've tried everything). Ladies-add me!

    I know from experience this is so much easier with support ! :-)